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VisualPSX and P3D V4

Started by asboyd, Thu, 1 Jun 2017 04:32


Hi Garry,
Just wondering if VisualPSX will need an update to work with P3D V4?
I must admit I have not tried it yet, but will give it a go over the weekend...
As P3D V4 is now 64 bit I figured it may need an update.


PS Love VisPSX with P3D....
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


QuoteTo enable the maximum possible level of backwards compatibility, the SimConnect server in Prepar3D v4 is compatible with 32-bit SimConnect executables of previous versions of Prepar3D, FSX, and ESP.

The prognosis looks good, please let us know how you get on.


Shall do.... I figure it should work with the P3DV3 version.... The P3DV4 load times are very quick and so far the default scenery is quite acceptable....roll on Orbyx Central update... :)

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Markus Vitzethum

Hi all,

I have tried (one time) to run Visual PSX (for P3D v3) with P3D v4 (clean install) and it did not work. So far I have not investigated further.

So far I did not run any of the legacy simconnect installers in the P3D v4 directory, since apparently simconnect seems to work with v4 "out of the box", namely vPilot (for VATSIM connection) does work.


So far I did not look into Externalsim ... maybe one off-topic question on Externalsim. Does it cover the stuff that was handled by TrafficPSX. More precisely, does it transfer the comm radio settings into P3D, and does it transfer traffic (e.g. VATSIM traffic or AI traffic) into PSX so I can utilize the PSX TCAS?


If I understand the thread on externalsim, traffic is a problem....

I will try with the legacy SimConnect tomorrow and see how VisualPSX goes..... I had to use the legacy SimConnect with V3.

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Gary Oliver

We (Mark) actually have all the traffic, comm and transponder stuff working but not released.  Maybe we should look at that this weekend too.


Cool. It was one of the things keeping me from trying it out... :)
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Well tried multiple things to get VisualPSX working but it looks like the dll will need to be recompiled for x64.... The new P3D does not recognise the 32 bit dll, so VisualPSX does not recognise P3Dv4....

Will have to wait for an update or Mark to release a new ExternalSim....

Alex B
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Steve - Browny

VisualPSX seems to be working with us. We used it with Prepar3D v3 and just installed Prepar3D alongside and worked straight away. TrafficPSX also connects and the traffic flows between them.

Repositioning seems to be a lot smoother as well - still testing


I had both installed but could not get p3Dv4 to connect via VisualPSX or TraffixPSX.

Although I am not using the default install locations I have P3D installed on an SSD (H: drive).
How did you get Visual PSX to recognise P3D v4, it does not even show up in the connection box?

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Managed to get it all working. Runways still does not pick up the P3Dv4 but it seems to use the file it created for P3D v3 OK.....
I will also try with the P3D externalsim app and see how they go.

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Markus Vitzethum

Hi Alex,

> Managed to get it all working.

I will also give externalsim a try but if you managed to get VisualPSX working, I'll also look into that.

Can you share with us what you did to get VisualPSX running with P3D v4?



I installed the Simconnect for FSX SP2 from the P3Dv4 directory.
I simply installed a copy of my P3Dv3 simconnect.xml into the user/adppdata/roaming/lockheed martin/prepar3d v4 directory as normal. Visual PSX does bot report P3Dv4 but it connects and runs.

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Steve - Browny

The only issue I have with Visual PSX is it that while flying it sometimes flickers in Command mode and P3D jumps to the ground at something like 4 times a second. The solution I've found is to simply restart VisualPSX and it settles down and flies normally.


My problem is that I purchased P3D v4 totally new. so I have no older files to put in. The result is, Visual PSX don't work on my system...

Is there any help out there?




Garry's suite for VisualPSX is still available here and his documentation for setup is pretty complete.

As you may or may not know, Garry is not longer engaged, doesn't visit the forums and has no plans to upgrade the software.




Hi John,

thx for jumping in here. I installed everything as described. To run VisualPSX I need to run RunwaysPSX at first. If running this in the window of RunwaysPSX "Flight Simulator Found: NONE" occurs. VisualPSX asked for Runways_PSX_v81.vpx.
ViaualPSX is connected to P3D v4. It just needs the Runway file...

I tried to rename older Runway.vpx file to v81 but doesn´t work...

Am I alone with this problem ?

Best wishes



So. I´ve got everything to run. But flying in PSX at FL280 P3D v4 shows 28495 which results in a controllers advice not ot fly at the assigned FL.
Any ideas ?

Best wishes


Hardy Heinlin

What's the baro pressure in PSX, what's the baro pressure in the other sims?




Quote from: Captain_Crow on Mon, 25 Sep 2017 20:03
So. I´ve got everything to run. But flying in PSX at FL280 P3D v4 shows 28495 which results in a controllers advice not ot fly at the assigned FL.
Any ideas ?

Best wishes


Hello Steffen,

unfortunately, this error occurs in P3Dv3 as well (at least for me). There is usually 400-500' difference. But I have been told only once (so far) by VATSIM controller.

If there is a fix for this, please share it. :)
