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Throttletek FCS assignment

Started by Icarus747, Wed, 31 Jan 2018 18:44


Hi Hardy,

Sorry but is it possible to applied this option individualy for each button because here if you change the invert functionnality of one cutoff button your choice is applied to all the others configured cutoff buttons.


Hardy Heinlin

Are you saying each of your four Saitek cutoff switches has a different polarity??

Did I do all this work just because one of your cutoff switches is incorrectly wired?


No not at all. My switches have three positions : upper, central (neutral), down. If i push the swith down or up when i release it,  it returns to the central position. I can assign idependantly a function for the up and down positions. What i need is :
For down : key pressed : run
                key released : cutoff
For up : (invert) key pressed : cutoff
                        key released : run.
I hope it is clearer.

Hardy Heinlin

So your problem is not the fact that my new invert function is a master function for all four cutoff switches.

If I now understand you correctly, you want 8 (4 x 2) new special functions for 4 USB momentary-action button pairs:

Hit A : Move to RUN
Release A : Do nothing

Hit B : Move to CUTOFF
Release B : Do nothing

... and that for 4 A/B-pushbutton pairs.

I'm sorry, that's too much. The function included is only for alternate-action toggle switches.

(Thanks to this misunderstanding I've worked 3 hours for nothing.)


I though it would more simple as the functions are already created; all i needed was to be able to assign them switch by switch and not globaly to all the switches. Up down for 4 switches and down up for 4 others.

Sorry if i maked you work for nothing.


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:13
(Thanks to this misunderstanding I've worked 3 hours for nothing.)


FWIW (and I'm aware of what that might be) I remain grateful.  In my PFC Console I have 4 switches in a bank I will assign to Fuel Control Switches and they are A-B switches, so I anticipate great joy as a result of your labor.

Danke mein herr!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

What is an "A-B switch"? A pair of momentary-action pushbuttons, or an alternate-action toggle switch?



A 2 position (alternate action) switch... ON or OFF... in a nice bank of 4 which will do quite nicely...


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hello, Hardy!

FWIW again, and further to C's comments, I also will be happily making use of the new USB mappings by assigning the lower-right four toggle switches on my VRinsight T&T panel (section C) as cutoff switches —

They are simple SPST (single pole single throw) switches that are on when up, and off when down, so are ideal for the purpose, not even requiring the 'Invert' option. Thank you for your work; it is, as always, hugely appreciated!     :D

It seems that the OP has the switches that are fitted to the readily-available Saitek throttle units. These are rocker switches mounted so that pressing the upper part of the switch briefly closes a switch, and a press of the lower part briefly closes another switch. With three such rocker units in each throttle unit this makes a total of six "pushbuttons" that can be detected: the switches are sprung-loaded to return to centre when pressure is released.

Best wishes,

(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Brian,

I understand François' intention now (unfortunately too late). Instead of 4 buttons and a master invert, make 8 buttons and no invert.

UP: When pushed up, it stays in CUTOFF. When released, it goes to RUN.
DN: When pushed down, it stays in RUN. When released, it goes to CUTOFF.
UP: When pushed up, it stays in CUTOFF. When released, it goes to RUN.
DN: When pushed down, it stays in RUN. When released, it goes to CUTOFF.

There is only a USB signal in the event of a push or a release. The last event wins.




Hi Hardy

or 4 buttons and an invert function per button and not master invert.



Hardy Heinlin

This is too complicated for the save and reload function. A user could assign dozens of FCS buttons in random orders. If it was as essential as an aileron I would think about an elegant solution. But it's just an FCS that is only used once every 10 hours or weeks.




Thank you Hardy for your efforts. It's not a big deal. If I want to use the switches of my saitek I will simply have to tick the option revert yes or no in the menu : préférences/usb according to what I want to do : cut or open the arrivals of fuel.



Hardy Heinlin

I'll try another solution with 4 switches and an individual invert option per switch, along with a nearly unlimited amount of allowable FCS assignments. The respective pref file won't be backward compatible with older PSX versions, but I guess this won't be a problem.


Hardy Heinlin

Fuel control switch function can now be inverted individually for each USB component in PSX 10.25:



Thank you very much Hardy. I will give it a try this evening.




All work perfectly fine, it fits exactly my needs. Sorry again for the misunderstandind. I reread my posts and it's true that I haven't been cleared in my explanations (thank you Brian to helped me). I hope that your work will be usefull for the community and not only for me ! You prove us again that no challenge resists you.



Hardy Heinlin

Yes, sometimes I just can't resist :-)



Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Requirements are a bitch.
