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Foreflight Connection - Help Please

Started by MalcolmT, Fri, 3 Apr 2015 15:40


I cannot get this to work with PSX.
Can someone explain the process please?




Perhaps I ought to explain my problem.

I have downloaded the Foreflight connector app by Balt.  I run PSX, start the network server, run the connector app and connect.  All looks good as PSX looks to be sending the connector data.

I open foreflight on my iPad, but my PC is not recognised under the Devices option.

I do know that my PC and iPad have different IP addresses, but I am not sure if this is the cause. They are both connected to the same network.



Make sure the PSX is on the network as a Server.

I haven't flown in a month (too busy) but that worked for me...


Still not working.  Can somebody help please??!!

Some technical info:
PC running Windows 8.1
Java Runtime version: 1.7.0_67
IP Address of PC running PSX and FF Connector:
IP Address of iPad:

PSX and the FF Connector appear to be running together properly, and the connector is receiving data from PSX.

I simply cannot connect to the iPad.  Nothing in the Devices tab in Foreflight.


Check your firewall settings on Windows and look if it's allowing traffic from to your PSX server and back on port 10747 and/or 10748.



Thank you for the advice, but i wouldnt know where to start to do that!


Hi Malcolm,

sorry for not seeing your post earlier. My email address is on the settings dialog so you could have just emailed me for support... :-)

Can you confirm that you see messages inside the "Foreflight messages sent" box, similar to this screenshot:

Further things to check;

- Does the checkbox "Server Connection" stay on when you click it? If not, that indicates PSX cannot be contacted. That could be because a) your IP address for PSX is wrong, or b) the computer running PSX does not allow TCP connections to port 10747 due to e.g. a firewall blocking it.

- You can also start the foreflight connector in debug mode and send me the output from the terminal. Open a terminal (or DOS box in Windows) and navigate to the directory where Ffc2.jar is located, then enter the following command:

java -jar Ffc2.jar debug

This will print some debug information and usually helps with resolving such problems. Copy/paste the output in the terminal into an email (or into a message here).


- Balt


Hi Balt

Yes, I get a similar screenshot.

The Server connection check box stays on always, and messages sent change as the aircraft moves.

I entered the line as given at the command line prompt.  FFC did not run and I got the message:
'java' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I tried typing "FFc2.jar debug" and FFC starts as normal, but I get no other information on screen.



Check the terminal where you started the jar file from. that's where the debug output is written to.

looks like maybe the machine ffc2.jar is running on might not like to broadcast or has multiple network interfaces and it is broadcasting on the wrong one.


- Balt


Ok, thanks Balt.

I will see what I can do with my limited knowledge!!  :|

A bit disappointing though, I've spent £80 on a subscription that I cannot use with PSX  :(  :(


We'll figure it out in the end, don't worry... :-)

Let me know when you can get that debug output to me.


- Balt



OK thanks for your continued support with this.  Much appreciated.

May I suggest I try and get the debug working first?

I have entered the following line in a Windows command line prompt, as you suggested:

java -jar Ffc2.jar debug

I get the following response:

'java' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

This suggests to me that the neither Ffc2 or debug has launched.

So, what now please?



Hi Malcolm,

if just typing "java" in the command window doesn't find the java executable, try to use the following command line (including the quotes, and XXX is the java runtime environment version, easiest to just type everything to and include jre and then hit the tab key so it autocompletes the full version path, then add the rest):

"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jreXXXX\\bin\\java.exe" -jar Ffc2.jar debug

Then send me the output of what you find in the terminal: click on the top left corner of the command window, select "edit->select all" in the menu and hit the enter key to copy it to the clipboard. Then email or post the contents of that here.

While you're at it, exit the Ffc2.jar app, and in the command window type:

ipconfig /all

and copy/paste the output of that command into an email to me as well please.


- Balt


Good evening Balt
(at least it is here in the UK)!

I have had success with the debug and ipconfig files.

I have emailed them to your addy.



For information: I'll shortly be releasing an update which addresses this issue by allowing to manually specify a broadcast address. Details will be on


- Balt


Hi Balt

Thank you for your support for solving my problem off-line.

The Foreflight connector is a great addon and I would recommend it to all!

Cheers  :D



Hi Balt,
The link above doesn't work, I'm not so sure how to link foreflight to PSX, I tried to look through the forum for other links, do you have other links ? This would be my first time attempting to link PSX to foreflight.
