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Started by flyer605, Thu, 25 Nov 2021 13:25


I've created an iPhone version of PSX ATC Text which has the same functionality as the PC/Mac version as well as a couple of extra features which I may expand on further.

Please click the following link to download the app from the App Store:

I've created a website, but the link for testing will be here on the forum. Some screenshots are available for you to get an idea of what the app does.

The only reason I made the website is because I think I need a Privacy Policy for the app in order to (eventually) release it on the App Store. For the avoidance of doubt, the app does not save/request/send any personal data. The only data that gets saved is stored locally within the app and is just the settings that you choose on the "Settings" tab ("Text Colour" for example). You will get asked to allow the app to discover devices on the network (or words to that effect), which is obviously required to connect to PSX.

There is a help page on the bottom of the settings tab which should explain the functionality.

Please feel free to send feedback here on the forum (or to the email address on the website). Where necessary, please provide as much relevant info as possible when sending in feedback, for example, screenshots or perhaps even a PSX situation file so that I might be able to recreate the error and fix it.

One quick troubleshooting tip - if you are connected to PSX, but are not receiving ATC messages, please check the following:

1. Check that the Situation > Human > Voice-ATC page has at least one of the "Talks to us / others" options selected (seems simple but has happened several times to me!)
2. Check that you are tuned to the correct frequency (VHF L)
3. Or if you want to receive messages, even if you aren't tuned to the correct frequency, ensure the "Check Frequency Tuned" options is selected OFF

Some Notes:
- I have noticed that the map display might not display or update the route correctly when selecting a different colour for the map route or after connecting to PSX. If this happens then just try disconnecting and reconnecting. I think the reason for this is because I'm having to use Apple's old(er) framework with their new(er) one. With further updates, Apple should include this functionality which should make things easier for me to use in the app
- I will try to add waypoint names and icons to the map in the future - Done
- The app will not maintain the connection if the screen switches off or if you go to another app and then return. For this reason I included the "Keep Screen On" option - just be aware of reduced battery life if the screen stays on all the time
- I have not tried to produce an iPad specific version. I may consider this in the future, but since I do not have a personal iPad, I won't be able to test it on a real device. I'll look into this in the future. The app will run on iPads, but I make no promises for functionality/layout right now
- I may consider making a Mac version for release on the Mac App Store, but first of all I want to know if everything works on the iOS version
- I don't have any plans to make a version for Android. This version is coded in Swift/SwiftUI and unless there is an easy way to port it across, I won't be doing it

- V1.0.0 - Initial Release


The link is up for version 0.1.0

Feedback is appreciated and I hope anyone that tries the app finds it to be useful!



Version 1.0.0 has been uploaded to the App Store (see link above).

I know there are some bugs / issues, but nothing that should prevent the basic functions from functioning  ;)


Very nice work and app !
Thank you.

Hardy, I think it deserves a place in the Add-ons page.


Hello and Thanks!

I am trying to connect on, however am unable to.  I did not note a dialogue box under settings asking if ATC Text iOS could connect/discover other devices on the network.  Incidentlly, Aeromap connects on the same IP but that is not wireless and on the same MBA as PSX. My MBA and iPhone ere on the same WiFi network.

Would you please suggest what else I might try?  Ta!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Use the IP from Instructor----Preferences---Basics---This host address (main and boost): 192.168.XXX.XXX


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: cavaricooper on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 17:45

Hmmmm interesting !

If your  MBA and your iphone is in the same WiFi network then use the IP that are appeares in  system settings---network ---your router...details....TCP/IP....IP address in MBA


THAT worked- thanks! May be Mac specific.
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


and a great feature : Tune Required Frequency, so you don't have to dial the new frequency , just to transfer to the active frequency


Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: PanosI on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 15:42Hardy, I think it deserves a place in the Add-ons page.

It's already there. It's been there since its release.



Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 21:37It's already there. It's been there since its release.


Not this one : PSX ATC Text iOS

Only the one for Windows and Mac.

I find it by accident today looking for something else.


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Mon, 21 Oct 2024 17:03Now added:

Thanks Hardy.

Well deserved.

I have an old iPhone permanently assigned to the  "PSX ATC Text iOS" and I perform all the communications through it.

Beside it an old iPad with the "PSX Remote" and all 3 of the CDU's in my fingertips!

With this addition my "comfort" or "bed" set up is :

MacBook Air M1
Arzopa Z1FC portable monitor as 2nd monitor
iPad Air 5 as 3rd monitor
iPad Air 3 as PSX Remote
iphone 12 pro max as PSX ATC Text iOS
URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
keychron k2 wireless keyboard
Logitech mx master 2s mouse

Multi monitor set up from my bed, literally!
God, I love PSX and his community.


I am finding this VERY useful- thanks for creating this flyer605!
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA