
Precision Simulator update 10.181 (1 February 2025) is now available.
Navburo update 13 (23 November 2022) is now available.
NG FMC and More is released.

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Winds Aloft

Started by Bluestar, Fri, 5 Aug 2022 19:18


I have posted the winds aloft that I entered into the Corridor for my trip from KSFO to KAUS.   The winds that were indicated on the NAV display were constantly from the west and northwest for the trip.  When I started my descent into KAUS from FL390 the winds were still from the NW and as I passed FL240 they started moving in a slow counter-clockwise circle.  This condition continued until on final at KAUS.  Needless to stay this made speed control a challenge. 

When I purchased the NG upgrade I had hoped the speed issues would be alleviated.  There are times when it works very well and others it doesn't.  I am not sure what I am doing wrong or how to fix this issue. 


(CLIMB)                   JSICA                      ILC                          BCE               
FL360  183/036 -46  FL410  185/036 -54  FL410  186/039 -53  FL410  190/039 -52
FL290  171/030 -30  FL390  185/036 -54  FL390  186/039 -53  FL390  190/039 -52
FL220  204/013 -14  FL370  183/032 -48  FL370  185/035 -48  FL370  192/036 -48
14000  202/010  +2  FL350  181/027 -43  FL350  185/030 -43  FL350  194/033 -43
7000  148/009 +18  FL330  181/023 -38  FL330  185/026 -38  FL330  194/030 -38

KD39Q                     CNX                        CME                         HOB               
FL410  191/029 -52  FL410  102/021 -52  FL410  090/025 -52  FL410  084/027 -52
FL390  191/029 -52  FL390  102/021 -52  FL390  090/025 -52  FL390  084/027 -52
FL370  190/027 -47  FL370  100/019 -47  FL370  090/022 -47  FL370  082/024 -48
FL350  188/025 -43  FL350  097/018 -43  FL350  089/020 -43  FL350  080/022 -43
FL330  187/022 -38  FL330  092/015 -38  FL330  087/017 -38  FL330  076/019 -38

FL360  069/034 -45 
FL290  072/030 -28 
FL220  076/022 -13 
14000  073/015  +2 
7000  146/008 +20
Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

On the Corridor page, did you select this checkbox?

[x] Special wind & OAT corridor embedded in planet weather model



Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Fri,  5 Aug 2022 19:39
On the Corridor page, did you select this checkbox?

[x] Special wind & OAT corridor embedded in planet weather model


Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

Can you provide a situ file? Otherwise I can't analyse the reported problem.

This is the first time in 2 years a user is reporting the corridor isn't working. I've no idea what could cause such a problem ...


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sat,  6 Aug 2022 00:50
Can you provide a situ file? Otherwise I can't analyse the reported problem.

This is the first time in 2 years a user is reporting the corridor isn't working. I've no idea what could cause such a problem ...

I can fly the flight again.  How do I make a stu file for the whole flight?

Grace and Peace,



I answered this on the other thread, but pressing REC EVENT is a quick way to save a snapshot of the simulator's state. It's a slice in time, not a movie, so you can't record a whole flight. But if the winds aren't what you expect at a given moment, you can create a situ (snapshot) of that moment and then post it here for analysis.

You can also save a situ using the "Save" function, but the REC EVENT button is always right there in front of you, easy to press in the moment if you ever want to return to that simulated instant in time.

Regarding the wind corridor, are you using the slider called "Wind & OAT random deviations"?
Will /Chicago /USA

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: Bluestar on Sat,  6 Aug 2022 02:27
I can fly the flight again.
So do you already have a situ file (situation) for the start of this flight, with all weather and route data set? If so, please post this situ file.



How do I attach a situation file?

Grace and Peace,



Three alternatives.

1. Upload the file to the hosting service of your choice, such as dropbox, and link to it.

2. Upload your situ here: and link to it in a forum post.

3. Copy & paste it into a forum reply, surrounded by the "Insert Code" tags, like this:

Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Sample sample
Will /Chicago /USA


This is the situation file for KSFO-KAUS.  After I land I delete the payload.  I can provide the route file and flight plan if that will help.

Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

One more question, to be sure your PSX nav database has found your corridor waypoints: On your Corridor page, do you see the message "9 corridor points are set"?

When you use this airline text format that has no lat/lon data but just waypoint names, PSX needs to find the related lat/lon data in the sim's nav database. This problem cannot occur when you use an airline text format that has lat/lon data. If any lat/lon data cannot be found in the database, there'll be an error message and the entire corridor will be removed from the simulation.

When the corridor is OK and embedded in the simulation, you can see the corridor (magenta clouds) on the Instructor's map when "Met" is selected.


I just flew along your corridor points (partially with time acceleration), and my wind data on the aircraft agreed with the corridor data within circa 1% (which is perfect) during cruise, and within circa 3% during descent (also fine).

Are you using any add-on that might be injecting weather data into PSX?


I just checked and it said "9 corridor points are set".

I am using Active Sky, but I am not connecting it to PSX.  I just use it for visual weather when taking off and landing. 

I don't use Acceleration, maybe that is a contributing factor. 


Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: Bluestar on Sun,  7 Aug 2022 01:24
I don't use Acceleration, maybe that is a contributing factor.
No. Certainly not :-)

QuoteI am using Active Sky, but I am not connecting it to PSX.  I just use it for visual weather when taking off and landing.
So you connect it for takeoff and landing? Are you sure it is permanently disconnected during cruise?



Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun,  7 Aug 2022 02:07
Quote from: Bluestar on Sun,  7 Aug 2022 01:24
I don't use Acceleration, maybe that is a contributing factor.
No. Certainly not :-)

QuoteI am using Active Sky, but I am not connecting it to PSX.  I just use it for visual weather when taking off and landing.
So you connect it for takeoff and landing? Are you sure it is permanently disconnected during cruise?


If I were using Active Sky during cruise, the winds aloft in P3d would be the same as the winds displayed on the PSX Nav display.  When I don't use the Corridor and use WidePSX and Active Sky, the winds in PSX and P3d are the same except when below FL200.  What I do find interesting is when below FL200 (no corridor) there are times when there is a significant difference in the winds.  For whatever reason, the Planet winds seem to dominate and at times incorrectly. In the U. S. during the summer months there is normally a high pressure ridge that covers most of the country where the winds are out of the East and the jet stream is pushed up north of Chicago. 

Because I fly long flights at real time with PSX I see a lot of things that do not agree with Active Sky or the forecasted winds that were loaded into the Corridor from my PFPX flight plan.  I still have those flight plans and the situation file that was present when I shut down at the destination airport.  Since Steve provided the aircraft templates for PFPX, I have been using it l along with Active Sky to build my Corridor.  I should be able to rebuild almost every flight I made  with PSX over the last month.

For whatever reason I am doing something to the Weather page and Planet/Corridor that from time to time is causing wind discrepancies. 

Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: Bluestar on Sun,  7 Aug 2022 14:05
What I do find interesting is when below FL200 (no corridor) there are times when there is a significant difference in the winds.  For whatever reason, the Planet winds seem to dominate and at times incorrectly. In the U. S. during the summer months there is normally a high pressure ridge ...

The Planet page provides global aloft weather data and global surface weather data.

Which of the datasets dominate is controlled by a simple and clear logic:

The global surface weather data is in use when none of the 7 local zones is active. When the nearest local zone center is more than 320 nm away, the sim uses the global surface weather data from the Planet page.

So, the interpolation with aloft data always depends on which of the 8 surface datasets are in use (7 zones + rest of the planet).

PSX doesn't know anything about U.S. specific weather effects. It just provides to the user 8 freely configurable datasets for the surface and one global dataset for aloft weather (and a corridor if installed).

The interpolation always uses the global aloft data (or corridor) and the currently active surface data.

The surface data may change when the aircraft moves from zone to zone, or when METARs are updated from the Internet.




This is the autosave from a KSFO-KAUS that we talked about. I tried the flight again today.[B].situ

Notice at the start the winds are out of the north.  The winds should be out of the east or southeast.

I'm not sure what to do. 

At this point all I need to know is can I get accurate winds on descent and landing?  If so how?


Grace and Peace,


Hardy Heinlin

I can't reproduce this problem. When I start your situ (2 nm to UTEEE) my wind is 163°/10 MAG.

Yes, the ND arrow points down from the "north" so to speak, but the ND compass rose is at 145°. So I'm actually seeing a headwind from the south, and this agrees with the corridor data.

Are you focussing on the wind arrow angle or on the wind numbers?

You may also check the wind data on the FMC PROGRESS 2 page.


Gary Oliver


I have been using the PSX NG update since it was released as follows... which doesn't do any P3D to PSX wind injections for the visual link to p3d
BACARS and Simfest dispatch which updates the PSX wind corridors with those from the flight plan.
SIGMETS enabled

And have never had issues with the winds being wildly different from the flight plans.

I wonder if this approach might be better for you? (However we don't support MSFS as the injections are just not smooth enough on a wrap around visual yet)

Obviously you can carry on using widePSX if you find it easier to setup but disable the windows aloft injection?



Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon,  8 Aug 2022 00:22

I have been using the PSX NG update since it was released as follows... which doesn't do any P3D to PSX wind injections for the visual link to p3d
BACARS and Simfest dispatch which updates the PSX wind corridors with those from the flight plan.
SIGMETS enabled

And have never had issues with the winds being wildly different from the flight plans.

I wonder if this approach might be better for you? (However we don't support MSFS as the injections are just not smooth enough on a wrap around visual yet)

Obviously you can carry on using widePSX if you find it easier to setup but disable the windows aloft injection?



I'm only using the Network/SceneryGenBridge/TrafficRadioXpndr tabs.  For whatever reason the wind data is getting corrupted. 

The main thing I want to do is be connected to Vatsim through vPilot.  If Vatsim had a way to connect directly to vPilot I would gladly not use the scenery.  I'm a P3d guy and will not be going to MSFS.

On long flights do you update the winds aloft since they are updated every 6 hours?

Thanks for trying to help.  As you know this whole deal with PSX has been a struggle for me with issues that Hardy has never seen. 🤣  PSX is a great sim and I really want to get it to work for me in the environment that I enjoy.


Grace and Peace,




I have been using PFPX Wind data in the tabulated format examples as detailed in the Aerowinx PSX NG FMS Manual flawlessly since it was released.

I dont want to crash into the discussion here but I would like to offer my own opinion on ActiveSky wind data output versus PFPX wind data & how it interacts with PSX.

If you are flight planning prior to any PSX flight with PFPX then its probably best to insert that data into PSX for the flight.

ActiveSky is best used for eye candy - ie making the scenery generator look pretty.

I have provided a diagram of my PSX & p3D integration below to illustrate how all the various accessory/ancillary software addon programmes that the fantastic group here in the the PSX community have created interact within my setup to make my PSX experience run flawlessly (and very realistically).

You will note that the PSX environment uses PSX downloaded weather below 20000ft & also PFPX wind data (from my PFPX OFP) within its own PSX 'ecosystem'.  AdaptPSX runs alongside PSX sends ACARS print to a thermal printer.  Obviously a myriad of USB controls are also interfaced with PSX.

My scenery generator gets visual weather simulation from ActiveSky which is installed on the scenery generator PC.

And neither of these two weather products interact with each other across my network.

I access BACARS & PSX.NET software via 3 iPads which are connected to PSX & run a piece of software which simulates the CDUs, thus I have 2 CDUs for the Capt & FO & the third running BACARS & PSXControl software.

Secondly - my scenery generator receives PSX positional information through my network from PSX via WidePSX

- this runs on a third PC.

This 'ancilliary PC' also hosts my remote ATC client & my ATC communications device & the BACARS, PSX.NET & PSXControl software.

I really do have hassle free PSX flying this way. I fly PSX a lot, I mean a lot.

ActiveSky upper wind data is not accurate to real world wind data, whereas PFPX upper wind data is generally within a 5-10% margin when compared to the real deal used commercially.

Hope this helps.

I hope this helps

EDIT - Feel free to insert your preference of flightplanning software wherever I have stated " PFPX".
Steve Bell
aka The CC