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turbulence not good displayed?

Started by florismulock, Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:22


Hi all,

see message below:this is due to an error in the custom weather options (maybe you can repair this in the future Hardy?)

i think there is something wrong with the radar:  i had in light turbulence strong colours and as described below i shouldnt see this light turbulence  hardy said (screenshot 17)
New version; same example, with ND range set to 40 nm. Two radar shadows in view. By the way, in the new version, the magenta turbulence areas are shown only for moderate and severe turbulence. If[ a cell is smaller than 15000 ft, the turbulence is light (this was a general modification in one of the last PSX updates) and therefore not marked in magenta anymore.

  see this pic.



maybe its just because its custom made weather (a bug or something)   because when i do realistic weather (metar)  everything works fine

maybe this was even once a tornado?. you could clearly see that it had some rotation and small fingers are seen.

Hardy Heinlin


you're still using the old weather radar graphics from 2014/2015.

The new, improved weather radar graphics are only active if you're using the Aerowinx Nav Database Update for the year 2016 or later. (The one for 2017 will be out by the end of February 2017; it always uses the March cycle.)

Also, to get that new, improved weather radar graphics, your Preferences file that starts PSX (e.g. Aerowinx/Preferences/Default.pref) must contain this text line:


This is the default setting. If it was set to "OldWxrGfx=1" the old WXR graphics would be active. So you either still use the database of 2014 or 2015, or you have set this line to "OldWxrGfx=1". I don't recomend to use the old graphics.





thanks i will try to zero that but i have't changed anything just added the nav on the correct place. later i removed it just out of curiousity (compare old with new)  and moved the new nav back on the right place

Hardy Heinlin

Did you set this to zero?

By the way, you also need PSX 10.0.8 or higher.

Hardy Heinlin

What "OldWxrGfx=?" setting are you using?

Normally, you need not edit this line as it is set to "0" by default when PSX 10.0.8 is installed over an older version.


i haven't changed anything its saying zero. so i have the updated weather.

Hardy Heinlin

Your screenshot definitely shows the old graphics.

Please recheck whether you are really using PSX 10.0.8 or higher, and Nav database cycle 1603.

You can see the info on Instructor > About.

Are multiple Aerowinx folders on your computer and you're always checking a different folder that you don't use for starting PSX? Are you using a shortcut to start PSX? Is the shortcut linked with another, older Aerowinx folder?


10.0.9K  version iam using!

have you seen the third picture. that one is displaying the weather correctly.  that was with metar on.  are you sure that one was too old graphics? (maybe related to the custom weather options pic 1 and 2 are created by me)


but ihave the new version of nav


i installed(copied) like i said before in the earlyer post. in the navigation new file.

Hardy Heinlin

How many Aerowinx folders exist on your computer?


just one on C called aerowinx. dont have any old files


maybe i should uninstall aerowinx and install it again?

Hardy Heinlin

Obviously, cycle 1603 is not installed.

Do you own a file called

Do not unzip it.

Check that Aerowinx/Navigation/-New is empty.

Please copy to the empty Aerowinx/Navigation/-New folder and then restart PSX.

That's all.


hardy that file already is in my aerowinx folder:

aerowinx> navigation>-new

i clicked (2 weeks ago) on the nav1603file and copied the map nav into that -new location

maybe i should copie the whole file (so the map called nav1603 instead of clicking on it and then placing the nav into the right map)