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WidePSX 2.5.9 : FSX, P3D and MSFS Compatible Scenery Generator Bridge

Started by JP59, Fri, 8 Dec 2017 16:17



Confirmed that MSFS is selected as the scenery generator in the network tab.

I've noticed this effect occurring for flights where my target cruise altitude was FL330 and FL350, just to give a couple of examples.

The observations I've made are:

1. Partly by "feel". The view outside the aircraft shows details that I do not expect to be able to make out at the altitude shown in PSX, so the aircraft just feels very low for a given altitude. This is based on flying out of airports near my home region where I generally know what to expect in terms of visual landmarks. This is what caused me to initially think I might have an issue.

2. Even though the MSFS gauges can't be trusted, the MSFS altimeter eventually matches up to the PSX altitude. As I watch the MSFS readout, the gauge behaves as I would expect for an aircraft that is steadily climbing to its target altitude. So I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that there is an issue given that the altimeter eventually reaches the same level as PSX with a lag. On a separate note, the MSFS vertical speed indicator appears to be completely erratic so I just ignore that completely (in one flight, the altimeter was climbing at a steady 1000-2000 fpm while the V/S indicator was reporting values between 2500 and 5000 fpm and it never stabilized around 0 after reaching cruise).

3. AI traffic in MSFS provide an indication of my own altitude. Other aircraft flying near my PSX altitude appear to be rendered quite far above my MSFS altitude. This discrepancy eventually goes away once the MSFS altimeter stabilizes at the PSX value.

I'll run another series of tests and see if I can consistently reproduce the effect. I also need to pay closer attention to the aircraft pitch. I thought I noticed the pitch drop in sync with the MSFS altitude, but I'm not 100% sure.

Lastly, I had another thought...what happens to WidePSX if my PSX framerate is low (e.g., < 30 fps)? I have PSX set to 73fps per the WidePSX instructions regarding sending data with every frame; however, my PSX framerate is usually around 20 with occasional dips into the 10-15 range. Would this cause MSFS to appear lagged relative to PSX? I'm running PSX and MSFS on the same machine. I think my CPU/GPU should be powerful enough to run both with decent framerates (Ryzen 9 3900X and Geforce RTX 2070 Super). I get a reliable 20-30 fps from MSFS.

Kind regards,


Just a thought (I don't have this set up yet so I can't test it) .. I've seen some external views in MSFS 2020 display the aircraft altitude, speed, etc.
Immediately after you level off for cruise (in PSX) .. it would be good to get a screenshot of the MSFS readouts (speed, altitude) and compare it with those being reported in the PSX PFD.  Ultimately, while MSFS doesn't have to have all its readouts correct in its gauges, it must ensure the altitude, speed and position of the aircraft matches what WidePSX is sending it at all times (else the two simulators become out of sync). 
If there is a so called "out-of-sync" scenario .. could this be an MSFS bug?



Version 2.5.3 is up. Registered users received an email with a link to download the update. Below is a link to download the new trial version :


Thank you for your feedback. I have to admit I was quite dubitative about your report. During all of the pre-release process I always run a lot of tests for every modification I make, and I try to cover a very wide spectrum of use cases. It was the case for the new lift-off algorithm where I remember running a test with a very light aircraft... but not light enough apparently.

The lift-off algorithm in WidePSX works this way : When taking off, there is always a small altitude offset between PSX and the Scenery Generator. This is due to many reasons (calculations precision, network lag, MSFS runway slope not exactly the same as PSX at the lift-off point,...) Without a smoothing algorithm you will see a visual "jump" of the aircraft during the lift-off. To avoid this, WidePSX records the offset in place at lift-off, and applies this offset during the initial climb-out until 1000ft AGL. This offset is always very small so it is visually unnoticeable. At 1000ft AGL, the smoothing algorithm takes place and the MSFS aircraft catches progressively the "real" PSX altitude, without visual artifact.

The issue was at this last stage. I ran a test with a very extreme scenario (Empty cargo aircraft, 8 tons of fuel, OAT -20°C, full thrust) and you were right, the smoothing algorithm never catches the target altitude because of the too steep climb gradient, and the offset rises during climb up to 8000ft when reaching FL400.

However, the actual smoothing ratio is fine for 90% of the use cases, so instead of increasing the smoothing ratio (and make the smoothing too visible) I decided to add a "safety" condition. Now, the smoothing algorithm will take place between 1000ft AGL and 1500ft AGL. If the smoothing is not completed passing 1500ft AGL (very uncommon extremely deep climb gradients), the raw PSX altitude will be injected directly to MSFS and a visible artifact will be noticed at 1500ft AGL.

Best regards,


Thank you Jean-Philippe for the detailed explanation! I will give the new version a try. Some of my flight plans are definitely not intended for the B744; a small commuter plane would be more than enough for some of the routes I fly. Hence the rocket ship behavior of the aircraft on takeoff.

As always, thank you for this excellent software and support.



Version 2.5.3 is working. Altitudes are in sync. Any discrepancies appear to be accounted for by differences in the barometric pressure instrument settings (all minor). Thank you!



I converted WidePSX's B747 package file(Project Posky B747-400 V4) to MSFS.

All basic external motion and textures seems to work.

I uploaded testing video to my youtube channel -


Best Regards,



Looking really good... do the lights work as one would expect?


Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Quote from: hunijjang on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 03:02

I converted WidePSX's B747 package file(Project Posky B747-400 V4) to MSFS.

The video looks really good. Is there somewhere to download this model?
Thank You.
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Hi Younghoon,

If you // the interior model in the posky aircraft cfg file, do you get a full non obstructed outside view from the cockpit at the same time keeping the external aircraft animations?


Quote from: asboyd on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 03:55
Looking really good... do the lights work as one would expect?



Hello Alex

Thanks!  :D

I converted the FSX aircraft using a tool(MSFS Legacy Importer)to convert it to MSFS, which unfortunately does not work any lights as shown in the picture below. - I uploaded for this picture to my blog.

So I've been trying to make it work right since yesterday and now I succeeded in some parts as the picture below.  ;D

Also, The best finding I've ever tried is the fact that both Beacon Lights turns off when all of its Upper Lower lights are off, You know, with MSFS's B747-8i Upper Beacon never goes off with Wide PSX.

I can make them work by today And if that happens, I will upload a video of the lights working.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,



Quote from: funkyhut on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:10
Quote from: hunijjang on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 03:02

I converted WidePSX's B747 package file(Project Posky B747-400 V4) to MSFS.

The video looks really good. Is there somewhere to download this model?
Thank You.

Hello Chris

As I said, this is the use of Wide PSX B747 model and it was approved for the Wide PSX(I saw this in the Wide PSX manual)but Project Posky did not approve the complete file converted to MSFS(I haven't asked them yet), so I don't know if I can upload it somewhere.

If I work today and this works correctly, I'll tell in detail what tools and how to convert it to everyone and how to operate the lights In the MSFS.

Thanks again

Best Regards,



Quote from: garys on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:40
Hi Younghoon,

If you // the interior model in the posky aircraft cfg file, do you get a full non obstructed outside view from the cockpit at the same time keeping the external aircraft animations?

Hello Gary

I am Sorry, I don't understand the meaning of the question you asked.

Do you mean the second part(with into the Cockpit by myself - 3:30 Scene)of the yesterday video?

You mean is does everything outside animations work?


Best Regards,



Many thanks Younghoon for your quick response.

I've managed to get the model into MSFS but can't get the texture to show. This is the WidePSX model with the BAW textures, all taken from the WidePSX Posky file set.
Any help gratefully received.
In case anyone is trying to do this, this is a short video which details how to convert from FSX to MSFS
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Thank you YoungHoon, Look forward to your further mods... :)
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Hello Younghoon,

Looks very very promising. A lot of people her are looking for a -400 model usable with MSFS with gorgeous textures, a clear forward view, all the moving parts and lights working. You seem to be very close to give this huge gift to the WidePSX community.

The lights issues are unfortunately an aircraft model or SimConnect issue. I can confirm that, at the WidePSX side, every single PSX exterior light command is handled and transmitted to the Scenery Generator using the adequate SimConnect command. Maybe your talents can do something to fix this ?

I am available if I can help at the WidePSX side.

Thanks again Younghoon !

Best regards


Hello JP

It's not really a big deal, but I really appreciate it once again to those who say it's good.  ;D
Someone made a converter tool(name is MSFS Legacy Importer), and I just used it to convert it very easily. However, light work was not easy.

I've been working on this all day just now and This task of getting the lights working wasn't easy for me.

And finally, I got a good result.

Based on the BAW texture of Project Posky B747-400 V4(WidePSX B747 Package file), most of the lights have been adjusted to the position of the much as possible and are currently capable of operation as follows.

1. Nav Lights normal operation
2. Beacon Lights normal operation.
3. The Taxi lights works with the Landing Lights (at present, there seems to be no way to operate it separately from the Landing Light).
4. Logo lights normal operation.

Strobe lights don't use WidePSX and work normally when you press the o button on the MSFS keyboard, but when you use WidePSX, it doesn't work anymore. - here're Lights testing video.


Best Regards,



Hello Younghoon,

Great news. About the landing and taxi lights : I had to find a workaround because since today we were using the default MSFS 747-8 and when switching the taxi lights, only the left runway turnoff light was working. So the workaround I found was to link taxi and landing lights.

I will release a WidePSX update ASAP with the landing and taxi lights individual controls and it should work as expected now with your model.

Again, thank you for this great gift to the community.

Best regards


Quote from: JP59 on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 09:28
Hello Younghoon,

Great news. About the landing and taxi lights : I had to find a workaround because since today we were using the default MSFS 747-8 and when switching the taxi lights, only the left runway turnoff light was working. So the workaround I found was to link taxi and landing lights.

I will release a WidePSX update ASAP with the landing and taxi lights individual controls and it should work as expected now with your model.

Again, thank you for this great gift to the community.

Best regards

Hello JP

Thanks again!

Today, I will explain how to convert files for MSFS based on Wide PSX B747 Package file and upload the lights setting file that I modified.

It would be nice to see the lights perfectly according to the direction, but so far this is the best I can do.(You can see them well in front of most aircraft, including Nav light, but you can't see them in the back.)


Best Regards,



Hello Younghoon,

Thanks for the great work your doing with the posky conversion in MSFS.

Yes I was referring to the virtual cockpit still being visible when you moved back inside the aircraft at 3.30.

I was curious with the tool that you are using,  if you were to go into the posky model folder and edited the model config file to read interior=     instead of interior=B747_400_interior if it would create and unobstructed cockpit view while keeping the external model similar to what we did in FSX and P3D.


Amazing work YoungHoon, I am sure the landing lights had limitations before but cannot remember what :)

Ah well.... at least you have made a great advance with the PSX model :)

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia