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Community Nav Data

Started by Steve Hose, Sun, 16 May 2021 09:33

Steve Hose

This project is now closed due to recent announcements around Aerosoft and Navigraph nav data being made available -

This is great news for the community so thank you to Hardy and all the forum members involved in making this happen!


Hi all,

While we await a more permanent solution to ongoing PSX navdata updates, in the meantime I have spent a good deal of time since Navburo launched understanding ARINC 424 and encoding the data for PSX use.

I am willing to freely share certain parts of my ARINC data with the PSX community.

This isn't a commercial scheme - I don't intend to make money from this. Others in the community might like to contribute their nav data either through Gary's great GitHub idea or some other means to 'complete the set'.

Update: Now that Aerosoft has provided a solution (AIRAC 2105), I will limit providing ARINC data so as not to undermine the blood, sweat and tears (mainly Hardy's) that has gone into making this a reality. Having said that, for hobbyists that can't afford to pay for regular updates or don't require a full update, I'll limit my contribution certain part files.

If/when Aerosoft decides to support PSX ongoing (via their downloader app) then I will consider removing this service. I encourage all hobbyists, where possible, to purchase the Aerosoft data to strengthen their business case to provide data ongoing:

...And no, my data is not re-compiled Navigraph or Aerosoft data so I am not infringing on their commercial rights.

How to get the data

If you're an interested hobbyist, please send an email to arincnavdata (at) gmail (dot) com (obviously replacing (at) and (dot) with the correct characters). Within a couple of days you'll receive a Dropbox link.

Within the Dropbox folder is a folder named '2107' (AIRAC cycle). Within that folder are several Navburo Part files. The Part files contain:

- Worldwide airports, runways, ILS, markers, COM freqs and gates
- Only data that relates to airports with at least one runway >1400m (i.e. airports suitable for a Boeing 747-400)

The rest you can fill in from the default PSX database by following the instructions below.


Installation is simple via Hardy's brilliant Navburo (thank you Hardy!):

- Go to Step 1 and create a new custom database folder. Name it whatever you wish.

- Skip Steps 2 and 3 - you don't need an ARINC master file for this exercise.

- Go to Step 4 and drop the part files in.

- Skip Step 5

- Go to Step 6 and build the PSX files one part at a time:

  For Parts 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 11, 12 - make sure 'Block all fillings' is checked

  For Parts 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - make sure 'Block all fillings' is unchecked

- Select your new database in PSX in the 'About/Quit' pane of the Instructor window.




Thanks for all your hard work. Can you give an example of a new airport (or a new runway) that exists in your dataset, but isn't available in the latest PSX update?

Will /Chicago /USA

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Steve,

many thanks for your kind contribution and efforts!

A little tip regarding "Block all fillings" and "part by part" Build button clicking:

To your file package you could add the blocker file Blocker02-Airport.txt and in that file you could include the word ALL in capitals. If users drop that file on their Step 5 page, the build process can be run in one go with Autostart with Block all fillings unchecked.

Blocker02-Airport.txt with the word ALL in it, will just block all airport & runway fillings, nothing else.




Congratulations and thank you very much Steve.

Best regards

Ton van Bochove

Thanks a million Steve for your efforts!


Steve, many thanks but way beyond my ability as a 73 year old enthusiast who just wants to pay for navdata (Navigraph) and fly. I'm sure I speak for many in the community here, but maybe not.
I really hope a simple download and install solution will be found soon.
But again Steve, thank you for all you are doing on this and your MSFS setup work.
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Hi Steve!

And huge thanks for doing the heavy lifting on this! I confess that I had looked at the whole ARINC thing and decided to... <*cough*>  well, maybe come back to it at a later date?   

So I greatly appreciate your kindness in processing that data on behalf of those of us who found the process of acquiring the necessary expertise somewhat intimidating.     

I anticipate feeding your information into Navburo to keep my airports current, and - pending a time when more up to date nav data may perhaps become available? - relying on PFPX to output waypoints for PSX to use.

May I say that I feel that your kindness concerning this is another example of the unique spirit and traditions of this great community.

My thanks also to Hardy for his Navburo solution, and also (in this context) for his technique for step 5.   


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

Robert Staudinger

Hi Steve,

thanks for your provisionally solution. I've sent you a mail.


Steve Hose

Hi all, thanks for your patience.

I have granted access to those who have emailed.

I've also amended the instructions as per Hardy's tip above.

Quote from: Will on Sun, 16 May 2021 15:10

Thanks for all your hard work. Can you give an example of a new airport (or a new runway) that exists in your dataset, but isn't available in the latest PSX update?


That's a good question Will, I'm not sure. Given COVID I wouldn't think there would be too many new airport openings in the past 12 months. There are a total of 5988 airports in my files, whereas the 2003 Navblue database held 6080, so I'm guessing there were quite a few closures, rather than openings.

Thank you all for your kind words. Please let me know if you experience any issues.

Regards, Steve.

Steve Hose

Quote from: funkyhut on Mon, 17 May 2021 03:55
Steve, many thanks but way beyond my ability as a 73 year old enthusiast who just wants to pay for navdata (Navigraph) and fly. I'm sure I speak for many in the community here, but maybe not.
I really hope a simple download and install solution will be found soon.
But again Steve, thank you for all you are doing on this and your MSFS setup work.

Hi Chris, I understand. If it's easier for you, send an email and I can email the files back to you, they're not too large. Then just follow the steps in the first post.

Regards, Steve.


Hi Steve,

many thanks for the time & effort you have invested to help the 'enthusiasts' without access to commercial data!



Awesome thanks a lot for this!


Enormous thanks to Hardy for Navburo, and to Steve for the pre-digested ARINC data!   

For the benefit of any other ARINCophobes who may be reading this and may have been wondering about how complex it was going to be, I slightly nervously fired up Navburo for the first time, dragged across Steve's data (using the instructions above), and less than two minutes after I started I had a new database that was selectable from the Instructor page.   

I have to add that even after more than two decades I still remain in awe of Hardy's software - the operation was (of course) sublimely smooth and trouble-free. Brilliant! With the addition (in my case, at least) of Steve's pre-processed data, this provides a solution that I am very happy with, when used with PFPX-generated waypoints.

So if you haven't tried it yet, guys, don't hesitate!   


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


Hi Steve,
An email should be with you now :)

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Steve Hose

Quote from: asboyd on Wed, 19 May 2021 01:35
Hi Steve,
An email should be with you now :)


Hi Alex, would you mind checking the email address below as I'm afraid haven't received one from you yet -

arincnavdata (at) gmail (dot) com

I've checked my spam folder etc and definitely don't have it.

Thanks, Steve.

Steve Hose

Cycle 2105 is now available to members.


Eric Volmer

Hi Steve,
Great, that you lasted these extra efforts on behalf of the non-prof PSX community. I highly appreciate your work (as well as that continuous hard work of HARDY!!!) and will send the appropriate email.
Best regards, Eric

Hardy Heinlin

Hi all,

when you send a mail to Steve, please don't use the forum's mail form; the forum will send your message via noreply at aerowinx com, and GMAIL (Steve's mail provider) thinks that aerowinx mails are spam. GMAIL blocks them and doesn't even deliver them to Steve's spam folder.




Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Wed, 19 May 2021 13:31
Hi all,

when you send a mail to Steve, please don't use the forum's mail form; the forum will send your message via noreply at aerowinx com, and GMAIL (Steve's mail provider) thinks that aerowinx mails are spam. GMAIL blocks them and doesn't even deliver them to Steve's spam folder.



ok, thanks for the info!


Hi Steve,

Thanks very much for 2105, now that I am more comfortable with Navburo it took about 30 seconds to configure! Just for my own info what area does it cover compared to the default PSX Navblue?
