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How to: Audio for Vatsim (AFV) with PSX+XP11 (with xView)

Started by Hammerstan, Sun, 29 Sep 2019 13:48

Martin Baker


I had exactly this issue and posted over on the Vatsim forum about it, and meant to put something here, too.

Gary kindly got VPilot adjusted so that it can be told to start without voice and therefore AFV doesn't keep struggling with it for control. The latest VPilot can be started without voice by adding the parameter -novoice and that fixes the issue. I added this into the batch file that starts all my PSX-related software for convenience. ("start vPilot.exe -novoice")

The thread about it on Vatsim is here:




Thank you Martin for your reply,

Would you give me an example of your batch file (which I am trying to write) of how you write the file to start VPIlot .
I think from your example I could then continue on to include the other three programs I need to get going on the eye candy computer and then perhaps the nine programs I need to start PSX with all it's add ons.

Takes a while for things to get in and stay there these days and I have used Google to help me but with only partial success.


Martin Baker

Here's an example with some explanation included. (Lines beginning with a double colon.) Just save it in a text editor, e.g. Windows NotePad, and give the file a .bat suffix.

You'll need to check where your programmes are installed and update the directories as necessary, in particular to replace <current user> with your actual one. Then just double-click on the file. I hope it works/helps, M


::Change to VPilot directory - update path to reflect your own set-up
cd C:\Users\<current user>\AppData\Local\vPilot

::Start VPilot without voice
start vPilot.exe -novoice

::Change to AfV directory - update path to reflect your own set-up
cd C:\AudioForVATSIM

::Start AfV
start AudioForVATSIM.exe



Hello Martin,
  Thank you for sending me your sample of the .bat file. I now remember using them in the old DOS days. My major problem is that I have six fingers on each hand and as a result I end up with slight anomalies in my program which take me a while to find!!!!!!!.  I find that  AFV now connects but I sometimes briefly hear ATC but they cannot hear me. My switch on my PSX yoke will not connect as  the switch on the PSX panel doesn't. Having got the basics of .bat I am going to investigate the connection of my three computer network , so one bat file will load everything.  That for me will be a struggle!
I trust that you and all my forum friends are bearing up with the lock down.
So thank you once again for your help


P.s  My wife and I experienced a lock down in the 1950's with a polio epidemic. We were off school for 3 months.


Hi Martin
Everything now working fine thank you       except there is no connection between PSX and P3D4, in that the button both on my yoke and on the PSX panel is not responding.

"H" keyboard command on P3d4 works fine!


Martin Baker

Hi Derek,

Hopefully you will see that VPilot now has its audio options blanked out, so you need to go instead to the options in AFV (only accessible when disconnected from Vatsim) and choose the key or button you want to use to talk to ATC. Just push it and save the result.

Does that help?

V best,



Hi Martin   Thank you for your help. It has taken me 8 hours {duh}  to remember you have to use the enter key after each line! And believe it or not the batch file responds!  Two things are not working. The "H" key for PTT  works only on the keyboard and not the switch on the yoke , and secondly ATC can hear me 5/5 but I cannot hear them.  My earphones are active directly from the computer i.e. music.  So a lot more investigation is going to be needed.

Anyway thank you for getting me to this stage.

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Derek,

there are two PTT switches on Instructor > Preferences > USB. The one is linked with the captain's panel, the other with the F/O's panel. I don't know whether your add-on is linked with the one or the other, or even both. But you may want to check that your USB PTT switches are correctly assigned on the USB page. The H key does the same job; if that works, the USB switch will work as well. It just needs to be assigned.




Hi Hardy  Salutations,

Yes my PTT switch is correctly assigned in Preferences\USB on the instructors page.
In the earlier renditions of Vpilot and  Voice for Vatsim the switch worked perfectly as did incoming voice. With an  upgrade something! was changed and although some of the quirks were dealt with, I think others were introduced.
I certainly am not critical as am very grateful for the add ons to the superb PSX.
Perhaps Gary could jump in here.

Kind regards

Martin Baker

Hi Derek,

If ATC can hear you, presumably the PTT switch is correctly assigned. (This is done in the AFV programme.)

If you can't hear them, this may be down to the controls on the 747's audio panel. It's probably a good idea to make sure the green lights are showing on both the L&R VHF selectors, with the sound turned up, and also the speaker. (Next row down, to the right.)

And of course, make sure the AFV volume settings are correct and you've selected whichever speakers or headphones you want the ATC audio to play through.


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Rest assured, same issues in the real 744... that ACP is a complicated piece of kit!

Hardy Heinlin

If the H key works in your add-on: How does the add-on get the H keypress signal? Directly from the keyboard or via PSX network with a Q variable? If it's the former, please disregard my previous comment. I thought it might get it from a Q variable; in PSX, both the H key and the USB PTT use the same Q system (captain left, F/O right).


DUH.  Receiving clearly now. It helps if select the correct input in settings in AFV!!!!!!!

Now to get the yoke switch  to respond.

Thank you Gentlemen
