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Starting a PSX network with special preferences

Started by Hardy Heinlin, Wed, 1 Jul 2015 05:42

Hardy Heinlin

In this example, 3 instances of PSX will be started from one and the same Aerowinx folder. Each PSX instance will use a dedicated layout file.

Go to your Aerowinx folder and double-click on AerowinxStart.jar. One PSX instance will start.

When this one PSX instance runs, adjust the layout as desired for your first PSX instance. Be sure that number 1 of the 9-pack is shown. When PSX starts, it always starts with number 1 of the loaded 9-pack. Drag the frame, subframes, zoom, pan etc. until you're happy. Then go to Instructor > Layouts > Save and save this layout 9-pack as "a1.9pack".

Don't quit PSX. Keep it running and adjust the layout as desired for your second PSX instance. Be sure that number 1 of the 9-pack is shown. Adjust it until you're happy. Then go to Instructor > Layouts > Save and save this layout 9-pack as "a2.9pack".

Don't exit PSX. Keep it running and adjust the layout as desired for your third PSX instance. Be sure that number 1 of the 9-pack is shown. Adjust it until you're happy. Then go to Instructor > Layouts > Save and save this layout 9-pack as "a3.9pack".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a1.pref".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > USB and select "USB" off.

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Audio and select "Audio" off.

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Basics and select "Start with main client on". Under "Start with layout" enter "a2.9pack". Deselect the checkbox "Allow paper sheet simulation".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a2.pref".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Basics, and under "Start with layout" enter "a3.9pack".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a3.pref".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Load and load "a1.pref".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Basics and select "Start with main server on". Under "Start with layout" enter "a1.9pack".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a1.pref".

Quit PSX and open the file Aerowinx/AerowinxNetStart.ini with a text editor. Erase all the text. Then enter this:

Save this new text to Aerowinx/AerowinxNetStart.ini. Your automatic net start is now configured.


Now, whenever you double-click on AerowinxNetStart.jar, three PSX instances will start. Each instance will start with the respective pref file. Each pref file stores specific preferences, including the layout 9-pack file to be used at simulator start.

If you want to start just two PSX instances, edit the text so that it reads:

If you want to start four PSX instances, make a fourth pref file called "a4.pref" and edit the ini text so that it reads:




Thanks, Hardy!

If I created five 9packs instead of three (a1.9pack through a5.9pack), would it be correct if after step 10  above (between steps 10 and 12), I added:

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Basics, and under "Start with layout" enter "a4.9pack".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a4.pref".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Basics, and under "Start with layout" enter "a5.9pack".

Go to Instructor > Preferences > Save and save the current preferences as "a5.pref".

Is there anything else I would have to do for five 9packs?


Hardy Heinlin

That would be correct.

Each of your 5 PSX instances has its own individual preferences, i.e. the individual settings on the pages Basics, Audio, and USB.

You can change the settings during runtime e.g. by clicking on certain checkboxes, or by loading a pref file from the Load page. A pref file is automatically loaded when the respective PSX instance is starting. If no pref file is defined, or defined and not found, PSX will load Default.pref. Default.pref automatically stores the last used settings when quitting PSX.

The basic save & load design is always the same for each area on the Instructor:

Load | Save | Basics | Audio | USB

Load | Save | Setting

Load | Save | Airframe | Equipment | Programming

Load | Save | Time | Position | etc.

The files on the Load and Save pages reload or store all parameters of the associated pages located right of that Save page. You edit something on such a page, and then you go to the left to the associated Save page and save it as ..., or overwrite an existing file.

Preferences and Layouts are not synchronized across the network. Each PSX may be configured individually.

Models and Situations are synchronized across the network. When networked, each PSX will have the same Model and Situation settings.




Thanks, Hardy. I have three USB flight control devices -- yoke,  rudders and TQ. Step 5 has me uncheck the USB box. Where in the checklist would I configure my flight controls? Would I have to save the flight control preferences in more than just one pref file?


Hardy Heinlin

I would assign all your USB devices on the USB page of the PSX server, and save these assignments in the server's pref file (i.e. a1.pref).

Therefore I would make no assignments on the USB pages of the PSX clients, and therefore would save these deactivations in the pref files of the clients (i.e. a2.pref and a3.pref).

It is important that a USB device is assigned in just one PSX instance. If it was assigned in two PSX instances, a USB axis would be twice as sensitive, and a USB button would always trigger a cockpit function twice. I.e. assigning USB devices to multiple PSX instances will multiply the USB signals in the network and lead to chaos and oversensitivity.

So you could assign your rudder in the first PSX only, your aileron in the second PSX only, your elevator in the third PSX only. That would work because every part is assigned to just one PSX. But it's easier to assign all USB parts to the first PSX, and assign nothing to the other PSX instances.

The same is important to the Audio settings. Don't double them. Otherwise you will hear echo and phasing effects.




Thanks, Hardy. I'll update first then try the negative value. I was just running off the original CD (10.0.0) because I wanted a clean version for the setup and kept screwing it up. I must have uninstalled and reinstalled it about a dozen times now.

With regard to the flap handle on my TQ, did I read that you actually enabled an axis for use with the flaps?

I'm not sure which of the five instances I used  to configure  the flight controls. Does it need to be on the server only?


Hardy Heinlin

For the flaps, version 10.0.0 doesn't have a USB axis, just USB buttons. The axis was added later.

You can assign your USB stuff to server or client. It doesn't matter. The server might be faster by a millisecond because the server is the aerodynamic "master". But you probably won't notice the difference.



Hi Jon,

Please keep in mind:
When you update to the latest versions, you only need to download the latest version and overwrite the existing file "Aerowinx.jar". But for the first update from 10.0.0 to 10.0.4 or 5, you have to download and install the new Interfaces folder as well. Downloads and instructions under "Important:" in the update thread!

If the flap lever acts weird, increase or decrease the neutral value for this axis!

To understand why so much steps has to been taken: Hardy tried to make PSX as individual and powerful as possible. For Laptop user, the single- and multi-PC / monitor user and of course all the sim builders as well.

That's the reason why you have so much setup possibilities, which of course may appear a bit confusing at the first glimpse. That happens to me as well.  ;)

But now, as I understand the system, I'm more than glad to have it because we can configure PSX for all our needs!

BR Hans


Thanks, Hans. I think I did the update correctly along with replacing the Interfaces folder. What is strange is that I am running into the same problem I had when I first updated to 10.0.4 -- PSX isn't seeing my PFC rudder pedals. Windows is seeing them, but not PSX. When I check under the USB tab in PSX Preferences, there are only about 34 choices where before there were twice that many. I'll have to look into this today.

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jon,

when unknown USB devices are ignored, this is the solution:

Do you understand the pref file system? Every PSX instance starts with your user defined pref file (e.g. "a1.pref" commanded by AerowinxNetStart) or, when not defined, with Default.pref.

You need to edit the pref file you're using.




Hi Hardy,

I'm still not up to speed on the pref files but will eventually figure it out. I just followed your instructions above and added two additional layouts (a4.9pack and a5.9pack). Then I added the "start with layout" (a4.9pack) and "save current preference" (a4.pref). I did the same with a5.pref. It seemed to work for me (even though I'm still not sure what I'm doing).

I will check the pref file and see if USBUnknownIncl=1. If I have five pref files (a1.pref through a5.pref), aren't they all running something? Do pref files correspond with 9pack files? (1-5).

At least it only takes me 30 minutes now to set up five screens from a clean PSX install, so if I mess it up I can always start over.

Everything seemed to be working fine with the 10.0.0 but when I installed 10.0.4 and overwrote the new Interfaces folder, I started having USB recognition troubles. Sometimes it was the TQ and sometimes it was the rudders.

When I stepped back to 10.0.3, still using the new Interfaces folder, it just locked up at 31% and wouldn't open.

When I stepped back to 10.0.2, it also locked up at 31% using the new Interfaces folder but when I overwrote that with the old folder it started but would not recognize the TQ.  The strange thing is that when I reinstall the 10.0.0 it sees all my input devices.

I am running Java JDK8 Update 31.

Hardy Heinlin

If you use 10.0.4 or higher, you need the new Interfaces.

If not, you need the old Interfaces.

QuoteIf I have five pref files (a1.pref through a5.pref), aren't they all running something?
The settings stored in a pref file (settings on Basics, Audio, USB pages) are loaded during sim start. A specific PSX instance loads its specific pref file. E.g. the first PSX instance loads a1.pref. Thus the first PSX instance will load the specific Basics, Audio, and USB settings stored in a1.pref.

The settings on the Basics page also includes the command regarding which layout 9-pack file is to be loaded on this PSX instance at sim start.

I'm not sure how I could explain this in other words. Maybe someone else can explain it better?

If you get it, it's really not complicated :-) You just tell every individual PSX what settings are to be used at sim start. These settings are stored in the associated pref file. If no specific pref file is used, Default.pref will be loaded at sim start.




Thanks for your patience, Hardy.

I am understanding more every day, but I know it's not clicking as fast as it should and I apologize for being obtuse on this.

What confuses me with regard to each instance being connected to a pref file is that on your setup example above, it looks like you assign a2.9pack to have USB and AUDIO off, then save that under a2.pref, but you don't turn off USB or AUDIO on any of the other 9packs. Why would I only have to turn off USB and AUDIO to only one file when I have five?

When I look at the task bar right now with everything running correctly. I see:

Server|Instructor, Server|Captain Flying, Client 2|Instructor, Client 2|Captain Flying, Client 3|Instructor, Client 3|Captain Flying, Client 4|Instructor, Client 4|Captain Flying, Client 5|Instructor, Client 5|Captain Flying.

So I'm clear, do each of the five pref files (a1.pref - a5.pref) correspond with each of the five instances?

In this case, from left to right it would be my visuals (a1.pref), PFD/ND (a2.pref), EICAS (a3.pref), MFD (a4.pref) and CDU (a5.pref)?

When I set the pref file for a4.9pack and a5.9pack, all I did was tell it to start with its respective layout. There were no preferences such as USB or AUDIO or flight controls.

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: emerydc8What confuses me with regard to each instance being connected to a pref file is that on your setup example above, it looks like you assign a2.9pack to have USB and AUDIO off, then save that under a2.pref, but you don't turn off USB or AUDIO on any of the other 9packs. Why would I only have to turn off USB and AUDIO to only one file when I have five?
You didn't tun it off to only one file.


You turned it off. So your setting was USB=off and Audio=off.

Then you saved this setting as ...


You saved that setting to those 3 pref files. You didn't change the USB and Audio settings while saving.

Then you loaded a1.pref from the Load page. That reloaded your old setting which was (presumably) USB=ON and Audio=ON.

Then you resaved this setting as ...





Ah, I (think) I understand now. Since I turned the USB and AUDIO off after I saved a1.pref, then when I saved a2.pref -- a5.pref without making any changes to their USB or AUDIO, the USB and AUDIO was turned off to all but a1.pref?


Hi Jon,

I included a SetUp schematic of my setup to date! I do only have two monitors connected at the moment. But you can scale this up for as many monitors as your system can handle!


Let me know if you have additional questions!

BR Hans

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Hans,

nice schematic :-)

Is that a typo? Under Left.pref your wrote "... for right PSX ...".




Hi Hardy,

no typo, just a test if the guys out there are reading the schematic thoroughly ... (what I did'nt of course) :P

Thanks for pointing this out - corrected version online!

BR Hans


Thanks guys. Hans, I'll study your schematic.