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VoxATC and PSX...

Started by cagarini, Tue, 17 Nov 2015 09:02


This Monday I spent some time playing with the VoxATC demo.

From all of the ATC programs I have used for FSX it looks like to most interesting offer, specially because of the speech recognition component, together with the didactic approach to tell you what you should say to the virtual controller under various circumstances, a hint that can be turned off when one gets proficient with it.

I haven't used it with PSX yet, but I know VisualPSX allows for the radios on the FSX / P3D 744 to be tuned by PSX ?  Anyway, after takeoff VoxATC allows for the communications ( on an IFR flight ) to be handed to you co-pilot, if you're the PF, and the guy then set's the radios, but not the MCP and the transponder...

I will try to find the best combination between using VoxATC and FSX / P3D together with PSX, and, at the same times, the co-pilot's on both platforms - I will have two guys in the right seat :-), but if any of you have already gone through the same experience with this neat ATC software, I would be pleased to read your comments :-)


Hi, i am extremely interested in the outcomes of your testing. I am used TrafficPSX for Vatsim, i imagine VoxATC will work in a similar way. The only trouble with it is it cannot be networked. In my sim I will have to install it on my P3D PC. I will then need to reconnect my headsets to that PC.


Are you on FSX or P3D ?

Overall, I notice much better performance on P3D v2.5 ( don't have v3 ), compared to FSX:SE with DX10 mode by the Fixer.

I will have to wait a couple more days before I test it with PSX. Meanwhile tests with PMDG 777 200LR were positive and promising - it is smooth and although I ave heard the voices can be a burden to the CPU, my i5 2500 is doing great so far...

Will post results with PSX ASAP.


I am using P3d v2.5. With default settings I am getting a solid 30 fps going to 60 fps at some airports.


Well, my experiments were not successful :-/

I couldn't make TrafficPSX work at all without a pilot client. I thought I could use the features that allow me to control the radios in FSX from PSX with "None" on the pilot client drop down menu ?

So, in order to get those features ( PSX setting the VHF and transponder for FSX, and even sharing a PTT key ) do I always need to set a pilot client ?

Apparently it should work :


I installed VoxATC today and after some fiddling about with settings I must say I am quite impressed.

I carried out a short flight from Gatwick to East Midlands and it all worked well.

I used Garry's excellent Traffic PSX which passed all the radio settings and Squark codes to FSX and therefore VoxATC, very transparently.

I turned of all the ATC stuff in FSX and VoxATC worked like an overlay it has its own separate sound so I could turn off all the FSX sounds.

The gotcha for me was the PTT I could not assign this to the Joystick so used the the default spacebar.

I also selected none for the client option.

I like the fact you can add your own voices, you can also hand over the work to the FO, it gets quite hectic handling everything on your own.

The software also gives you taxi way guidance to the runway and stand. It introduces its own traffic so I see a lot more aircraft in correct positions take off and landing in FSX.

I am one day into the seven day demo, but so far so good.

About to install the LevelD database for STARS/SIDS though it did a good job coming into East Midlands without it.

Speech recognition out of the box is very good, the other half looks at me a bit strange as I respond to ATC so I select FO when she is about :-)



Using VoxATC with FSX and P3D v2.5 was straightforward, and I really like it, but I had no success using it with PSX, and never managed to get TrafficPSX working as it should, so, no freq syncro between PSX and P3D :-/


....with other words:  voxATC is working with psx? !

Bernd Schwarz


Unfortunately my trial run out so could not perform more testing. As it stands VoxATC does not work with PSX or trafficPSX.