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WidePSX 2.5.9 : FSX, P3D and MSFS Compatible Scenery Generator Bridge

Started by JP59, Fri, 8 Dec 2017 16:17



The procedure is detailed deeply in the user manual. Is there already a SimConnect.xml file in your AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\P3D directory ? If yes you need to modify it, not overwrite. The two scenarios are detailed in the manual.

Best regards,


Hi Jean Philippe
Thank you for your answer. I found what i made false. Mabe you should add that in the Manual: I had a Installation of Prepar3D 4 only. Nothing else, I also don' thave an old FSX installation on that PC. So the Simconnect coming with Prepar 3D compatible with the "old FSX" Programs has to be installed separately. You need to go into the Perpar3d v4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib folder and instlal the simconnect.msi that is in there. Now it works and it says "Connected" in my Network. So another step made. I now go on and try to create the situation and synchonize. mabe I make a "tutorial for dummies" later, so i will be able to follow the steps when i need to reinstall one day. I would post it here then.
Cheers Beat LSZH



You mean P3D V4 doesn't have the SimConnect server built-in by default ? I don't think you need to run simconnect.msi on the client computer, nor you need a SimConnect.cfg file, as WidePSX has already all the client libraries built-in. It may be a coincidence ? Are you sure you didn't change anything else ?

Anyway it works. This is the most important. SimConnect is very difficult to understand and setup. And I don't speak about developpers... I have to work at the user manual. The biggest update since WidePSX was released is coming (maybe this evening).

Thank you for your contribution.

Best regards,


Well, P3d V4 has a Simconnect Server built in, but not one compatible with old FSX Addons. I read that somewhere in another forum, so i tried to install the special Simconnect for FSX and voila, I could connect.
Now I try to get the plane to the right spot... :) I always end with my b747 standing inside an airport building. So i keep you posted :)


Here is a message from the P3D forum regarding installing P3D and SimConnect, poster for your info,,


Prepar3D will install the latest SimConnect version during installation. Certain add-ons may require older SimConnect versions. The developers of these will be able to tell you what specific version is required. You will not be able to access these installers until Prepar3D is installed. The installers for these will be in your Prepar3D application directory in the "redist\Interface" folder.


Quote from: beat578 on Sun, 13 Jan 2019 17:00
Now I try to get the plane to the right spot... :) I always end with my b747 standing inside an airport building. So i keep you posted :)

WidePSX has a function to avoid moving the aircraft until reaching the exact position at the gate. See user manual Scenery Generator chapter with the startup synchronization slave setting. If PSX is slave at startup, you can place your aircraft at the exact gate or parking using P3D menu, then when you connect WidePSX the aircraft will not be moved at all.

Re SimConnect package thanks for the update I wasn't aware. Glad to see there is a solution. I still use P3D v.3.4




A major update (version 1.2) of WidePSX is available. I stressed the application with hundreds of SITU loads, reloads, position changes,... I cleared several bugs, mostly at position changes (SITU reloads,...).

Gear strut compression : now the aircraft is slowly moving up and down depending of the gross weight set in PSX, showing the gear strut compression. The compression ratio is model dependant (all models don't have the same BOW and MTOW). Warning there is now a special procedure to set the aircraft height reference above the ground (Scenery Generator tab). The default value is set for the POSKY 744 V4. If you use this aircraft, you don't have to do anything and you can leave the edit box empty. If you use a different aircraft, the value must be set with the minimum gross weight possible (set 0, 0 for Fuel QTY and ZFW in PSX Instructor\Service page) then tune the value to get the wheels JUST touching the ground. You must not see any gear strut compression during the setup. See user manual for detailed procedure.

Lift-off gear strut decompression : During lift-off, the gear strut decompression is simulated to avoid the wheels to sink below the ground in P3D.

Thrust reversers synchronization : Now thrust reversers in FSX/P3D will be set according with PSX reversers status.

Position synchronization at SITU reloads : After hundreds of SITU's loadings, reloading, changes, I cleared all the bugs I could find. Sometimes aircraft height was not updated correctly, sometimes it was rolling on the ground despite PSX was stopped before SITU loading. I found the source of this bugs and cleared them all. I can't reproduce any of them now. During some SITU reloads on ground (1/10 during my tests), I noticed some smoke coming from the tires (external view). This POSKY/P3D side effect has no solution at this time as the wheels rotation are not settable through SimConnect. Edit January 16 : After many tests I found the solution to completely disable all the smoke issues. You need to rename or disable (after backup) the following files in your P3D\Effects folder (in addition to the files already listed in the user manual) :

- fx_WetEngineWash.fx
- fx_SnowEngineWash.fx
- fx_WheelSnowSpray.fx
- fx_WheelWetSpray.fx

Engines auto-start : I had some reports of WidePSX users saying they couldn't get flaps, lights, gear and flight controls synchronization. I was very frustrated because here, everything worked fine and I was not able to reproduce the issue. Thanks to a conversation with a WidePSX user, we found the solution. POSKY 744 needs to have its engines running in order to get flaps, gear,... to work. If the aircraft is "dead" when you connect WidePSX, you will not get synchronization. I implemented an automatic engines start command when connecting WidePSX in order to be sure synchronization will work for every starting configuration. I tried to implement engines start and stop full synchronization with PSX. I spent 5 hours trying to understand the simconnect commands required, without success. I was able to start, but not to stop, or reverse. So I gave up for the moment.

Automatic unlimited fuel : As the engines need to run all the time WidePSX is connected, the POSKY center tank fuel quantity will be forced to 10,000 USGal in order to be sure the engines will never stop due to low fuel. It has absolutely no effect on balance because WidePSX (in fact PSX) has the total control over the aircraft aerodynamics and movements.

Flight controls synchronization : Sometimes flaps and speedbrakes didn't update correctly at SITU's reloadings. Solved now.

Set PSX as the positioning slave at startup : Not a new feature but very useful and from the feedbacks I have it is often unknown even by WidePSX users. With this option you have the possibility to place the aircraft in P3D directly with the P3D positioning menu, at the exact position you want (gate or parking), before to connect WidePSX. When you will start the scenery generator bridge of WidePSX, it will force PSX to move at your P3D aircraft position. The P3D aircraft will not move at all. This way you avoid boring and unprecise PSX aircraft positioning to match your P3D parking position. And you don't need to save a PSX SITU for every gate or parking position you want to use later. Personally I always have the radio button set to PSX as the positioning slave.

Position offsets : This feature is not new but very reliable and usefull. After a perfect approach it is SO FRUSTRATING to shoot the ILS and discover at the minimas you are not well aligned with the runway.  >:( >:(. My own experience.

RunwayEq file : Also this is not a new feature but a very usefull tool. In some cases you can get runway identifiers different in PSX and FSX/P3D. Some sceneries don't have the latest runways the last PSX AIRAC can have. In order to always land on the right runway, you can declare the runways differences between PSX and FSX/P3D in this file. WidePSX will take your declared differences into account to land you at the right runway.

Best regards and happy flights,

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jean-philippe,

congrats to the new update.

Actually, the strut compression ratio in PSX is not model dependent. The formula I gave you is applied to all models. When model A is currently at MTOW with, say, 400 t, and model B at MTOW with 390 t, they don't get both the same max strut compression; there is no model dependent ratio that translates 390 or 400 individually to max compression. It's really just the actual gross weight that compresses the strut. Model A at 400 t is simply more compressed than model B at 390 t, so model A is sitting lower than model B in this moment.




Hi Hardy,

Thank you very much for the kind words. When I say model dependant, I say, for instance, at the same GW, a 400 PAX and a 400 ERF will not stand at the same height. The 400ERF will be a little bit higher because its payload capacity is more important. Do you think it makes sense ?

A code sample is sometimes better than a long explanation, so here is the compression ratio calculation method. This ratio is used to adjust the P3D aircraft height when the aircraft is on the ground within the values you gave me (POSKY 747 model I use in P3D has about the same gap).

* Get PSX main gear strut compression ratio (depending of actual Gross Weight) // 1.2/005 (Added)
* @return PSX main gear strut compression ratio. 0 = minimum compression, 100 = maximum compression (double)
protected static double getPsxGearCompRatio()
int version = getAcftVersion();
double diff = 0d; // Difference between actual GW and BOW
double gap = 0d; // Gap between MTOW and BOW / 100
double ratio = 0d; // Compression ratio (return)

if(version == 0) // PAX
diff = getPsxGrossWt() - 178800.0;
if(diff < 0.0)
diff = 0.0;
gap = 2181.0;
ratio = diff/gap;
else if(version == 1) // PAX ER
diff = getPsxGrossWt() - 184570.0;
if(diff < 0.0)
diff = 0.0;
gap = 2282.0;
ratio = diff/gap;
else if(version == 2) // F or COMBI
diff = getPsxGrossWt() - 165107.0;
if(diff < 0.0)
diff = 0.0;
gap = 2318.0;
ratio = diff/gap;
else if(version == 3) // ERF
diff = getPsxGrossWt() - 164382.0;
if(diff < 0.0)
diff = 0.0;
gap = 2484.0;
ratio = diff/gap;

if(ratio > 100.0)
ratio = 100.0;

return ratio;

Hardy Heinlin

I can't comment on the P3D visual models; you're probably right. What I'm referring to is just the data the PSX server sends to your add-on. All ER and non-ER models in PSX use the same ratio of gross weight to strut compression. I understand your intention, and that the ER can carry 20 tons more. But it's actually not so complicated in the PSX model; these 20 tons will make a difference of just half an inch over a distance of 2 feet. This tolerance is smaller than the precision of the model of the tires and the aircraft shape.

So, yes, the ER has a greater range of strut compression in the PSX model. This is because it hasn't a special ratio that compensates this greater range.



I agree. As you can see in the method, the ratio difference between two models at the same GW is very small. This very small ratio difference applied to a 2.1ft strut course is again smaller. It is nearly unnoticeable in P3D.



Hello Jean-philippe,

thank you very much for your continuous development.
While you're at it, would you mind to take a look at the following issue regarding the AloftWx module?
When the OS is set to use the english localized number format, i.e. decimal separator '.' instead of ',' the dynamic wind / temp injection gives odd results ( i.e. on RTE page 2 wind knots is 0, and SAT also 0) when an AS flight plan was loaded. FMC wind upload is not affected (makes sense, since that section in the the AS flight plan does only contain integers afaik)
When I switch the OS localization back to German, AloftWx dynamic mode works as expected.



Hello Joerg,

Sure. From what I remember there is no '.' or ',' in the AS flight plan file but I am not at my computer now. Anyway in dynamic mode the AS flight plan file is not used for wind/OAT injections. I need more informations to try to reproduce the issue.

Can you confirm you were using Dynamic mode ? You say the issue was when the AS flight plan file was loaded. Did you try without AS flight plan file loaded ? When you have the issue what do you see in the PSX weather page (wind direction, velocity, OAT) ?

Which computer are you switching from US to EU ? The P3D computer or the WidePSX computer ? Maybe the same ?

If possible, may you send me the SITU and the AS flight plan file in use when you get the issue at

Edit 1700Z : I had a first quick look at the code and the AS flight plan file. I don't see anything related with '.' or ','

The separators in use in the file are '\t' '@' '(' and ')'

The only decimals in the AS flight plan file are in the header (average wind component,...) but this informations are not used by WidePSX.

I definitly need more informations in order to try to reproduce what you described. What you describe has no sense at the code side. I don't say your issue doesn't exist, but you need to be more precise please.

Edit 2 : Are you sure AS doesn't inject odd values to P3D, for any reason ? Please check the values directly in P3D (using SHIFT + Z) to see the actual wind and OAT in P3D. WidePSX injects this values in dynamic mode.

Best regards,


Hello Jean-philippe,

thank you for your quick response. I was about to pull together the information you requested, but now I'm not able to reproduce this anymore - even with US settings. I made several attempts with different AS settings (historical, live mode etc.), all do match the (Shift-Z) information in P3D. Strange.. I've seen the described issue several times before posting earlier today.
Whatever caused it..(simconnect might be suspect) probably something on my system then. Let's close this case. I'll let you know if it happens again (and will collect the evidence then directly)
Sorry to have bothered you, and thanks again.

Best regards,

Steve Hose

Hi Jean-Philippe,

I am experiencing an issue when I start the ground service module.

From cold and dark:

1. In WidePSX I connect successully to PSX.
2. I select the GndService module and fill in the pre-flight information. Scheduled OUT time is set to 45 mins from real-time UTC in PSX.
3. I click 'Start Module'.
4. WidePSX displays the message 'Do Preflight / Postflight actions -> wait for new event...'
5. In PSX I establish Standby power.
6. In PSX I activate the FLT interphone ready to talk to ground ops.
7. WidePSX remains in the 'wait for new event' state - there is no contact from the ground engineer.

I have also tried from the 'Refuelling & boarding completed' and 'Ready for pushback' states and still no contact from the ground engineer.

Everything was working well up until version 1.1. This issue has only arisen since I installed the 1.2 update from your email and there have been no configuration changes to PSX or my system at my end.

I have tried to re-download the whole WidePSX package from the original registration email but I get a 404 error.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Regards, Steve.

Edit: I was able to roll back to version 1.1 from a backup copy and it works perfectly.


Hi Steve,

My deepest appologizes for the inconvenience. It is my mistake. You and registered users received a link by email to download version 1.2.1 of WidePSX. Trial users can download the new package here :

Best regards,

Steve Hose

Thank you Jean-philippe, no need to apologise, mistakes happen.

All seems to be working normally - back to enjoying your fantastic add-on!

Regards, Steve.



I had some feedbacks and questions from WidePSX users getting issues with non POSKY 747 V4 models, or modified models in P3D.

Compatible models to use with WidePSX : I built a new 5 aircrafts package compatible with WidePSX. In this package there is a TXT file which explains how to add your own prefered liveries. But this liveries must come from a V4 Project Opensky package. The TXT files explains in detail how to add your own livery.

Height above ground reference tuning : As you can see in the Scenery Generator tab, there is in the top right corner an edit box which allows you to set the aircraft height reference above the ground. I designed this tool last year to allow users to use other versions than POSKY 747, like Ifly, default FSX 747.

If you are using an aircraft from the WidePSX package (which is highly recomended) and eventually with your own livery, you don't have to do anything and you must leave this edit box empty. All the new WidePSX features like gear strut compression will be available.

If you are using another model you need to set the appropriate height reference value in the edit box. First, set PSX fuel and ZFW to 0 in the Instructor\Service page (PSX will not allow you to set a ZFW below a given value, it is normal). Setting 0 gives you the insurance to set the minimum GW allowed by the PSX model. Once PSX is at its minimum GW, trim the value in the edit box in order to set the aircraft with the wheels just touching the ground. There must be no gear strut compression at all during the trimming procedure. However, depending of the model used, the strut compression range can be different from the POSKY one's. You are using a different model at your own risk.

I decided to leave the edit box in the newest version, however, despite this option, the V4 POSKY 747 coming from my package is the only approved model to get all the WidePSX functionalities working (strut compression, flaps, gear, lights, flight controls, reversers synchronizations). The use of other models is at your own risk and there will be no support providen for this models.

The approved package can be downloaded with the link below. See the included TXT file to know how to add your favorite liveries.

Best regards and happy flyings !



In some situations, on the ground, some smoke was produced by the POSKY 747 wheels in FSX/P3D. This issue is not directly the fact of WidePSX. It is a side effect with POSKY and P3D when injecting ground elevation through SimConnect.

After hours of investigations, I found the way to fix this smoke issues. You need to disable 4 more effects in the FSX/P3D "Effects" folder. To the trial version users, please download the new user manual with the link below. Registered users received a new user manual by email. Please overwrite the existing user manual in your WidePSX folder.

To all, see page 7 of the new manual the updated list of the « fx » files to be disabled in FSX/P3D.

Best regards,



During my tests I noticed in some (few) FSX/P3D sceneries the aircraft was shaking up and down on the ground, even when it was stopped. I found the issue origin came from FSX/P3D as the ground elevation sent through SimConnect was not constant but moving around its normal value, even when the aircraft was not moving. As WidePSX injects a constant aircraft elevation above the ground, if the ground itself is moving up and down, the aircraft will also move up and down.

I only saw this issue at a very few sceneries, but it exists, and I need to fix it. Unfortunately it is very hard to fix at the WidePSX side, as the origin of the issue comes from FSX/P3D itself. All the solutions I tried have too important side effects.

The only solution available at this time will be to disable the parking brake synchronization. When the FSX/P3D parking brake is forced to « SET » position, the aircraft stops shaking up and down. There is no problem to taxi with the parking brake set in FSX/P3D as WidePSX has the total control over the aircraft movements.

So my questions are :

- Let me know if you ever seen the aircraft shaking up and down when using WidePSX latest version.
- Will the parking brake synchronization disabling, and a constant parking brake set in FSX/P3D be an issue for you ?

Depending of your feedback I will decide to implement a user selectable option, or a hard coding parking brake set command at WidePSX connection. The second option is already implemented here and works.

Thank you for your feedbacks and contribution.

Best regards,