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Exporting MCP Indications to a Streamdeck device ?

Started by Swiso, Tue, 16 Apr 2024 11:58


Hi Hardy,
I would like to ask you in which way I can "read" instruments in PSX and make them show in a external Peripheral.
Supposing I want to add the MCP speed , heading, vertical speed and altitude indications in a Streamdeck plus, in which way I can obtain this result ?
Where I should go to "read" these values and in which way I can communicate between PSX and a SD device ?
Can it be possible directly between PSX and SD or I should go through MSFS, for example ?

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Swiso,

you can directly read the data from the PSX network via TCP. Are you familiar with any programming language? Python, Java etc. pp.? You need no MSFS.

There are code examples in your Aerowinx/Developers folder.

Here's your current starting point:,1570.0.html,1085.msg10621.html#msg10621

For network specific questions you may want to use our "Networkers" subforum here.




Thanks Hardy !
Unfortunately I am not familiar with programming language, but I can look into it.
Thanks for the links.