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Started by Steve Hose, Sun, 16 May 2021 09:33


Hi Steve,
Definitely sent to the correct email, but got a response saying there was a server issue with gmail...
It will keep trying for another 4 days.......

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

This may be one incarnation of antispam machines. If the thing does not deliver in about 24 hours, it's probably hopeless.

Some antispam tools reject the first attempt, as most spam senders won't hang around to try again later. This technique is called "graylisting".



Hi Hoppie, I seem to get this a lot with Gmail....
I only use my gmail account to send myself data from my iPhone..... and to filter nuisance email from some web sites.

I do have some domains in my own grey lists which check to see if I have received mail in a second account, if so it classes the email as spam as the second account has never been used for signing on to the same web sites, forums, etc.


Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Steve Hose

Quote from: asboyd on Wed, 19 May 2021 21:32
Hi Steve,
Definitely sent to the correct email, but got a response saying there was a server issue with gmail...
It will keep trying for another 4 days.......


Hi Alex, sincere apologies for the GMail issues. I have received yours and you have access now.

Regards. Steve.

Steve Hose

Quote from: JohnH on Wed, 19 May 2021 20:15
Hi Steve,

Thanks very much for 2105, now that I am more comfortable with Navburo it took about 30 seconds to configure! Just for my own info what area does it cover compared to the default PSX Navblue?


Hi John, thanks for the question.

The 'area' is worldwide, as in all ARINC geographic area codes, so the same coverage as the default nav data from Navblue.

Sometimes there can be slight variations depending on the source. As at AIRAC Cycle 2105, my data contains 6006 airports and 16,702 runways.

Regards, Steve.

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Steve,

re Navburo record amount indications:

Despite the 1400 meter filter and airport-and-runway interdependency, the numbers on the step 3 page may, in some cases, be higher than in step 6 when ARINC sources include continuation records (additional text lines). Continuation records will be counted on the step 3 table but will not be converted as they are of no use to PSX.




Hi Steve,
All good now showing in my dropbox :)

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Steve Hose

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 20 May 2021 17:17
re Navburo record amount indications:

Despite the 1400 meter filter and airport-and-runway interdependency, the numbers on the step 3 page may, in some cases, be higher than in step 6 when ARINC sources include continuation records (additional text lines). Continuation records will be counted on the step 3 table but will not be converted as they are of no use to PSX.

Thanks Hardy for the clarification. If I may ask:

- In my original source data (ARINC 424 format), I have 6006 airport records (lines in a plain text file)
- There are no continuation records in the source (every line has '0' for Continuation Record Number)
- I drop these files into Step 4
- If I then click back to Step 3, Navburo shows 6051 records saved (no action taken)
- I drop the Blocker file into Step 5
- Step 6 shows 6006 airport records, which is correct

This isn't a problem as the final database captures all of my airport records, but given what you wrote above, in Step 3 the records saved count differs from the actual number of airport records. Would these additional records just be internal to PSX?

Again, not a problem from my perspective, but just interested to know.

Regards, Steve.

Hardy Heinlin

Does you part file contain any non-ARINC header text lines?

The indicated record amount is simply fileLength divided by 133.

The steps do this:

Step 2 (master file drop) just copies the dropped file to Sources and renames it to "Master.arinc". No ARINC validation here.

Step 3 (part extractor) searches the master for section/subsection code pairs. E.g. the code pair "PG" (P=airport section, G=runway subsection) tells the extractor that this text line is a runway record which has to go into the runway part file. No further ARINC validation here.

Step 4 (part file drop) just checks if the dropped file name is valid and copies the dropped file to Sources. No ARINC validation here.

Step 5 (blocker drop) no ARINC effect at all.

Step 6 (build): Here starts the full ARINC validation with all filters. The indicated numbers refer to the binary records that have been built.

If you drop a clean, header-free ARINC file, Navburo calculates the indicated number immediately (fileLength/133). When you edit a file externally and click "Save" in your text editor, there will be a delay until Navburo calculates the new number. Navburo checks externally made file updates in the current Source subfolder every 5 seconds or so.



Steve Hose

Thanks Hardy,

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 20 May 2021 22:57
Does you part file contain any non-ARINC header text lines?

No header lines in my file

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 20 May 2021 22:57
The indicated record amount is simply fileLength divided by 133.

Ah, that explains it. The file length is 804804 bytes / 133 = 6051 (rounded down)

Thanks Hardy,


Hardy Heinlin

Do you have any trailing spaces in the text?

Steve Hose

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 20 May 2021 23:05
Do you have any trailing spaces in the text?

No trailing spaces at all. Each line is strictly 132 characters long.

6006 records x 132 characters per record = 792792 ASCII characters (bytes)

Actual file size is 804804 bytes

804804 - 792792 = 12012 = 6006 x 2 bytes

So my generator code produces 132 ASCII characters plus an extra 2 bytes per record = 134, which would be the CR-LF at the end of each record.

Cheers, Steve.

Hardy Heinlin

Is that double CR/LF a Microsoft Wordpad effect? I think, a single LF should work as well.



Steve Hose

My generator code uses the Windows File System API to generate the text files.

I suspect that yes, it is a MS-specific idiosyncrasy.

Cheers, Steve.

Steve Hose

Hi Hardy,

I've modified my code so now it will only insert a LF not CR/LF.

Now the record numbers in Step 3 match the number of airports. Problem solved.

I have updated my Dropbox files, but members need not re-download the files as all airports & runways were correctly processed by Navburo.

Thanks for your help Hardy.

Regards, Steve.

Steve Hose

This project is now closed due to recent announcements around Aerosoft and Navigraph nav data being made available -

This is great news for the community so thank you to Hardy and all the forum members involved in making this happen!
