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The "add-on" everyone would invest in...

Started by cagarini, Sat, 15 Oct 2016 09:03


Taxiways / Parking areas for PSX...

Would it come in 2017 ?

Would you even consider it HH ?

And, I mean just using the exact same rendering engine presently implemented in PSX, with dots ( white, blue or red, maybe green and yellow too... ) as a guide...

That would be a very welcomed surprise ;-))))))))))

Hardy Heinlin

Can you give me 50,000 $ ?

And 50 months free time?



Just pass me your IBAN... I'll transfer it ASAP... which can be as far as only during my next life, where  I expect to get born somewhere in the Emirates or Saudi Arabia :-)


Hola Jose!

I think we could raise the 50k, it is the 50-months aspect of the request that has me worried ;)

Enrique Vaamonde

Dirk Schepmann

Hi all,

personally, I'd already be happy with a connection to moving map utilities like Aivlasoft EFB or Jeppesen Flightdeck.
Many of these moving map display solutions require a NMEA compatible output of position data to a (virtual) COM-Port. I tried AdaptPSX Add-On for this purpose, but unfortunately the data string is not exactly in NMEA format.

Best regards,


Yep, connection into an external moving map would do the job too...

Ivo de Colfmaker

Now,supose one uses FSX or P3D as scenery generator, even with all settings to minimum, and If you do not want to use it as scenery generator per se , and like to,fly PSX native,resize it  to the smallest window you can in a bottom corner.
Consider FSX or P3D as an addon for PSX
Then using Aivlasoft EFB  linked to FSX  or P3D  does just that, you can taxi  from any stand  over any taxiway  to any runway and the EFB acts like a moving map.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Quote from: Ivo de Colfmaker on Sat, 15 Oct 2016 17:14
Now,supose one uses FSX or P3D as scenery generator, even with all settings to minimum, and If you do not want to use it as scenery generator per se , and like to,fly PSX native,resize it  to the smallest window you can in a bottom corner.
Consider FSX or P3D as an addon for PSX
Then using Aivlasoft EFB  linked to FSX  or P3D  does just that, you can taxi  from any stand  over any taxiway  to any runway and the EFB acts like a moving map.

Excellent suggestion!  Thx Ivo.

Yet another interesting alternative, that could even be used as a flight planner, would be FSC 9, but the ideal solution for me would be to not even have to load a second flight simulator to be able to display the PSX position on these maps... It was always a burden, at least in my PC, to load either FSX, P3D or XP...

Ivo de Colfmaker

Starting from the fact that we do not want to have a visual outside view, ( FSX or P3D) it requires only a 1GHz cpu for FSX and 2GHz  cpu for P3D.
It can be a low end machine.
The problem is ofcourse that to use P3D it sets you back 200$ But then you can use PSX.NET.P3D .
FSX much cheaper, but then it is Visual PSX, which is not suported anymore, but still works.

I think that on a low end machine, with all settings min. and a default plane, window minimized, it works ok.
Those of us using a scenery generator in a network have a strong pc, and therefore no problem to run EFB beside it.

Running all on 1 machine is difficult
But like everything in life, it's a compromise.
This is the only moving map solution I can think of, far from good, but it works.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Avi Adin

Ivo de Colfmaker

Hi Avi,
i know it , meaning, I know it exists, but never tried it because EFB works good for me.
Is it good enough to show acurate taxiways? If so, then it would serve this purpose better, because it is free and it just needs a browser I understand?
A day at this forum is a day learned!


I'm not fond of having to open another sim just for taxiways / parking spots. There are two possible ways I can think of:

1) Build an NMEA0183 generator from the lat/lon/heading/altitude streamed by either PSX's boost or main server. This would allow the integration between PSX and external moving maps.

2) Build a program that reads either MSFS/P3D BGL format or APT.DAT (which I don't know if they are maintaining in the future XP11). That's what Plan G and Aivlasoft's EFB do, and they use simconnect for the aircraft's position.

I haven't been able to use PSX Tellerium reliably, but i'm sure it's a PEBKAC issue ;)

Enrique Vaamonde

Dirk Schepmann

Quote from: Ivo de Colfmaker on Sat, 15 Oct 2016 17:14
Now,supose one uses FSX or P3D as scenery generator, even with all settings to minimum, and If you do not want to use it as scenery generator per se , and like to,fly PSX native,resize it  to the smallest window you can in a bottom corner.
Consider FSX or P3D as an addon for PSX
Then using Aivlasoft EFB  linked to FSX  or P3D  does just that, you can taxi  from any stand  over any taxiway  to any runway and the EFB acts like a moving map.

Hi Ivo,

that's exactly what I also tried to connect Aivlasoft EFB with PSX. Well, it certainly works but it is a quite complicated approach. It has also the disadvantage that PSX receives the ground elevation of FSX/P3D which removes some very nice and unique features of PSX like sloped runways or different elevation of runways at the same airport.

At the moment I'm even using P3D as a scenery generator (dragged to a second monitor of the same PC) but I still think that a direct connection between PSX and a moving map application would be a highly useful and superior tool.

Best regards,


Yes Dirk, that would probably be the easiest way.

For me being able to use EFASS or Flightsim Commander would be just great.

EFASS did a good job with X-Plane as a moving map.

I do not own, nor intend to, any sort of tablet or smartphone, so, I'd rather use one of these programs.

Markus Vitzethum

Hi all,

I reconn there is a "market" for a light-weight NMEA 0183 GPS-Output for PSX?

Back in PS1.3 days, I have developed such a program and I still have the source code. I also have the source code for a new unpublished PSX add-on (Xacars-compatible ACARS) which brings the PSX interface. Combing both parts of the code shouldn't be too much of a problem for my.

So, anyone needs a GPS output tool for PSX?



Quote from: Markus Vitzethum on Sun, 16 Oct 2016 07:56
Hi all,

I reconn there is a "market" for a light-weight NMEA 0183 GPS-Output for PSX?

Back in PS1.3 days, I have developed such a program and I still have the source code. I also have the source code for a new unpublished PSX add-on (Xacars-compatible ACARS) which brings the PSX interface. Combing both parts of the code shouldn't be too much of a problem for my.

So, anyone needs a GPS output tool for PSX?


Looks promising :-)

But I guess I would have to use a smartphone, tablet or even a GPS unit to be able to use it :-/

IRL I still take my charts with me, and my good old E6B, whenever I go cross-country in the glider, which is the main reason why I didn't even consider buying such expensive / otherwise useless for me devices...

A PC-based GPS or moving Map would be preferable.

Holger Wende


...if only I had more time to work on my "Sector Moving Map"  >:(
See e.g.
Basically my program works already, but there are too many things to be fixed, still  :(
I may post a new screenshot of the latest development version (old screenshot is gone)...

Another idea, might be even more promising:
A few years ago I visitesd a Flight Simulation event in Oberschleißheim (PC Flugtag).
One participant presented an off-the-shelf navigator connected to his PC. A tiny conversion program fed the MS-FS position into the Navigator. He told me most Navigator devices support a "standard API" to feed position data into the Navigator from an exterenal source. So he saw his aircraft position on the Navigator.
So for those who have a mobile Navigator e.g. in their car we would need a converter between PSX/Router and the Navigotor API. Unfortunaltely I do not recall the API name.
This would have the advantage of probably least programming and use of standard hardware rather than developing an "expensive" and fancy new tool.

Regards, Holger


Dear Hardy,

Is it feasible to mark the touchdown zone and the aiming point on the runways depicted on the Position Page? Moreover, is it possible to mark with different colors dots (on Position page) according to on ground/on flight status?
Thank you.

Markus Vitzethum

Hi Holger,

actually, there is a standard API named NMEA 0183, see My program uses just that and writes sentences to the serial bus which are relevant for a moving map. It works with any external moving map on other PCs. Programming-wise, I just need to replace the PS1.3 interface with a PSX interface.

(However, I am not aware of a standard on how to connect a tablet computer. I guess you'd rather use a built-in GPS chipset or a bluetooth GPS, in both cases the GPS is directly connected to the computer. Some apps have FSX interfaces, I have no idea how they work.)



Hi Markus, most of the tablets (that I know of) use either Bluetooth or connect via Wi-Fi to a on-board Wireless Access Point (embedded in a modern avionic, for example ADS-B units) to pull the data. Some use NMEA0183 (with some custom fields), others ARINC standards, some CAN Bus or variants of it, and others a proprietary binary protocol.

Those which are able to connect to FSX/P3D do it using the Simconnect API.

Enrique Vaamonde