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Started by Mark, Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:05


Hello all!

There have been hints on this forum about an elusive piece of software to be released and I'm happy to announce that an initial version is available. Behold; PSX.NET.

PSX.NET is a modular software. There is a core PSX.NET application and add-on modules which usually equate to additional tabs appearing in the UI.

Main application

Lead developer: Mark
Latest version: 1.0.0
Full name: PSX.NET
PSX.NET is the core application that loads and hosts the modules. It's main purpose by itself is to connect to PSX and dispatch the PSX messages to any interested modules. It is the first tab in the user interface.


Lead developer: Triple7
Latest version: 1.1.0
Full name: PSX.NET.Module.Doors
The doors module allows you individually select doors and hatches to open/close or arm/disarm, plus quick
configuration buttons. It also has an automatic setting to mimic the actions of cabin crew and ground staff in
preparing the aircraft during operations.

Ground Services
Lead developer: Triple7
Latest version: 1.0.0
Module name: PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices
The ground services module allows you to control some of the actions performed by the ground staff, loading,
fuelling, pushback, connections and de-icing.


System requirements:
-Windows 7/8/10
- .NET 4.5.1

- Download PSX.NET, extract it to the desired location.
- Download all desired modules, do not extract them.
- Run PSX.NET.
- Use the 'Install/update module' button in the user interface to select the module .zip file and click 'Open' to install it.
Note: The 'Install/update module' button is only active when PSX.NET is disconnected from PSX.


PSX.NET 1.0.0 - Latest

PSX.NET.Module.Doors 1.1.0 - Latest

PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices 1.0.0 - Latest


PSX.NET User Manual (Issue 1) - Latest

Hardy Heinlin


Thank you, gentlemen!


So looking forward to getting home from the salt mine and installing this suite. Many thanks for all your efforts! PSX is wonderful, but with smooth scenery visuals it becomes even more enthralling and captivating. Now we get to explore even more strata and nuances of full-flight simulation!

To confirm, does this latest version perform scenery generator coupling in addition to hosting the other modules?

With gratitude- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


A picture from the ribbon cutting ceremony on the inaugural simfestuk PSX.NET 1.0.0 flight...!


Quote from: cavaricooper on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:49
To confirm, does this latest version perform scenery generator coupling in addition to hosting the other modules?

No, PSX.NET is, and will always be, very separate to PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim (they're fundamentally incompatible things).



Mea Culpa. In that case will PSX.NET P3D be recognized as another module (PSX.NET.module P3D) or is that bit totally stand alone?

Also, will BAACARS and the discussed waypoint wind program (in the wings atm) become modules within PSX.NET?

May I just say that the "delay" factor in Doors, External Power/Air etc. will make things much more interesting.  I can fully see the need for a dedicated "instructor station" operator.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Gary Oliver


The boys have been begging me to turn bacars into already.  It will be done at some point

We were talking last night that we might add some automation into triggering the steps in psx doors.



Hi all,

The initial release of the PSX.NET User Manual has been added to the 1st post in this thread. Thanks to Triple7 for this.



Gary/Mark et al-

As a beneficiary of the teams collective benevolence, I would just like to say thanks.  Hardy's PSX has inspired so many talented people to strive to make the experience even better in toto.

Yesterday, I flew PSX networked across 3 machines-

PSX.NET P3D provided scenery generation
PSX.NET provided additional routing capability for the DOORS and GROUND SERVICES modules
PSX BAACARS worked performance
PSXonMCP2 allowed for HW EICAS, MCP & RCP
PSX Remote allowed for 2 iPad CDUs
PSX Aloft sent ASN waypoint winds above FL200
AdaptPSX sent my receipt printer my BAACARS output
CMC-PSX monitored the flight
FiFli provided the FO extras & trolley dolly

While a long way from Cranebank, and Chris' and your 'decks, how could I be anything but grateful? 

I look forward to a long, educational and inspiring future with the PSX ecosystem!

Best- C

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hi C,

You even forgot one add-on: add real time / real life traffic with PSXseeconTraffic ...  :)




I hope to benefit from your work when I get to a point in life where a full flight deck is possible. For now I fly on VATSIM so I have not used your software.  I am grateful for your work and look forward to utilizing it!

Best- Carl
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



While probably not a necessity for Gary's sim, would it be possible to add a tick box for pause at TOD to PSX.NET?  For those of us who cannot always continuously remain present on long-haul simulations this would be a helpful feature. Even better (if it isn't too greedy) would be an option of TOD or TOD-50 or TOD-100.

While I try to time arrivals appropriately, sometimes life gets in the way (a bit distressing after 12-13 hrs) and a pause would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your consideration.  Either way, I remain obliged.

Best- C

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



When I start EZVID (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?



Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat, 30 Jul 2016 22:23
While probably not a necessity for Gary's sim, would it be possible to add a tick box for pause at TOD to PSX.NET?

Sure - any ideas how I calculate arrival at TOD? I'm not wanting to spend too much time on this but if there is a good bit of documentation on this then it'll take me a few minutes to add in.


Quote from: kiek on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 09:00
When I start EZVID (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?

You're on the wrong thread but I'll respond here - that's very unusual, the only thing I can think of is that EZVID is interfering with the TCP messaging between the router and P3D ExternalSim, either by using the same port, or by (this is a very wild guess) somehow causing windows firewall to start blocking packets (perhaps if the parent thread ID changes).

Perhaps try using 'SysInternals Process Monitor' and seeing if the thread stack changes when you start EZVID? It's a bit of a guess.


Quote from: Mark on Mon,  1 Aug 2016 08:45
Quote from: kiek on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 09:00
When I start EZVID (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?

You're on the wrong thread but I'll respond here - that's very unusual, the only thing I can think of is that EZVID is interfering with the TCP messaging between the router and P3D ExternalSim, either by using the same port, or by (this is a very wild guess) somehow causing windows firewall to start blocking packets (perhaps if the parent thread ID changes).

Perhaps try using 'SysInternals Process Monitor' and seeing if the thread stack changes when you start EZVID? It's a bit of a guess.
For clarification: EZVID is running at the P3D machine, I asume it is not using any ports, nor changing firewall settings...

P.S sorry about taking the wrong thread



Fingers x'ed the thread HH points to will suffice.....


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hi Hardy, I find Carl's suggestion would add value to PSX per se.

Would you consider adding to your nice-to-have feature list for future releases?

Enrique Vaamonde

Hardy Heinlin


We've discussed this already. Nope, I'm sorry. When I leave a PSX session in cruise and want to continue at T/D, I press Pause when I leave or even shutdown the computer, and when I return I simply make a direct-to to a route waypoint near the T/D and click the Time-jump button on the Time page. That has exactly the same effect because the time and fuel progress and step climb will be advanced automatically.

Besides, this is a feature invented by another software author, I think. I don't want to copy his idea (a very unusual idea).

