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Upgrading from FSX to FS 2020

Started by emerydc8, Sun, 1 Mar 2020 03:16


Quote from: asboyd on Wed,  4 Mar 2020 01:02

Yeah same as Unix....

Shame the guys that joined Microsoft didn't incorporate their unix knowledge into windows (dos)....


O.T., but...

Windows comes actually a lot more from VMS than Unix ...

When we had those VAX-VMX servers ( Already under the Digital hat ) it was fun to find the many similarities between their philosophy, command line syntax, system organization and VMS..

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

The old joke.

IBM, subtract one from each letter --> HAL

VMS, add one --> WNT


I'm having trouble downloading the 30G file for P3D. It takes 30 hours at my Internet speed and when I tried to install, there was an error in a hashtag so the installation was aborted. Can anyone recommend a good download manager that will work after the browser drops the connection? I think Firefox is dropping my connection because I had to restart it multiple times over the past two days. It was probably the interruption and restart that caused the hashtag error. Thanks.




although it's been a time since I last downloaded and installed P3D, I believe you have the option to download the install set in a a collection of smaller files. I'll check it, but anyway, the download size should be around 13Gb, not 30 ?

Here it is - click in the "+ Individual Component Downloads (click to expand)" to access the separate install sections, and follow the installation instructions to correctly sequence them:


Thanks. I remember going through this to download large files years ago (Sim-A?) and I had to use a download manager that reconnected every time I was kicked off by my browser. I think I uninstalled the download manager after I got the file I needed. In any case, the time to download P3D at my incredibly slow DSL speed is about 30 hours. That's the fastest DSL service I can get too.


Optionally I can gladly snail-mail it to you in an USB pen ?

I can gladly welcome you at home where the Internet is faster, though not light-speed... so that you can download from here, using your login, of course ! Estimated downlaod time 1 hr.


Hi Jon,

I've been using "Internet Download Manager" (IDM)  for a long time and have never had any problems with it.
It runs independently from the browser - which can be closed after the DL has started..

There is a trial version available which works for 30 days before you need to purchase it.



Thanks for all the suggestions. I am downloading it now with Internet Download Manager. Only 21 hours to go.



Quote from: jcomm on Fri,  6 Mar 2020 07:41
Optionally I can gladly snail-mail it to you in an USB pen ?

I don't think LM would approve.  ;)


Quote from: RRVyper on Sat,  7 Mar 2020 16:12
Quote from: jcomm on Fri,  6 Mar 2020 07:41

I don't think LM would approve.  ;)

Both users own a license, the installer only serves the installation purpose - after that the game will not be playable until a valid key is used.


Quote from: jcomm on Sat,  7 Mar 2020 16:30
Both users own a license, the installer only serves the installation purpose - after that the game will not be playable until a valid key is used.

LM would not agree with that interpretation and it violates the EULA. Just saying...


After 25 hours of downloading, it came back with 11 errors. I'm going to try it once more and if it doesn't work, I'll get my brother to download it from his cable connection and put it on a zip drive for me. Frankly, I couldn't care less what LM thinks.



Quote from: emerydc8 on Sat,  7 Mar 2020 23:21
After 25 hours of downloading, it came back with 11 errors. I'm going to try it once more and if it doesn't work, I'll get my brother to download it from his cable connection and put it on a zip drive for me. Frankly, I couldn't care less what LM thinks.


Let's hope that at least you like it... Otherwise, there's still X-Plane... and you could try the outcome with the demo version, provided you fly the PSX 744 XP model at the default demo airports around Seattle.

I believe you could also find the XP10 demo at their site - but I'm not sure XP10 is really lighter than XP11 provided you do not go for extreme settings in XP11...

and the XP10 free demo from here:

For details on the installation of XView, and download, check this thread:


Quote from: jcomm on Fri,  6 Mar 2020 07:41
Optionally I can gladly snail-mail it to you in an USB pen ?

I can gladly welcome you at home where the Internet is faster, though not light-speed... so that you can download from here, using your login, of course ! Estimated downlaod time 1 hr.

Lol. Perhaps Jon can upgrade to a faster internet provider. Tucson must have FTTH.  ;D


Quote from: emerydc8 on Sat,  7 Mar 2020 23:21
After 25 hours of downloading, it came back with 11 errors. I'm going to try it once more and if it doesn't work, I'll get my brother to download it from his cable connection and put it on a zip drive for me. Frankly, I couldn't care less what LM thinks.

It would take quite a few Zip Drives to hold the files.  :)


90 KB/sec is the best speed the phone company (Comcast) has to offer in my area. It's that or cable with a static IP address, which I don't like.

I'm downloading the individual files as jcomm suggested. Even that is painfully slow.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I'll eventually get this resolved, one way or another.




thanks to your interest in using a "Visuals" generator for PSX I decided to re-install XP11 on my rig, followed a very important suggestion regarding the settings 60/2 in the framerate / boost rate in PSX and started using the good-old XView.

It is definitely a much smoother ride than all of my experiences with P3D, but again, I use it all in my i5 2500 ( built in 2012 ) desktop, and 8 years makes a hell of a difference in IT lifetime :-)

Purpose of this post: if you find the time, I think you should really try XP11, even with just the demo, for the visuals. One of the benefits that immediately comes to my mind is the fact that World airports tend to match a lot better with PSX while in P3D you will have to buy expensive add-ons to bring those airports to their present form.


Thanks for the suggestion, Jose. I'm at the tail end of downloading the individual P3D files, so hopefully I can get it to work soon. I may try X-plane after I get P3D up and running just to have it as an option. The only add-ons I had with FSX were VHHH and KJFK and those were fine with me. I'll probably get the same airports for P3D presuming I can get it configured to work for me. Are you saying that X-plane is so good that there is no need to buy add-on airports?



it is not a question of being that good, but rather that, by default, it includes World up-2-date airports that are pretty much close to their rw counterparts, contrarily to default P3D / FSX.

You can get the list from the "X-Plane Gateway":
