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Flightsim Yoke and Throttle Quadrant not saving in prefs

Started by EmilB, Fri, 13 May 2016 13:12

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jörg,

hmm, I don't think this setting works. You assigned some PSX functions to multiple USB components. A PSX function should be assigned to just one USB component, or to nothing.

The data records between the semicolons are the assignments. Assignments with an "n" refer to axes, the others to buttons. Left of the "n" is the neutral zone value, after the "n" is the list position on the axis menu.

E.g. "30n16;" means this axis has got a neutral zone of 30, and is assigned to axis No. 16 on the axes menu.

"30n16;" appears two times in your string. That's wrong; it should appear just once.

E.g. "1;" means this button is assigned to function No. 1 on the buttons menu.

"1;" appears two times in your string. It should appear just once.

"0;" appears very often. "0" means "not assigned". Don't you use all these buttons?

Also: "0n0;0n0;0n0;0n0;0n0;" -- these are five axes (of the yoke device) that are not assigned.




Hello Hardy,

well, I just started my mac pro and opened PSX, in order to have a look into the USB preferences. I recognized that the rudder paddles axes changed the position to No 1. 2. 3. (unbelievable, every time I switch on the computer, the position of the devices are changed).
OK, you are complaining the double assignments (e.g. 30n16). In that case those are the toe brakes. I have assigned each paddle with the function "both toe brakes". During the simulation it works fine. I can imagine that it will be the same with 1;. I have assigned two buttons with the function "togo". During the simulation it works also fine. What I´m wondering about are the "0n0" unassigned axes. To my opinion all axes of my devises are assigned – of course not all of the buttons.

I do not know what is running wrong.


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jörg,

are you sure it's the USB line from the pref file that is working now?

This is from your detection:

Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 0; 0; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 1; 1; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 2; 2; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 3; 3; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 4; 4; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 5; 5; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 6; 6; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 7; 7; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 8; 8; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 9; 9; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 10; 10; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 11; 11; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 12; 12; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 13; 13; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 14; 14; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 15; 15; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 16; 16; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 17; 17; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 18; 18; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 19; 19; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 20; 20; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 21; 21; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | 22; 22; 
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | x; x;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | y; y;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | z; z;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | rx; rx;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | ry; ry;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke | Stick | 0 | USB port | pov; pov;

Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals | Stick | 0 | USB port | x; x;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals | Stick | 0 | USB port | y; y;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals | Stick | 0 | USB port | rz; rz;  (analog)

Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 0; 0; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 1; 1; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 2; 2; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 3; 3; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 4; 4; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 5; 5; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 6; 6; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 7; 7; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 8; 8; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | x; x;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | y; y;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | z; z;  (analog)

Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 0; 0; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 1; 1; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 2; 2; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 3; 3; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 4; 4; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 5; 5; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 6; 6; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 7; 7; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | 8; 8; 
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | x; x;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | y; y;  (analog)
Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant | Stick | 0 | USB port | z; z;  (analog)

You posted this line:


I split it like this ...

Yoke (the last eight zeros are for the 8-way-POV):


Quadrant A:

Quadrant B:

Well, that's all I can show you for now. The yoke axes have no assignments ...




... I would ask you for a recommendations, do you have a recommendation

Hardy Heinlin

On the USB page, you need to assign your aileron axis to the aileron function, and your elevator axis to the elevator function. I don't know what the z, rx, and ry axes on the yoke box are designed for.


Hello Hardy,

I can imagine, that you are not very amused, that I´m coming back with my problem. But please, give me one more chance :)
What I have done is, making new USB assignments (you will not find the double ones any more. E.g. I divided the toe brakes in left and in right.) After that I made a copy oft the usb detect file and pref.txt file.
On the enclosed screenshot (dropbox link down below), at the upper left side, you can see a copy of the usb detect.txt file, down below a copy of the pref. file.

The following copies, from left to right, I made after rebooting the mac pro. I did it three time.
If you compare the usb detect files, you can recognise, that the order of the devices is differently.
You also will find differences in USB= row.
(The additional axis on the yoke, where you don´t know they belong to, I believe they belong to an throttle quadrant, which one you can connect direct to the Saitek yoke with a special jack - I do not use that one and it is not connected)


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jörg,

thank you for the details :-)

There may be an easier solution: If we can take your last test as a reference, we can see that just the rudder device has changed its list position each time. The other devices keep their positions relative to each other.

So you could try this: Every time, before you reboot your computer, first unplug the cable of your rudder device. Just that. Nothing else. Plug it in only when the computer is up.




Hi Hardy,

I have done it like you suggested, but the result is not as we expected. The order of the devices have changed again.

Nice weekend

Hardy Heinlin

Was it just the rudder that jumped to a different position?

If it's always the rudder only, we just need 4 pref files:








Hi Hardy,

in order to find out the cause of the trouble, I installed PSX on another mac - I will make it short, the same problems.
What I have done else, I disconnected the rudder pedals. What shall I say, also the Quadrants (you remember, there are two connected) are jumped, or let´s say, they have changed the position with each other and lost the correct assignments.
Only the flight yoke kept its position and the assignments.

It seems to be, that I am the only one, who has that kind of problems. What do you think about the saitek product? Might it be, they are the reason and it could be helpful to change to an other product?



Hello Jörg,

Are you sure not to have PSX started without the rudder pedals and quadrants connected? Because when I do that, the saved preferences are also lost. I made a copy default.pref to replace when something got wrong with settings.

Kind regards,


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jörg,

regrettably, I have no idea what's the cause of your Saitek problem.

If I were you, I would do this:

• Make a text file yyy.txt.

• Make one perfect Default.pref that works with your current USB connections.

• Copy the USB text string from this perfect Default.pref and paste it in yyy.txt.

• In yyy.txt split the USB string as shown here:

• Make 4 text sections in yyy.txt; each section is for one USB device, e.g.:



Quadrant A:

Quadrant B:

• Save yyy.txt.

• Done.

Now, whenever you reboot your computer and start PSX, check on the Instructor's USB page what the current order of your devices is. E.g. if it's yoke, quadrant A, quadrant B, rudder, then do this:

• Open yyy.txt and copy and paste the string components in the required order in another line in yyy.txt. Use yyy.txt as a note pad.

• Open Default.pref with a text editor.

• Copy the new USB string from yyy.txt to the USB line in Default.pref and save Default.pref.

• In PSX go to Preferences > Load and click on Reload "Default.pref".

Sounds complicated. But it's just "copy and paste" 4 text components into a line, and then click Save here, and Reload there. Are you a fast keyboard worker? I could do this in 20 seconds; it works faster than a complete resetting on the USB page for which I would need 2 minutes or so.




Hallo Sjaak,

sorry for the late reply.
I´m absolutely sure, that the devices are connected before I started PSX, respectively the mac. It´s not only the settings which are lost, it´s also the order of the devices in the PSX USB preferences, which are changing every time I reboot the mac.

Hallo Hardy,
I also apologize for the late reply.
Well, I have done it as you recommended and it works as you expected. Of course, it is not really "plug and play :)", but it works. But however, I am very interested, what the reason is for that issues. It is really strange.

Thank you very, very much for your help.


Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: webleinsteg on Thu,  2 Jun 2016 08:02It´s not only the settings which are lost, it´s also the order of the devices in the PSX USB preferences, ...

Hi Jörg,

primarily it's the order that is lost. This causes the settings to be changed as well because PSX cannot assign axes to buttons, or buttons to hat switches etc.; the wrong order forces PSX to cancel any invalid assignments.




.... that makes sense. But the great mytery will remain, for which reason the order is changing.

Anyhow, thank you again for your support.
