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Which nav data: Aerosoft or Navigraph?

Started by peb, Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:10


I use the amazing PSX 747 simulator and I want to decide whether to use the Aerosoft Navdata charts, etc (LIDO format) or Navigraph (Jeppessen format) but I am unsure as to which will be most appropriate.  As I understand both now support PSX so that navigation charts from either can be used by PSX.

If I use Aerosoft Navdata which of the products is required ie Navdata Charts or NavdataPro? And what software is needed for flight planning, etc?

If I use Navigraph, I get Charts, Navigation data and also Simbrief for flight planning.

I would appreciate any thoughts please.


I used Aerosoft's Nav Data Pro last year only for the 13 cycles of navdata.
I also began to use the Navigrpah products.
Now that my Aerosoft subscription expired i didn't update it.

For me the Navigraph suite (charts, navigation data, flight planing in navigraph charts and simbrief) is a no brainer epsecially when you use and other sims (MSFS, XP).

The only "problem" at the moment (but they announced in their forum that their working for it) is that you can't use the moving map of the NavCharts with PSX alone (only if you use PSX with MSFS or XP for scenery injector).   

I must admit that I like the format (names) of the Aerosoft's waypoints better than the Navigraph's.



Hardy Heinlin

I think Aerosoft's monthly nav data update system works on Microsoft Windows only. Just in case you use Macs.



I use Navigraph for my moving map and other aircraft. It's not perfect but it's 90% of Jepp for 5% cost....
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Thank you to all for your comments. Will have to think a bit more!


I had both Aerosoft and Navigraph for a while, but like the user above, I also let go of the Aerosoft subscription.

Navigraph does everything I need, and integrates more smoothly with the apps I use.
Will /Chicago /USA


Thanks Will. I think that is the course I will follow.


I have been using Aerosoft NavDataPro (navdata + charts) for a few years. Their Nav Data Pro app updates the navdata of different simulators (like PSX, X-Plane 10..12) at once, charts can be viewed on PC or tablet.

Good: price seems to be a little bit lower than Navigraph.

Bad: only Windows support on the moment,  support for PFPX was dropped some time ago. I have understood that Navigraph still supports PFPX? Or are all cool kids now using Simbrief only? It took Aerosoft some time to get their app updated for example quite new X-Plane 12. But mostly it works.


Yes, PFPX still takes regular updates from Navigraph.

However, PFPX isn't supported by it's developer anymore, so its days are numbered. I'm sticking with it until Simbrief allows customizable OFPs and redispatch enroute, or until PFPX breaks and can't be fixed, whatever happens first.
Will /Chicago /USA


I use PFPX to build custom routes.  I then copy/paste the PFPX into Simbrief to process and upload to PSX, Vatsim, xPlane 12, P3d v5/6 and MSFS
Grace and Peace,



Another Navigraph user here. I'm very happy with the products they offer