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Microsoft Flight Simulator releasing 18 August 2020

Started by GodAtum, Mon, 13 Jul 2020 14:18


Honestly, simply forget about pretty much al default aircraft, with the exception of one or 2 props...

Scenery and weather wise it is a HUGE improvement over previous versions, and far better than anything available for XP.

Scenery detail is ASTOUDING. I went flying from my base of operations - LPMN - and it's almost 100% just like IRL, including surrounding airfields that we sometimes use for x-country arrivals when not being able to reach home.

All portuguese airports I have tried are superbly represented as default airports, better than the best commercial products I ever used for fs9/fsx/p3d or xp.

Default ATC is also significantly improved, and AI is very interesting too. AT release time it'll be VATSIM-ready.

At LOW settings it what I have tested. If move the sliders to the right it's still playable, and the graphics / scenery become even more astounding. But at LOW and some sliders fine tuned, I get 30 fps easily in my rather old desktop - i5 2500 and 16 GB DDR3 RAM. GPU is Nvidia GTX 960 4 GB, so also rather outdated.

I look fwd for the final integration with Meteoblue for the weather.

Some interesting stuff here:

Gary Oliver

I think the biggest thing here is to think back to default FSX with zero addons.  You can then see the real future for this sim!

For us, it is going to be the ultimate scenery generator.


Don't be afraid to make the bridge payware either. I have had nothing but flawless scenery generator visuals with P3D. I will happily pay for whatever you guys at simfest produce.


Quote from: garys on Fri, 31 Jul 2020 04:05
Don't be afraid to make the bridge payware either. I have had nothing but flawless scenery generator visuals with P3D. I will happily pay for whatever you guys at simfest produce.

can't wait to use PSX and the new Sim :-)
Product Owner Lido/Flight ASC
Lufthansa Systems (LIDO)

Gary Oliver

Anything that come from the Simfest team for PSX will always be free to the community.  We learn so much from the collective on these forums, it's our way of giving back.

If anyone wants to donate to the Simfest charity in return that would be hugely appreciated.



Ton van Bochove

When we forget the images of the /8 it really looks good. Waiting for my new PC!


That's really quite amazing for a default aircraft in the 'standard' version, along with the Airbus A320 NEO.



I have a cockpit consisting of 6 networked PCs each with an external view. With FSX I was able to install one purchase on 3 PCs therefore I only needed to buy 2 copies. Do you know how many PCs a single copy of MFS 2020 could be installed on?


Quote from: kryten on Fri,  7 Aug 2020 17:15
I have a cockpit consisting of 6 networked PCs each with an external view. With FSX I was able to install one purchase on 3 PCs therefore I only needed to buy 2 copies. Do you know how many PCs a single copy of MFS 2020 could be installed on?
From what I have read, you can install it on multiple PCs but can only run one instance at a time. Asobo has stated that they will add support for home cockpits but it won't be there at the launch (pop out views, outside view only, etc.). No mention of simultaneous running of MSFS on multiple PCs.



Anyone got it yet? Unfortunately I don't want to create a Microsoft account so can't play atm.


I have been installing for 2hrs and am at about 40%. I had deleted all the xbox stuff from my Win 10 install but you need to re-add it all for the MSFS 2020 install to work.



Quote from: JohnH on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 12:43
I have been installing for 2hrs and am at about 40%. I had deleted all the xbox stuff from my Win 10 install but you need to re-add it all for the MSFS 2020 install to work.


Steam purchase here. Took me 2hrs this morning, from 7 till 9 AM, Standard version only.
Didn't have the time to use it after install - maybe tonight.
Was a lot easier to define where I wanted it to get installed than with the Alpha / Beta versions.


Well this is going to change things for sure. Looks absolutely fantastic and now there's no longer a need to buy millions of add ons to make the sim look half decent. Now just imagine if we could somehow integrate PSX into a 3D model with a VC. Thats the ultimate!


Well Simlink now works. Not sure if they use simconnect or not.


Quote from: Toga on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 12:55
Well this is going to change things for sure. Looks absolutely fantastic and now there's no longer a need to buy millions of add ons to make the sim look half decent. Now just imagine if we could somehow integrate PSX into a 3D model with a VC. Thats the ultimate!

I couldn't emphasise how amazing that would be. I would definitely pay and/or donate for the magician who could make that happen. Dear santa...


Took over 4 hours to download via xbox game pass but finally installed. Tried a night time take off from YSSY, but all of the controls have changed so had to remap a lot of keys in the settings to get my old FS hardware to do as it used to. I have set Medium in the options but it took a long time to come up the first time I loaded it. It also froze on the get started screen but when I hit the ESC key it came good....

Will have another try with it at some stage but not today :)

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Quote from: JohnH on Tue, 18 Aug 2020 12:43
I had deleted all the xbox stuff from my Win 10 install but you need to re-add it all for the MSFS 2020 install to work.
I ran into the same problem!  Took me quite a while searching the internet before I found out I needed to reinstall the xbox stuff before the 'press any key to start' step really did perform a 'start'...



Last night (Australia time) Aus Flight Simmer did a live stream on You Tube as he did an island hop to Bora Bora airport (NTTB) in French Polynesia. The stream went for about 4 hours and had just over 400 viewers from around the world. Toward the end of the flight the online networking/playing functions of MS FS2020 were enabled so many of the viewers joined the flight and started to engage in an ad hoc landing competition at Tupai airport (NTTU). You can see the result if you jump to the last 15 minutes or so of the You Tube video. The event involved many light aircraft, and larger including a 787 and 747. To get this multiplayer function to work the players had to make sure they were all connected to the same server (South Asian) which can be set within the program. I believe some people initially had a problem of not being able to see other aircraft due to being on a different server. The link for the You Tube video is: