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VisualPS1/PSX for FS9/FSX

Started by Garry Richards, Thu, 21 Apr 2011 07:13

Garry Richards

Is there anyone left in this quiet space still flying PS1? I know lots are waiting patiently for PSX and if you are still with PS1 I have gifts for you, well almost. Read on.

Due to real world events and commitments I have had little time to devote to VisualPS1 development so what would have taken months in the past has taken years.

I have been working on a version of VisualPS1 for FSX for  a long time and because of the different interface required (SimConnect instead of FSUIPC) I had to make major design changes. These led to finding several bugs and making lots of coding improvements. The result, completed recently, is faster, smoother and more accurate – frame rates have improved, offsets are accurate, visuals are smoother. This version will form the basis of VisualPSX for FSX, with the code for communicating with Hoppie's Broker to be re-written for his emerging Router, and for direct communication with PSX.

Not long ago I agreed (reluctantly) on this forum to produce a VisualPSX for FS9 too. Because of the many design changes in the FSX version of VisualPS1 I expected to have to use my old code for FS9, but I didn't want to do this, the new FSX code being so much better. So I examined the FSX code to see how difficult it would be to use it to make a new FS9 version. To my surprise and relief it took only ONE DAY! Now I have a new, improved VisualPS1 for FS9, using the same code as the FSX version and thereby reducing the workload in testing and debugging significantly. (For the programmers among you I use compiler switches to include and exclude various code segments depending on which version is being compiled.)

I have taken the same approach with  the offset generators (OffsetPS1) and now have completed versions for FS9, FSX and PSX! OffsetPSX is the first of my addons to be ready for PSX. I am yet to revise PMDGPS1 for FSX and will have to make versions for PSX as well.

This has led to an explosion in versions, requiring a new approach in naming and versioning. My three applications VisualPS1, OffsetPS1 and PMDGPS1, all for FS9 will eventually become twelve! To deal with this I now have different names for each version. So the new executables for VisualPS1 will become VisualPS1Fs9.exe, V2.0, VisualPS1Fsx.exe, V3.0, VisualPSXFs9.exe, V4.0 and VisualPSXFsx.exe, V 5.0.

The same naming and versioning convention applies to OffsetPS1.exe. Changes were also needed to the output file name. Offset.vps becomes Offset_PS1_FS9_v21.vps through to Offset_PSX_FSX_v51.vpx. I included the version numbers of the data files in the name to make it easy for users to load the correct data file when upgrades occur.

All that remains before the release of beta versions of packages for VisualPS1 for FS9 V2.0 and VisualPS1 for FSX V3.0 is to update the manuals and package them for distribution. I hope to have this done within weeks (but no promises). Your testing of these applications will help ensure that high quality PSX versions will be ready to roll when the magnificent PSX is released (and it will be worth the wait).


Richard McDonald Woods

Hi Garry,

I have not been using PS1 for around 4 years and have forgotten a lot of the detail. I am currently a dedicated PMDG B744 flyer but will certainly be an early purchaser of PSX.

I'm afraid my mind bounced at the complexity of the products that you name.

Could you just add an explanatory item showing the overall architecture and a statement of the main function of each?

Thanks a lot
Cheers, Richard

Joe Corrigan

Hi Treebeard,

I am still using ps1 in my sim in the form of winps1.

This all sounds very exciting - I can't thank you enough.

Look forward to catching up soon.


Phil Bunch

Great timing for me - I just ordered a new PC, and once again couldn't resist loading it up quite a bit.  At least this time I avoided water cooling the CPU and GPUs!

My previous PC, an HP Blackbird gaming PC couldn't quite run FSX with everything turned on, so I'm hoping I can be more adventuresome with the scenery generator part.

I notice that they have some sort of XP emulation options in Windows 7 - has anyone tried this out with any PS1 and related software?  I had great success running PS1 including all sounds and joystick features in XP, and fair success in Vista.  I was too lazy to upgrade to Win7 and decided to just buy a new PC recently.

I would also appreciate a simple diagram showing how the old and new modules connect and perhaps a phrase telling what each ones does.  Doesn't have to be fancy - just a set of text boxes and connecting lines would seemingly be very helpful.  Even a scan of a hand-drawn sketch would be fine.
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch


Hi Garry , I would love to try this new version.
I'm currently using PS1.3 and FS9.
Where can we find this software ?


Good Morning Garry

I am certainly a starter for the PS1/FS9 combination.

Look forward to it.



Garry Richards

Quote from: FrancoHi Garry , I would love to try this new version.
I'm currently using PS1.3 and FS9.
Where can we find this software ?
Hi Franco, I will announce the location as soon  as the package is ready for downloading.


Garry Richards

Quote from: mcdonarCould you just add an explanatory item showing the overall architecture and a statement of the main function of each?
Good idea Richard – I guess a lot of people have forgotten the complexities of running PS1 under Windows (it is a DOS program) and of attaching various addons to it. And there are new forum contributors and lurkers who weren't around in the heady days when PS1 was king.

PS1 works perfectly well 'out of the box'. You can learn to fly it and access all its features without any extra software, a simple joystick serving as the hardware interface. But if you want to fly it on one of the online networks such as Vatsim or Ivao you need more and this led to Ivan's 747IPC and Hoppie's Broker and SB747 software. Later Ivan developed WinPS1 to provide a Windows shell around PS1. Cockpit builders use these free products to connect their hardware to PS1.

PS1 has a simple scenery window, sufficient to see the outlines of runways. To have more realistic scenery PS1 can be connected to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (aka FS9) using my VisualPS1 v1.12 software. This is pretty much essential  for flying online with Vatsim as all its network software is based on FS9 and FSX.

Because PS1 has its own real-world navigation database that does not exactly match the FS9/X runway positions, offsets have to be calculated and applied to PS1's position. This is done by my OffsetPS1 software.

PSX will have similar requirements, but it will be much easier to connect software and hardware to it.


This is how the new versions of my software relate to PS1:

For FS9 -

OffsetPS1Fs9.exe v2.0 reads the PS1 airport database and the FS9 airport database. It then generates the offset data file Offset_PS1_FS9_v21.vps

VisualPS1Fs9.exe v2.0 connects to WinPS1 through the Broker and connects to FS9 through FSUIPC. It reads the above offset file.

If you are already using VisualPS1 v1.12 then all you have to do is to run OffsetPS1Fs9.exe to generate new offsets, then run VisualPS1Fs9.exe. All will work as before, only better!


For FSX -

OffsetPS1Fsx.exe v3.0 reads the PS1 airport database and the FSX airport database. It then generates the offset data file Offset_PS1_FSX_v31.vps

VisualPS1Fsx.exe v3.0 connects to WinPS1 through the Broker and connects to FSX through SimConnect. It reads the above offset file.

There will be new instructions for setting up the Simconnect interface then all you have to do is to run OffsetPS1Fsx.exe to generate new offsets, then run VisualPS1Fsx.exe.


Similar, but not identical, procedures will apply to PSX when the time comes, using the appropriate software versions.

If this still leaves you puzzled then wait until the packages are released. In practice there is not much setting up, after which it is all automatic, just like VisualPS1 is now.


Frans Spruit

Hi Garry , I would love to try the new version for PS1.3.
Thanks and have a nice Easter,

Frans Spruit EHAM

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

I suppose it won't really help somebody if I hack up a traditional Broker interface inside the new Router? It would in a very limited way allow existing PS1 add-ons to interface with PSX, but the required recoding in between Router and Broker likely isn't going to work very well. I'd rather see all add-ons recoded for PSX, else we get a FSUIPC-like situation where the interface also does translation and needs to be changed every time PSX changes. Time to move on.

Garry Richards

Quote from: Jeroen HoppenbrouwersI suppose it won't really help somebody if I hack up a traditional Broker interface inside the new Router? It would in a very limited way allow existing PS1 add-ons to interface with PSX, but the required recoding in between Router and Broker likely isn't going to work very well. I'd rather see all add-ons recoded for PSX, else we get a FSUIPC-like situation where the interface also does translation and needs to be changed every time PSX changes. Time to move on.
It won't be necessary for the VisualPS_ suite of programs because it is quite straightforward to reprogram the broker connection code to router or PSX connection code. :)




I think any add-on for PS1 will have to recoded for PSX (unless of course if the objective of the add-on will already be part of PSX) because PSX will be able to run on none WIN machines when all current add-ons today (I presume) can run only on WIN machines.

It doesn't matter for Garry since FS9/FSX can run only on WIN machines but it will be matter for all the other add-ons.

Avi Adin

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

I  have the faint impression that many add-on programmers won't want to go cross-platform ...


Hi Garry,

I'm still running PS1,VisualPS1 with FS9.
Nice Easter,




I am still flying PS1 and I was just about to re-install Visual PS1 for FS9. Can't wait for Visual PS1 V2.0 for FS9 (and Visual PSX for FS9.)

Thank you very much!


Richard McDonald Woods

So why will PSX not use the Navigraph database so that it and FSX/FS9 exactly align?
Cheers, Richard

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Because Navigraph cannot sell it to Aerowinx. There has been a lot of discussion about this -- search the Forum.

Hardy Heinlin


in addition to Jeroen's answer, what has Navigraph to do with the runway offsets of FS scenery designers?

Navigraph and Aerowinx use the same official real world nav data that a certain company sells to them. Whether FS scenery designers do or don't use the same real world data for their runway design, is a different problem.




Quote from: HoppieI suppose it won't really help somebody if I hack up a traditional Broker interface inside the new Router? It would in a very limited way allow existing PS1 add-ons to interface with PSX, but the required recoding in between Router and Broker likely isn't going to work very well.
Hi Jeroen,

I think I could be very interested in a Broker type program, mainly because I use  John Cavanaghs B2E in association with EPIC.
I am very aware that I am talking about old technology, but then I am old too!!



Edit: moved the quote markers

Garry Richards

Quote from: Jeroen HoppenbrouwersI  have the faint impression that many add-on programmers won't want to go cross-platform ...
There are solutions that allow applications written for the Windows  .NET framework (as all of mine are) to be migrated to the Mac and Linux environments but I don't know how well they work.
