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PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM - Smooth PSX to MSFS Scenery Link

Started by Gary Oliver, Sun, 18 Sep 2022 22:49


A 4K cockpit frame work would indeed be a welcome addition.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Today I fired up the sim for the first time in a few days, and I'm getting horrible stutters.

It looks as if the WASM plane is either changing speed or position rapidly or if the viewpoint is moving around.

It's most noticeable when looking left or right when airborne (i.e moving at speed).

If I kill the PSX.NET.MSFS client or router (i.e stop the data flow from PSX) the WASM plane will keep flying in the direction it was going when PSX disconnected, but the movement is now smooth.

Is anyone else seeing this?

Gary Oliver

Are you running the external view beta I sent you on discord or the public download? I noticed stutters in the beta too

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

If you ALSO did not have your PC running at all for a few days then it's Windows doing stuff to catch up. Downloading stuff, scanning files, updating things, ... It may stop in a few hours. My PC went red hot steaming when I connected it to the company VPN after about a week. Just Windows reading social media from its community.


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Fri,  7 Jul 2023 20:48Are you running the external view beta I sent you on discord or the public download? I noticed stutters in the beta too


I did the brute-force approach and disabled all addons, lowered settings, reinstalled the PSX.NET.MSFS apps, ... Stutter seems to be gone now! I'll turn things back on one at a time and see if it comes back...

And Hoppie: no, the PC had been running other things in the last few days. Might have been something silly like a Steam background download though.

Greg Hateley

I have installed the PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM on my front projector screen and set that PC hostname to primary in the Router XML. Working great and very smooth. Its very interesting to still see P3D on the left and right projectors, the improvement to MSFS really shows. Fast loading, ect ect is amazing.

I have an issue with the (front) MSFS screen though.
Everything looks great on the ground, the horizon and runways pretty much matches P3D given the scenery differences.
However, when on final approach, the runway is very low under the nose and it feels like you are flying a 45deg glide slope. I have tried all sorts of zoom and camera setting to attempt to fix, but to no avail.
When in the air the angle to the runway looks far too steep.

Any thoughts on this please?


Hi Gary,

I know your model is not using the taxi-light. How can I activate it? I played around with the systems.cfg and managed to add some lightdef infos for left and right TaxiNose. But how to connect to the OVHD Taxi ON/OFF switch?

lightdefs are working fine when manually switched ON/OFF in MSFS Tools / User Lights.

Thx and cheers


Hi Gary,

can this be realised ourselves (prev. posting)?


Gary Oliver


I haven't had much time for hobbies the last month or so but when I do my project is going to be the external model so will ensure I take a look at what we did when I do for the taxi light too.




well, so I hope the lack of time is because of holidays  ;)
thx for your info!



Hello Gary,

With PSXMSFSWASM last four days and nights I going with PSX and MSFS around the world:

It was 11 amazing Flights and 46 hours with Your product.

Thank you so much Gary and Hardy for this fantastic experience!


Gary Oliver

Quote from: B747-400 on Thu, 20 Jul 2023 19:51Gary,

well, so I hope the lack of time is because of holidays  ;)
thx for your info!


Oh it was totally because of holidays :-) 

Gary Oliver


Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK.  So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).

So my todo list is as follows :-

-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Added Upper Beacon
-Sort Out External Cameras
-Taxi Light
-Nav Lights
-All Lights brighter
-Logo Light
-BA/QFA Livery RB211 Engines
-Cabin Lights
GSX Config File

Model Types
747-400 CF6 Engines
747-400 RB211 Engines
747-400 PW Engines
747-400F CF6 Engines
747-400F RB211 Engines
747-400F PW Engines

Singapore (9V-SFP)
Lufthansa (D-ABTK)
JAL (JA8076)
Cargolux (LX-VCV)
Atlas (N499MC)
UPS (B572UP, N573UP,N574UP)
IronMaiden (TFAAK)


Coming Soon
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected
-Add additional Camera Views.
-Configurable MSFS click spots (Matt S)
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons (Needs model update)
-Doors Opening from PSX position  (Needs model update)


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,

Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK.  So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).

So my todo list is as follows :-

-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected

Anything else?

Logo light. 
Grace and Peace,



Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,

Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK.  So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).

So my todo list is as follows :-

-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected

Anything else?

My only request would be a model in the Boeing house colour livery.



that list sounds excellent!

If we were able to add another livery on our own, that would be perfect!

Thx for all your efforts!




I'm trying to get PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM to work on my system.  Everything seems to work OK except the Client will not upgrade to 2.1.  Another issue is MSFS2020 shows PSX.NET.WASM_CVT_ not installed. 

I have completed one flight from KDFW to KPHX on Vatsim without any issues except the altitude was not correct on Vatsim.
Grace and Peace,




x-checked my versions ... Router still 2.0 and Client 2.0.2 - obviously same here ...

WASM shows two version files in PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM folder: WASM_Version_2  and   ..._4.txt!

I did a clean install on a test-rig - mentioned PSX.NET.WASM_CVT_ missing as well.



Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,

Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK.  So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).

So my todo list is as follows :-

-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected

Anything else?

Please make default external view looking at the plane. Currently I am inside main gear well :)

Also it is hit and miss if the plane will end up on null-island or upside down beneath the ground.