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PSXTools - Integrated add-ons suite for PSX

Started by JP59, Sun, 16 Jul 2017 10:14



I'm happy to release the first Beta of PSXTools today. I have many add-ons in mind and though it was better to integrate eveything as "modules" within a unique add-on. Of course you'll have the possibility to enable or disable every "module", depending of your needs.

Updated July 19, 2017 :

Beta 2 contains the following modules :

- AloftWx module : it is PSXAloft integrated (with fixed FMC winds uplink bugs)
- Hardware printer output module
- TCAS traffic module

In the following weeks I'll work on :

- Ground services module

The support for PSXAloft is closed, so please post any report or question within PSXTools thread.

May I suggest you to read carefully PSXTools manual included within the downloaded package before first use.

I tested PSXTools carefully, however, don't forget it is a Beta version. Please report any bug (specially in the user interface display which was freshly written) thank you.

Here is the download link of PSXTools :

Cheers an happy flying with PSXTools  ;)



Merci Beaucoup!

I am happy to report that using PSXTools with SimConnect Port 29764 left over from VisualPSX (do not use 500, as it breaks AS14).

I also get way point winds, as well as Descent Forecast Winds- BRAVO!  Flying now to compare data from AS14 to the ND....

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Up and running here too, thanks a lot !



Question (prefaced by my ignorance)- since PSXTools (WxAloft) "intercepts" wind/weather data ABOVE 20000- is it theoretically possible to also intercept the radar image, and offer what AS14 offers (so that the radar and visual Wx match)?  I do see returns that are appropriate, but I also see the typical green return stuff that seems to be everywhere, all the time (using AUTO & WX-T)

This stuff is FAR above my knowledge level, so forgive me if I ask the impossible.... :)

Ta- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hello Carl,

What you ask is not impossible. In fact it is in my wish list. I know it is theorically possible but I think it is very complex, first due to my limited coding knowledge, and because the ActiveSky API is not very well documented.

What you see in the PSX ND when pressing WXR is the PSX own weather. PSXTools AloftWx module only manages winds, OAT and CAT. It doesn't intercept clouds informations at the moment.

I started working on the FSX/P3D traffic injection to PSX this afternoon. After this I'll work on the ground service module. And after that I'll have a look at this stuff.

I'm happy to listen the first "working" returns. Thank you guys  ;)



Hello JP, thank you for PSXTools... and thanks for keeping static mode as well!

Enrique Vaamonde



Thanks for the developments ... I am a 'Dynamic Mode' man myself & after successfully using your PSXAloft for some time I have just started to run your PSXTools in the same Dynamic Mode with no issues at all alongside p3Dv3 via a multi PC network & adding the additional syntax added into my p3Dv3 simconnect.xml  - no issues thus far!

I will be trialling it with p3Dv4 in due course as I migrate across.

Thanks once again

Steve Bell
aka The CC



Beta 2 is up. Please download via the link on the first post of this thread.

New in this version is the Traffic TCAS module. Below is a quote from updated PSXTools manual :

Quote"This module needs to be connected with FSX/P3D via the PSXTools SimConnect bridge. It reads FSX/P3D AI
aircrafts traffic and injects data in PSX ND/TCAS system. The FSX/P3D traffic can be fed by FSX/P3D internal
traffic engine, or by traffic add-ons like UltimateTraffic, MyTraffic, etc...

Nota : This module is compatible with PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim and VisualPSX. However, it is not compatible
with other add-ons displaying traffic data directly in PSX like PSXSeeconTraffic or TrafficPSX.




That's fantastic! While it does control the radio tuning, there was no traffic coming through on ExternalSimPSX so this will be a great addition.

Thank-you for your continued work!

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Salut Jean Philippe,

I wanted to test your new TCAS module as I find the idea really interesting, but there is something I don't understand to make it work.
It says that it injects traffic FROM P3D TO PSX TCAS.
But the problem is that using to connect PSX to P3D, it is a known limitation that you cannot enable AI traffic in P3D because you then have constant scenery reload every few seconds (this is a known and documented limitation in thread).
I am using P3DV4 Hotfix 1, and externalsim 2.3.1

And by the way, another quick question/request regarding the wind uplink datalink.
If I am correct, currently, your wx module, using the simconnect mode, will inject winds aloft AND OAT coming from P3D. But the datalink feature only downloads wind values from activeflightplan.txt. This file also contains temp values. Do you think it would be possible to get those values at the same time ?

Anyway, your efforts are really appreciated !

For info, I won't be able to make any further testing for a couple of weeks as I will be on holiday.



Bonsoir Charles,

Quote from: tango4 on Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:19
But the problem is that using to connect PSX to P3D, it is a known limitation that you cannot enable AI traffic in P3D because you then have constant scenery reload every few seconds (this is a known and documented limitation in thread).
I am using P3DV4 Hotfix 1, and externalsim 2.3.1

I am aware of this issue. I also use PSX.NET.P3D.Externalsim in my simulator. However, I use P3D v.3.4 with Ultimate Traffic 2 and fortunately I do not have constant scenery reloads. "Only" AI traffic disappearing completely from time to time, and reloading after some seconds. Unfortunately, as PSXTools reads traffic from P3D, if there is no traffic, there is nothing to show in the ND, so don't be surprised if you see traffic coming in and out in the ND when using PSX.NET.P3D.Externalsim. This add-on is a huge improvement in smoothness, but also have some limitations which get me sometimes frustrated in my simulator. I can just say that I am thinking of writing my own PSXTools module to connect PSX with P3D as scenery generator.

Quote from: tango4 on Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:19
And by the way, another quick question/request regarding the wind uplink datalink.
If I am correct, currently, your wx module, using the simconnect mode, will inject winds aloft AND OAT coming from P3D. But the datalink feature only downloads wind values from activeflightplan.txt. This file also contains temp values. Do you think it would be possible to get those values at the same time ?

You are correct. It is possible of course but I don't understand why ? I do not have PSX under my eyes but as far as I remember you cannot fill the OAT in the RTE DATA page ?

Cheers and enjoy your holidays  :)


Thanks for your answer !

Regarding OAT check the new Aerowinx manual page 397, bottom right paragraph, and page 398  ;)


Thanks for the information. I'll add the OAT datalink on my TODO list.




Salut Charles,

I had a look at my code and OAT is already injected with legs data stream. PSXTools injects OAT at 30000ft according with ASN data. This way PSX interpolates OAT at the other altitudes from this reference OAT according (I think) with ISA OAT gradient.

For your C++ knowledge here is a sample of my code  ;D

The OAT injection is at the 3rd last line.

// Building the new leg...
leg.set(legWithoutWxPart1 +
'@' +
info30000.splitToChar('@') + // Wind direction
'/' +
info30000.splitBetweenChars('@', '(') + // Wind velocity
'\'' +
info34000.splitToChar('@') + // Wind direction
'/' +
info34000.splitBetweenChars('@', '(') + // Wind velocity
'\'' +
info39000.splitToChar('@') + // Wind direction
'/' +
info39000.splitBetweenChars('@', '(') + // Wind velocity
'\'' +
info44000.splitToChar('@') + // Wind direction
'/' +
info44000.splitBetweenChars('@', '(') + // Wind velocity
'\'' +
"30000/" +
info30000.splitBetweenChars('(', ')') + // OAT
'$' +

Cheers !


Thanks for the Follow up !
I think the mistake I made was to expect the datalink temperature to be the same as the one in the ASN file for a given altitude. But of course, I forgot that the injected temperature was in fact an interpolation, so that would clearly make sense.

Anyway, thanks for looking into it !




Here is a video describing the new ground services feature of PSXTools. I hope you enjoy !

Cheers !


Thank-you JP... will look forward to the next version release!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA
