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ground speed is always Qi271=0

Started by Balt, Fri, 31 May 2024 02:43


Hi Hardy,

finally got back to chasing my fluctuating ground speed issue for the Foreflight output with RealTraffic.

You appear to have introduced a new demand variable Qi271 for ground speed. On connection, I'm thus sending "demand=Qi271" to the server, and every second it then sends the data Qi271=0. Even when the ground speed clearly isn't 0...

You don't usually have bugs in your code - so what am I missing? Anything else I need to activate?

Edit: I'm using the latest version 10.175



Hardy Heinlin

Hi Balt,

I just retested it in my system and it worked. I implemented this feature 2 years ago; if there was a bug, a problem would've occured much earlier probably.

The message "Qi271=0" shouldn't even occur every second but just once, because PSX only sends data when the value changes by 1 knot. Are you really sure your network socket receives "0" every second? Maybe the "0" comes from a different section of your code?

Also, if PSX were to ignore your initial demand command, you wouldn't receive any "Qi271=..." message at all.




As expected, the bug was on my side, figured it out. The demand was never sent to the server from my end.

Not sure why Qi271=0 was being received every few seconds though, that didn't make any sense.

Hardy Heinlin

PSX does not send "Qi271=0" multiple times.

A "demand Q" service is only enabled when a demand command was received.
And generally, any "Q" message (demand or not) is only sent when its value has changed. Your "0" is always the same.