
Precision Simulator update 10.181 (1 February 2025) is now available.
Navburo update 13 (23 November 2022) is now available.
NG FMC and More is released.

Main Menu

Instructor Panel

Started by Stephane LI, Tue, 9 Feb 2016 17:25

Stephane LI


I have an unsual problem. I had to have two monitors on the same graphic card GTX980TI. Unfortunately, my second monitor had a failure this weekend (the screen became all white) and nothing can display on it. So I disconnected the faulty monitor.
The problem is that before the failure, the instructor panel was dragged on this monitor 2. Now with only one monitor, when I start PSX, the instructor panel automaticallt opens like if it was on the second monitor. So I can't access the instructor panel anymore.
Is there a way to change a preference file so that the instructor panel is magically dragged back to monitor 1 ?
Otherwise I'll have to reinstall all the PSX files freshly in a new folder.


-- EDIT--
OK. It seems I spoke too quickly. I tried to right click on every menu items and I figure out how to bring back the panel on the main monitor. So you can delete my post now. Sorry for disturbance.

Hardy Heinlin


how did you access the menu items if you didn't see the Instructor?

For your info, the Instructor's x/y position at sim start is stored in the respective pref file:

[Aerowinx Precision Simulator - Preferences]
[Version 10.0.7]






could not find any info about InstructorPg ... what is it for?

Have a great sunday

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Hans,

these numbers determine which page group and what subpages occur on the Instructor at sim start.

E.g. it may start with the "Model" page group, and the initially displayed subpage may be "Airframe". And when you click "Analysis", the initially displayed subpage may be "Touchdown", for example. And so on.




Aaah, I see!

Thanks, Hardy!



I use two instances of PSX, a server and a client. The server is for everything except displaying a CDU on an external hardware device; the client just displays the CDU screen on the hardware.

Currently when I start PSX, I get an Instructor Page for both instances. Is there a way to disable the automatic launching of the Instructor Page on the client? I was wondering whether a zero placed strategically somewhere in the list of integers after "InstructorPg" might do it.

Will /Chicago /USA

Hardy Heinlin

Yes, in your client's "pref" file find this line ...


... and replace it with ...




Will /Chicago /USA