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B747-400 flight deck drawings

Started by samer747, Mon, 18 Jan 2021 12:53


Dear Pilots,

I need B747-400 flight deck drawings with detailed measurements for home simulator project, I have been collecting the actual flight deck parts for some time to eventually interface them into a full size simulator, I was able to find few drawings that some of the simulator builders measured from an actual aircraft however I still need more detailed drawings to build the exact aircraft size frame and windows, I will be installing actual flight deck panels and trimming, I just need help with the frame. I hope some of you whom had built a full 747 sim might be able to provide some good drawing for the frame construction.

Best Regards,




i started last year a drawing, which is not ready and it needs several changes to being accurate.
The drawing is based on the ones which are already known in the community. Unfortunately, the sources are not as abundantly accessible as one would need, so some things had to be approximated.
I dont know i have time to complete all these drawing in this year, i am very busy atm.
I could upload this file and some of you guys will complete it maybe? Its a plan, so if you want it you can get it. Maybe some of the guys in our community with a ready full size cockpit can help to verify and fix up measures ...

More resources i dont know yet. I tried to fit in all knowledges i know from other available accessible projects.

The drawing was never build, so i cant give you a safety all fits perfectly - but theoretically it should hopefully ;).

- Just open it with SketchUp 2017+ and activate all layers to see all components with measurements ...
- To have also the right cockpit wall ... you could mirror all components from the left side to the right ... this should do it and complete the full size cockpit to ca. 85%.

Copyright is: GPLv3 for non-commercial use


(sorry my english is not the best, im german and hopefully you could understand my writing) :D

the mad hatter

if you are in the states you are more than welcome to take measures from mine like others here its all real ..i dont mind helping with few measurements but  i am not keen to measure whole deck 


Thanks Sebastian,

I will view the drawings and try to complete it if I can, but my main concern is the accuracy and the dimensions, I'm worried once I start building the frame and if for any reason some dimensions little off the trimming won't fit. I keep delaying to start building the simulator project until I have some accurate dimensions and I just don't know where I can get it from.

There are few gentlemen in our simulator community who have full B747 flight deck, hopefully someone can tip in with some information.

I don't work on 47's any more.


Another way-
If you have real sidewall panels you dont really need many measurements to start putting it all together. The most important is the width of the Main Instrument panel which is  common on all the drawings. Fit the fwd sideall panels against the mip and everything will just start falling into place for the lower half.

For the top half you just  need the measurement of the top of the glareshield to the bottom overhead. Again if you have the molded upper ceiling panels everything will fall into place.

The shape of the interior moldings really dictate the dimmesions of the cockpit. If you have all the mouldings you can build a tempory support structure to support the linings as you build the proper structure around it.


I agree that will definitely give me an idea about the flight deck layout, but unfortunately I don't have all complete trimming yet, I still need more pieces to complete. The drawings will also help me with the under floor columns linkage in relation to throttle quadrant and seat tracks.