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Forum SSL

Started by Mark, Thu, 14 Jul 2016 08:44


Hi Hardy,

I find myself staying at hotels with open unencrypted wifi (even shared encrypted wifi wouldn't be much better) and are a little concerned about logging into this forum via HTTP. Similar concerns are valid on airport/aircraft wifi networks.

Is it easy to enable HTTPS in the forum software?
Free SSL certificates are available here:


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Mark,

I don't know. This forum software is from -- maybe there's a hint on their website ...

Are you concerned about your forum password?



Gary Oliver

Don't worry mark we will install a faraday cage around the sim for you ;D

Hardy Heinlin

Speaking of Faraday ...

QuoteI find myself staying at hotels [...] and are ...

Did a lightning strike cut the single Mark into plural while typing this sentence? :-)


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:07
Don't worry mark we will install a faraday cage around the sim for you ;D

The Marks would like to inform you that we are pleased with this proposal...


No pets in the sim please. It's bad enough with Gary's cat without having faradays as well..


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 08:56
Are you concerned about your forum password?

I knew it was a bad idea setting my Aerowinx forum password to be the same as my Gmail and online banking one!

What has the world come to!?

Send one of those Faraday cages my way too, please, Gary!

On a serious note now: there's also I've been using their certs on my servers for a few years now.

If you need any help with this Hardy, let me know.


Enrique Vaamonde

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Hardy: at least in theory, the Forum software should not need to know anything about HTTPS.  It's purely a web server (Apache?) thing. Possibly you need to reset the base URL, if the Forum has one, so all explicit links to itself would be HTTPS instead of HTTP, but that's it.

Enabling HTTPS on the web server is not difficult but likely much more complex than you may expect. Security is hard, and not forgiving. You need to have everything lined up before it works at all.



Hoppie, you're right - the majority of the configuration is on the web server.

'Force cookies to be secure'
This option isn't mandatory if HTTPS is enabled on the webserver, it's another layer of security that stops session hijacking via non-HTTPS access.

I find setting up HTTPS on all my sites (in my day job) to be easy but that's the benefit of experience. That's possibly why it might not be appropriate here - it'll take Hardy's time away from the next PSX beta.

Edit: Also looks like a version update would be sensible, see change log:
'Full SSL Support'
but this latest version does say:
'Note: As this is in development, we do not recommend running SMF 2.1 on a production site.'
so maybe I started this thread too early...