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[MSFS2020] Posky Flight Model Test

Started by jlpilot, Mon, 7 Sep 2020 05:54


Hey everyone,

Came across a thread that allowed me to convert the POSKY 747 into MSFS2020. The textures don't work as I believe they may be have to be in DDS format before you convert them and the ones I have are BMP. The next thing I'll try to do is remove the cockpit so if anyone knows how that might work let me know. I'm assuming that deleting the PANEL folder won't be enough  :o

I'm a complete amateur when it comes to this kind of stuff but I'm sure someone on here will figure it out before too long   ;D

Here's a quick video (Maybe doing it during the day would have been better lol)




Hello Jermaine,

Thanks for this great addition for the community. I don't know how you proceed to import the model but does it still have its folder like in FSX ? If yes, deleting the Panel folder should remove it ? In FSX it was that simple. We are moving in the right way, thanks to you. I will have a look at this ASAP. I think the most important thing is to figure out how to get a « clean » windshield view from the cockpit, without all the default panel stuff. This is the core of PSX and WidePSX features. Exterior views are fun and beautiful but are not such important, regarding PSX philosophy. Don't hesitate to contact me if I can help. Thanks again !

Best regards,


Quote from: cavaricooper on Sun, 30 Aug 2020 12:35

I am hoping that the performance issues seen with P3D will not re-surface in MSFS... fingers x'ed.  It would be splendid if someone could "write" a simple 747 perspective camera (correct cockpit height, angle etc.) with 744 EXTERNAL MODEL ONLY for MSFS - so that there would be even less dependency on the MSFS platform.  It could then be used strictly as a realistic whole Earth simulator for our purposes.  I am hoping that further Bing updates will bring even better data to the sim.

As ever- I remain obliged to those altruistic souls who strive for our collective benefit.

Ta- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


I haven't used an external scenery generator before... silly me, I thought they were always the equivalent of movie cameras that roamed around in their graphical universe, taking 6-axis orientation and position from PSX. If you really have to contend with moving a MSFS aircraft through the world, and looking through an MSFS windshield of an MSFS cockpit, then that's much worse than what I thought was the case. Alas...
Will /Chicago /USA


Quote from: JP59 on Mon,  7 Sep 2020 19:46
Hello Jermaine,

Thanks for this great addition for the community. I don't know how you proceed to import the model but does it still have its folder like in FSX ? If yes, deleting the Panel folder should remove it ? In FSX it was that simple. We are moving in the right way, thanks to you. I will have a look at this ASAP. I think the most important thing is to figure out how to get a « clean » windshield view from the cockpit, without all the default panel stuff. This is the core of PSX and WidePSX features. Exterior views are fun and beautiful but are not such important, regarding PSX philosophy. Don't hesitate to contact me if I can help ( Thanks again !

Best regards,

Hi Jean-Philippe,

Once converted the file structure is pretty recognizable. I removed the panel folder but that didn't work. I've found a temporary work around for getting a "full screen window view" using the POSKY model by just moving the camera view point. As you will see from the video the textures are all over the place  ;D



Hi Jermaine,

Looks great ! The eyepoint height and horizontal position are good, in my opinion better than simply removing the panel. It is a bit forward because you need to move ahead of the windshield but the difference maybe of 1 meter, maximum 2. In my opinion this is negligible regarding the size of the aircraft and it is not noticeable in the video. The visual result is perfect for me, very realistic. Thanks again !

Did you move the camera directly in MSFS or did you tweak the camera.cfg file ?

Best regards,


Quote from: JP59 on Tue,  8 Sep 2020 06:45

Did you move the camera directly in MSFS or did you tweak the camera.cfg file ?

Yes, I just moved the camera for now. I'll try to figure out the camera settings once I get back from my next trip in a few days.



I downloaded the file and placed it in the 'community' folder. Unfortunately when I re-started MSFS 2020 I did not see the new aircraft added to the simulator? I had 30 aircraft before and that did not change?



Quote from: JohnH on Tue,  8 Sep 2020 19:23
I downloaded the file and placed it in the 'community' folder. Unfortunately when I re-started MSFS 2020 I did not see the new aircraft added to the simulator? I had 30 aircraft before and that did not change?


Hi John,

Any luck yet getting the aircraft to show up? I had this happen a few times but I'm not sure what the reason is. I had to do the whole conversion process about 3 times. I did notice that MSFS2020 creates another folder in the community folder called psx747_CVT_. I'll provide a link to that one too in my original post and maybe that would help. Let me know.




Sorry but no, I downloaded both files and placed them in the 'community' folder but don't see the PSX747 aircraft?



Hi jlpilot,

I think I've done the same as John but still don't have it working either. As per your instructions, I downloaded from  your dropbox and placed them in the folder. I have done nothing else or conversion you speak of as I thought you said you have done that already.


Hey John & GodAtum,

I'll do some more investigation but I haven't quite figured out why it's not working yet. You may have to go through the full conversion process to get it to work. If I come up with a solution I'll post it asap.


Christian Wiegand

Hi Jermaine,

I just bought WidePSX from Jean-Philippe and learned that you are working on an external
744 for the use in MSFS together with PSX.

Very nice news indeed.

I'd like to pass my wishlist here. Not sure if everything may be possible to achieve but one can dream, maybe?

- would be nice to have all external lights working by using the respective switch in PSX. Jean-Philippe also mentioned that he will do his best for widePSX 2.5 for that.

- would be nice to see all separate variants: RR/PW/GE, freighter, combi, pax, domestic (if there is an open 3D model for all of them available. I learned that the old posky 747 should have them all?

- would be nice to use as much liveries as possible. I know still uncertain on how to use the old posky liveries in MSFS.

- would be great to see the doors open as they do in PSX especially the cargo doors/nose and side cargo doors on the freighter

Again, just dreaming. 

And very excited to see what the future brings.

Best regards



For now after testing all the week-end I am stuck with the MSFS default 747-8 as there is actually no 747 add-on available for this new simulator. This model is very partially implemented, and many variables are not accessible via SimConnect (buggy taxi lights, windshield anti-ice not accessible,...).

Please allow me to give my point of view : PSX is the best 747 simulation available on the market. It was not designed to provide eye candy external visuals. It is focused on the accuracy of the systems and flight model. If you want eye candy exteriors, buy PMDG, but you will get less accurate systems and flight model simulation. I think it is a dream we all have to get those tho things, but it is technically impossible.

I created WidePSX to give, as its name means, an enhanced windshield view to PSX and I think at this point it is a success. The combination of PSX and MSFS windshield visuals is all we need to get an incredibly accurate COCKPIT simulation.

You have to choose what is the most important for you.

Best regards


Quote from: JP59 on Sun, 27 Sep 2020 16:46

You have to choose what is the most important for you.

I fully agree on that part and that is why I have several simulators installed - I am gratefull for all the offerings as they develop sims based on how they see the interest - and the great thing is, it stimulates add-on devolpers too; from those fantastic tube liners to those like me who just write something to push a few buttons all at once! It's a win-win for us! :)

Certainly looking forwards to what is possible with MS2020.




I have been following this thread for a quite a while and appreciate all the wonderful contributions made thus far.  I'm new to this forum and not currently a user of PSX (just yet :) ), but have been following it for over a decade and in agreement that it's the best pure simulation platform around.  I truly believe that in our world we are always looking for something more .. it's just our nature to try and better what is probably the best out there :).  However, I think that if we fully integrate Hardy's masterpiece and FS2020 .. we could be done with building out the perfect sim (below a full motion Level-D).  That being said .. I think we are actually 80% there.  Yes .. there is lights, icing, liveries, flaps and gear animations .. but that is all we are complaining about ??? That's downright amazing !

For the short term would it not be possible to just hop into the VC of the MSFS 747 and turn on/off the respective items ? It's not perfect but it should work ?

Going forward I think as a professional enthusiast community we should write a Feature Request for Microsoft to allow their simconnect interface to operate a list of simple items.  It shouldn't take them long to implement (priorities notwithstanding).  It's a simple code change for them and given it's a platform they ultimately want to see in the hands of professionals, what could be more compelling. Yes it would still be a 747-8 and not the 744 .. ?   

The other option is to hire a small development effort to build out the 744 models just like JP built out WidePSX and pay for the efforts.  I'm sure a bunch of us could chip in given MSFS 2020 is likely going to be the sim of the future ? Not everything comes for free :).


Christian Wiegand

Hello everybody,

sure I agree with the fact that PSX is the most professional piece of software you can get for commercial flying apart from training aids like a full flight simulator. 

What do I use PSX for and why:

I use PSX for personal training (optimize approaches and descend planning) in regards of FMC/Autopilot/VNAV logic since in real life I work on the 757/767 and there is no better simulation for that. Systems of the 747 are not as much of interest to me even though I gain 747 knowledge every day and yes it's cool and I recognize that there are similarities to the 757/767 as well.

I use PSX also for pattern training and procedure training. For the touch down I profit from an external scenery projection that does not only contain a few pixels. Especially in these times of almost no real flying I try to keep my instrument scanning and stick/rudder skills up.

Also I use PSX for online flying but since the X Plane, Xview combo does not transmit groundspeed to vatsim I also put some hope on MSFS2020 as scenery generator and interface to connect to vatsim. Using vatsim gives a nice training opportunity that even cannot be trained in a full flight simulator: emergencies in a real life traffic environment with controllers also busy with other traffic.

Also what I use my various simulators for is gaining first impressions for airport familiarization: taxiways, optical impressions/illusions, terrain,... therefore a scenery generator is also vital but this can be done without PSX as well but not as nicely as with PSX and a scenery bridge.

Therefore, yes, it's a long way to connect PSX to xplane or MSFS flawlessly but it improves the almost perfect Boeing procedure trainer towards a very versatile personal training device for professionals. It'a not an either this or another. It's both that belong together to make up for a realistic training as good as possible at home. Liveries really is not necessary but it is something that appeals to me as an aviation nut :-). 

Having said that I am optimistically looking forward to new developments in this field. Hopefully the new developments will open up new opportunities for a most realistic simulation.

Thanks and best regards


Hi Christian,

Although MS2020 is a very pretty simulator, for you intended purposes, I don't believe you can beat the combination of P3D V5 and PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim/WidePSX

The combination of PSX, P3D and either of those scenery generator bridges will give you the best environment anyone could ask for outside of a commercial training facility.

Christian Wiegand

Hi Garys,

Ok I might consider that as well. I came from the x plane side because of available add on for the 757/767 and because of it's physical approach to aerodynamics. Then I tried to make use of what I already have and combine PSX and x plane.

When MSFS2020 came out, I stepped on it because I thought it's some kind of successor for the P3D thing but I am totally new to the Microsoft/Lockheed world.

Thank you very much


Hi Christian,

Like you I have quite a big wishlist for an external model 747 for PSX and MSFS2020. Again, whilst I understand that most won't care much about an external model, I use my sim for something slightly different which includes a bit of content creation  8)

As for the model, I've reached out the the owner of the Posky Flight model to ask permission to modify his aircraft but, he instead suggested that I create my own model from scratch. That's quite a big undertaking from someone like me who has no 3D modelling experience  :o He has been very helpful at getting me some crucial documentation and pictures though and I'm sure he'll be a good resource.

I'll keep everyone posted on any progress being made but I don't expect it to be a quick process.

Quote from: Christian Wiegand on Sat, 26 Sep 2020 17:41
Hi Jermaine,

I just bought WidePSX from Jean-Philippe and learned that you are working on an external
744 for the use in MSFS together with PSX.

Very nice news indeed.

I'd like to pass my wishlist here. Not sure if everything may be possible to achieve but one can dream, maybe?

- would be nice to have all external lights working by using the respective switch in PSX. Jean-Philippe also mentioned that he will do his best for widePSX 2.5 for that.

- would be nice to see all separate variants: RR/PW/GE, freighter, combi, pax, domestic (if there is an open 3D model for all of them available. I learned that the old posky 747 should have them all?

- would be nice to use as much liveries as possible. I know still uncertain on how to use the old posky liveries in MSFS.

- would be great to see the doors open as they do in PSX especially the cargo doors/nose and side cargo doors on the freighter

Again, just dreaming. 

And very excited to see what the future brings.

Best regards
