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Precision Simulator version 10 (PSX)
is available by download (since 2020);
it includes a 600-page manual (PDF).
Any PSX version can be updated
free of charge to version 10.180
(available since 14 October 2024).
NG FMC and More is an upgrade
package for PSX; it enables the
simulation of the B744 NG FMC and
provides some bonus features. The
free manual describes all functions.
This product is available by download
(not included in the PSX package).

The nav database update service
by Navblue was terminated in
January 2021. Database updates
are now provided by Aerosoft and
Navigraph which are permitted for
entertainment only. Professional users
may use Aerowinx Navburo and
download free FAA databases for
the USA and Pacific, for example.


North America and worldwide: 

Flightdeck Solutions, Ltd, 1131 Gorham Street, Unit 1, Newmarket, Ontario, L3Y 8X9, Canada

The Netherlands and worldwide: 

Aviation Megastore, Molenweg 249, 1436 BV Aalsmeerderbrug, The Netherlands

Germany and worldwide: 

(Aerosoft sells in Euro and in US-Dollar)
Aerosoft GmbH, Lindberghring 12, 33142 Büren, Germany

Australia and worldwide: 

Hyway Store Sydney, 45 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton NSW 2170, Australia
Hyway Store Brisbane, 1756 Ipswich Road, Rocklea QLD 4106, Australia
Hyway Store Melbourne, 89-103 Boundary Road, Laverton North VIC 3026, Australia
Hyway Store Adelaide, South & Grand Junction Road, Wingfield SA 5013, Australia
Hyway Store Townsville, 786 Ingham Road, Bohle QLD 4818, Australia
Hyway Store Perth, Unit 2, 156 Kewdale Road, Kewdale WA 6105, Australia

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