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PSXonMCP2 - Interface for VRinsight MCP2 Boeing

Started by Berndo, Wed, 11 Feb 2015 18:16


Hi Craig!

Yup, that looks OK (localhost should be fine — providing that you're running on the same machine, obviously).   

Well, that only leaves two possibilities that I can think of:

1. On your PSX Preferences | Basics page, under "Main network" have you got the right IP address, and is the radio button for port 10747 selected?

2. The PSXonMCP2 documentation mentions (but doesn't go into any detail about) the fact that you need "USB-to-Serial Drivers provided by VRinsight". Have you visited the VRinsight download page and downloaded and installed the "USB-to-Serial Driver Software" (near the bottom of the page)?

If you haven't installed the driver, then that might be why you can't see a COM3...?   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But if you've covered both of those bases, then I'm out of ideas, I'm afraid....     


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

PilotUnaware - BAW17H

Hi Brain!

Thanks for you help!

What I found it to be was that I had plugged this in at the Flight Sim Show on sunday to test, and then once I got my PC home and setup properly I had plugged it into a different slot, so winodws was detecting 2 of them (1 hidden in the ports, which turned out to be the COM3 port) so deleted them both and then plugged the MCP back in and now it works like a charm.

Thanks again for your help.


PilotUnaware - BAW17H


    My pleasure: I'm glad you got it working.


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


Big thank you to Brian who helped Craig get it working before I even had time to read the new posts!  :)



Actually, Bernd, it's huge thanks to you for your terrific and reliable software!     


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


Hi Bernd!

Three years is a long time ago, but I'm hoping you're still monitoring this thread on the forum.

It seems that MSFS have broken your wonderful add-on with their latest Sim Update: I do hope it's something that you can easily fix it (a moved offset, or something?), since my simming will be much impaired until I can get my EFIS/MCP/Comm unit going again.

(See also my generic post here:,6862.msg73974.html#msg73974)

Best wishes,

(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).



I can test standalone later today, I'm away for now... PSXonMCP2 is a Java app that interfaces with PSX directly... MSFS is not needed, and I'm not sure how it can affect the interaction as it is entirely outside MSFS.  Perhaps MSFS is overriding the MCP with SimConnect...? I don't even have the VRInsight drivers anymore, as Axis and Ohs drives it without in MSFS.

Will confirm operational status in a couple of hours mate... and confirmed- all working correctly- please see other thread.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


I'm still monitoring, though I have nearly no time for simming atm.

MSFS shouldn't break my app, it is written in C# and only communicates with the MCP and PSX - no interaction with any other program. As cavaricooper wrote, maybe something else is interfering in the serial communication with the MCP.

Sorry that I couldn't be of more help,


Thank you, Bernd (and C)!

That's good to hear — albeit puzzling for me.

But thank you for ruling out a problem with your app: coincidence (more grandly referred to as 'contiguity of time') must be at work here.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My very best wishes,

(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


A question to all VRinsight MCP2 users; does Bernd's plugin work on Windows 11 with the current PSX version? I'm exploring options MCP wise and this combination looks very attractive to me. I'd just like to know if it is still a valid option before I go and buy (more) stuff  ;D



Yes indeed, I'm happy to confirm that Bernd's link program continues to work superbly well under Windows 11, with the current version (and all previous versions) of PSX, and with v2 of the VRinsight EFIS/MCP/COM (Boeing) hardware.

I use the VRinsight Combo unit for most of my cockpit interactions —

— the other stuff I control via my Stream Deck XL (see here) — and stick and throttle hardware, of course. 

I might also mention a couple of things that could possibly be helpful to you —

a) They recommend you to use a "USB-to-Serial Driver Software" COM port driver from the VRinsight download page. You might prefer to start there. But FYI, when I just checked my current COM port driver (and the COM port only appears in Device Manager while the connected VRinsight Combo II is switched on, by the way), I discovered that it was an FTDI driver v2.14.1.8, dated 17th February, 2023. Seemingly, therefore, it has been updated somewhere along the line — but it's currently working quite happily here, nonetheless.    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

b) I would seriously suggest not having the nVidia GeForce Experience monster installed at the same time! When I suddenly encountered random interference with the communication from the VRinsight hardware to PSX (but not the other way round, curiously enough) I found that it was because I must have unknowingly installed GeForce Experience along with the previous graphics driver, something I'm normally very careful to avoid doing.  <sigh>  Uninstalling it is the perfect fix (who needs it, anyway?)   

All I can add is that PSXonMCP2 has been entirely reliable over the years (thank you once again, Bernd!).     



(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


Hi Brian,

That's great info, thanks! I use usb to serial convertors a lot work wise, so that should be ok  :)
The Streamdeck link makes me put the XL on the wishlist, too. After all, we need as less mouse clicking as possible, don't we...!

The Geforce stuff won't bother me just yet, as my system is crippled with an AMD RX GPU for the time being. I'll make sure that once the desired Nvidia GPU is sourced, I won't install the bloatware  ;D

Thanks again!


Hello again!

QuoteI use usb to serial convertors a lot work wise...

<grin>   That's great — I found that particular aspect counterintuitive, I have to admit.   

Incidentally, if you do go for a Stream Deck I also gave a few hints about how I set mine up here.

Good luck (and have lots of fun) putting it all together!   


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).


Quote from: brian747 on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 06:40<grin>  That's great — I found that particular aspect counterintuitive, I have to admit.
I can imagine, if you're not used to that :)

Quote from: brian747 on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 06:40Incidentally, if you do go for a Stream Deck I also gave a few hints about how I set mine up here.

Good luck (and have lots of fun) putting it all together!   
Thanks Brian, your Streamdeck setup looks good too. It's on the roadmap  8)


good morning I have a problem with mcp2 the v/s vanopola when I try it has the adjustment it seems crazy, it goes as soon as I touch it for example if I try to program it shows -800 it immediately goes to -3000 maybe I want to mark -200 it immediately goes to -4000.
