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Miami people?

Started by Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers, Sat, 20 Nov 2010 12:19

Phil Bunch

Quote from: Jeroen HoppenbrouwersI propose to do away with the oxygen masks in the cabin (hey, how often are they needed anyway?) and put loaded but uncocked 9mm Brownings in those lockers. When somebody starts shooting, the lockers open (either manually by flight crew action, or automatically by the decompression of the hull or by a gunshot audio detector) and 200 armed people can take care of the problem.

That will put an end to those terrorists.

Each aircraft will have 10-20 seats that do not have a gun, but keep the oxygen mask. It costs $50 to get such a seat and you need to sign a declaration that the airline is not responsible for you being shot after the guns get released.


Sounds good to me!  The airlines will no doubt jump on this opportunity to make money, but will also charge for access to your overhead firearm.  Ammo also costs extra, and even more if you don't pre-buy your stash.  If you wait til the shooting starts, ammo becomes VERY expensive, as does access to your 9mm.    And they could also sell access to body armor.  If you want rifle-proof ceramic armor chest plates like the military uses, that costs extra too.

Sounds like time for someone to write some patents!!

I wonder how many airline pilots became trained to carry firearms?  I believe the airlines were required to allow them to do this if they wanted to.  Not sure I would want to step out of the cockpit to engage in a gun fight in the passenger compartment, though.

I suspect that pilots with military backgrounds (especially with combat experience) would look at this specific issue much differently than pilots without military training.
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Phil Bunch


Any preliminary impressions of the US or your region in Florida that you'd like to share?  Just wondering if there were any real surprises, good or bad.  Do you miss winter and having seasons at all?

When do you begin taking your private jet pilot training? (grins)  I would claim that you'd only need a few hours of transition training to convert from the 747-400 (more grins).

I hope everything has settled down after the move and that you're enjoying your new job.
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Bad timing, Phil. I am currently back in the Netherlands, trying to deflate a house inventory to fit into one twenty feet sea container. Cold, dark, and increasingly uncomfortable in the house. But very much looking forward to the actual move with my family.

This Sunday evening we touch down at KMIA. That will be the start of something quite different!


Roel Raeven

QuoteThis Sunday evening we touch down at KMIA
...and I'm touching down at KDTW on monday for 8 days. I'm sure Miami is the better place to go during wintertime.
I hope you and your family will enjoy the stay over there.


And I'm touching down in PEK tomorrow for 2 weeks!  Safe travels, everyone.
Will /Chicago /USA

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

The house has been gzipped into the TEU and we've waved it out of the street yesterday afternoon. Now the task of keeping alive for one more day and night in an empty house before we board the plane for Miami.

It's freezing over here. Hmmm, time to go.


Richard McDonald Woods

Bon voyage, Jeroen and family!
Cheers, Richard


Will /Chicago /USA

Phil Bunch

You should just abandon your family's winter clothing - you will probably only need a very light jacket a few times per year!  No need for long-sleeved shirts!  No more winter or any other seasons!!!

Good luck with your household move and journey.

(Disclosure:  I lived in Sarasota, Florida for a year, during my first year in college.)
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Got in. Just too much going on to hang around on the forums. Container approaching the port, ETA on the 16th, then customs clearing and the big haul.

Interesting times.


Jeroen D

Looks like your container is making good time!
It took our stuff 4 weeks to come across the pond to the Midwest from the Netherlands.
All the best with the unpacking and settling in.



Welcome to the USA!  I'm just a few hours away in Tampa, so once you are all settled in, let me know and we will drive down for drinks and dinner.  North Miami Beach is a pretty place to hang out and relax.

All the best with your move!

Carl Avari-Cooper
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

... and with 9 deg C (48 deg F) outside and a stiff polar wind, the Miami mythe of "always warm" definitely does not hold up. We've put the heater on indoors!


Holger Wende

Quote from: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers... and with 9 deg C (48 deg F) outside and a stiff polar wind ...
... pythons dont feel comfortable either :evil: .

Anyway have a good start and enjoy the new challenges.

Cheers, Holger

Phil Bunch

Quote from: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers... and with 9 deg C (48 deg F) outside and a stiff polar wind, the Miami mythe of "always warm" definitely does not hold up. We've put the heater on indoors!


Heck, I just checked your weather forecast and see that Miami is supposed to reach almost 80 F(27 C) later in the week!  Many summers we barely reach 80 in Maine, where I live.
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Maybe, but it is now 8 deg C, 47 deg F.

Where is my coat @%#$@%?

Phil Bunch

The latest mass shooting in the US is provoking much attention from the major media, including the TV news channels.  I don't see any signs yet that the US voters intend to follow the UK and Australia into requiring the government to purchase or confiscate the approximately 300 million firearms citizens now own.  With recent Supreme Court rulings establishing firearms ownership as a Constitutional right in some senses, it would seemingly be hard to change things much.  A few states make it very hard to own or carry firearms, though (NY, Massachusetts, and a few others).

There is an interesting set of data, downloadable into a spreadsheet, published by the UK Guardian newspaper today:

Articles here:

A UK Guardian-sponsored spreadsheet with per-country firearms and homicide rate data is here:

I became interested in statistical data analysis, etc, during grad school, continuing during my career in R&D.  Thus, I couldn't resist doing some informal analysis of these firearms ownership rates vs homicide rates data around the countries of the world.  

At first glance, I don't see much if any statistically significant relationship between firearms ownership and firearms homicide rates.  I need to work with the data more, though, since some countries have zero or near-zero civilian firearms ownership rates, and this makes some data analyses more complex.  It is certainly very striking how unusual the US is in terms of firearms ownership rate (88.8 firearms per 100 people vs an average of about 30).  

If you're interested in such data, in light of current events, I suggest you plot "Firearms owned per 100 people" vs "Firearm Homicide Rate per 100K population" in Excel or whatever.  It's interesting to plot  various combinations on a linear-linear as well as a semi-log plot.  

Of course crimes, including homicide, are not mere statistics, but are tragic beyond measure in so many senses.
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Also plot traffic casualties per state against gun casualties. "Interesting".

Phil Bunch

More data here, this time related to the ***shocking*** numbers of professed Jedi Knights in the UK!!  (grins)
Best wishes,

Phil Bunch

Richard McDonald Woods

I find it heartening that just over 25% stated either agnostic or atheist. I expect this is a very different result than would be produced in N America.
Cheers, Richard