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PSXAloft II : new upper wind and turbulence simulation for PSX

Started by JP59, Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:27



Silly question.... but did you first select the activeflightplanwx.txt (user/appdata/roaming/Hifi/ASNP3D/Weather) from ASN?

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: cavaricooper on Mon, 21 Mar 2016 13:53

Silly question.... but did you first select the activeflightplanwx.txt (user/appdata/roaming/Hifi/ASNP3D/Weather) from ASN?


Yes I did, right after starting PSX Aloft. As I said, the uplink of enroute winds on the FMS LEGS page worked just fine, and the actual winds I encountered at cruise were spot on with the uploaded forecast.

The more I think about it, the more I believe I would have to enter specific altitudes on the descent forecast page, before requesting an uplink. After all, there are no "standard" set of altitudes to enter on this page - if the pilot were entering the descent forecast manually, it would be their choice as to which altitudes below cruise to specify. I usually pick 25,000, 16,000 12,000 and 6000 - but may change that up if the forecast shows a significant wind shift at other levels.



I'm stumped- Do you get the forecast winds WITHOUT PSXAloft running?  It would seem something else is at work, as PSXAloft only supplies the data above FL200....  I do not have to enter ALTS to get the forecast winds....

I'm sure HH or JP will have you sorted in no time....

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: cavaricooper on Mon, 21 Mar 2016 17:07

I'm stumped- Do you get the forecast winds WITHOUT PSXAloft running?  It would seem something else is at work, as PSXAloft only supplies the data above FL200....  I do not have to enter ALTS to get the forecast winds....

I'm sure HH or JP will have you sorted in no time....

Best- C

The only forecast that will not upload are the descent forecast winds on the VNAV DES page. Enroute winds on the RTE DATA side of the LEGS page works fine.


Hi JR,

There is no need to pre-fill the ALTS in the DES forecast page. PSXAloft should fill the whole data for you.

- What were your FMC destination airport ? It MUST be the same as the one in your activeflightplanwx.txt file
- Please send me your activeflightplanwx.txt file



Hi Jean Philippe !
Sorry to be back from nowhere but I did not use PSX for complete flights recently for lack of time , but I'm trying to get back to it a bit, although I only fly short haul.
It seems though that I have the same problem as JRBarrett here regarding descent forecast winds not coming.
I'm using your program in static mode (as I'm not using P3D with PSX for different reasons).

My test flight is LFPG EGLL.
I checked that destination was correct in activeflightplanwx.txt, and I have TOC/TOD added by activesky.
First I had a cruise FL of 240, and reading your manual again, I saw that it always injects wind at TOD using FL300. So I changed that to cruise at 340 in the FMC and in activesky just to be sure, but still no success.

If you have some time to look into it, tell me and I can email you the files if you wish.

Anyway, thanks again for your fantastic program.




Just wanted to see if you can share any more information re. your latest project re. waypoint winds?  I did email Christian and ask for a separate PSX Wx folder selection for output options in the next PFPX build.

Appreciate anything you can share...



Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



I am working on a new PSXTools suite which will integrate PSXAloft with ground handling, cabin simulation,...

I is a very long time project and I can't give you any information about the release. I currently work hard on my hardware simulator and have to leave C++ in the backside for some time.

re-descend forecast problems, I can't reproduce the problem. You can send me files and I'll have a look.



Thanks for your answer JP !
Don't sweat it, this descent forecast issue is no big deal. I think it's a better idea for you to focus on PSXTools !

And good luck with your hardware work too; to be honest, I was really impressed by what I saw in your video, so I know what you are capable of...

All the best !



Hello Jean-philippe,

I would like to ask, if PSXAloft will work with newly released Active Sky 16? If not, is there any chance for an update in the future?



I went ahead and upgraded to AS16 and the good news is that PSXAloftII works flawlessly! I can only recommend for anyone to upgrade ASN to AS16 and Active Sky Cloud Art (it is little pricey, but well worth it).



Thanks Andrej for letting us know. Good to know it is working. I will give AS16 a try.



Hello guys,

I am glad to see PSXAloft continues to work and satisfy a lot of users, despite the end of its development. I don't have the time I wish now, but I'll for sure come back to PSX add-ons development ASAP.

Cheers to all !

Markus Vitzethum

Hi Jean-Philippe,

I, too, have switched to Active Sky 2016 and at the same started using PSXAloft. Thanks a lot for a great tool.

But, also from my side, a silly question.

Right now, while I am typing this, I am cruising at FL350 at S50° E151° on flight from YSSY to SCEL. At that position, the magnetic variation is about 30° and I notice that active sky reports the upper wind vector as 211°True/77 kts (for FL340).
In P3D, the wind vector is given as 184° magnetic /77 kts, that's about correct.

Yet, in PSX I get the same wind data as 212° magnetic / 75 kts. When I move the heading reference switch to TRUE, I get a wind vector of 243° true / 74 kts.

So, it looks like I get the TRUE wind direction from P3D as a magnetic direction in PSX. I would appreciate if you can have a look into this.

PSXAloft is version 2.1.3 and I simply press the CONNECT button, nothing else.

Thanks a lot and best regards,


Hello All  :)

I have a question, about PSXAloft settings and runnings.

For the settings :

In the PSX...


: Checked the box - Allow METAR files download from Internet

Situation > Weahter > Planet or In the focuse ICAO code of airport.

: Checked the box - Set zones by flight track and downloaded METARs(Internet is on)

In the AS16 for P3D...

Options > Selected to REALISM mode and Also Download interval change from 15 to 5mins

open the Simconnet.xml, I was to overwrite it contents from these files and changed to my IP address.

Also completed, edits to Simconnet.cfg for my IP address.

For the runnings :

1. Start to AS16 and P3D(Not join to fly mode, so just opened)

2. Start to PSX and PSXAloft and verify for PSX connetion status and SimConnect connetion status both on green(Connected)

3. makes to .txt files use to P3D flight planner or such as PFPX? and Import to the PSXAloft?

4. If I don't want use to about Turbulence generation for randoms, so Just be ignored for that(Config Turb)?

It is all setup for use to PSXAloft with PSX? and Setup to correctly?


edited : Where is the tick the box "Add TOC and TOD to the flight plan" option in the AS16? there are only on the ASN options?

Best Regards,




That is what I have done and it works.  The only issue at the present is that FORECAST winds do not populate in the VNAV DES page.  For that I have to close PSXAloft and then once I SEND I can pull descent winds.  If it is a short sector I just get them before starting PSXAloft.  If a long-haul then I grab them before descent (there can be some interesting variation in winds aloft when stopping and starting PSXAloft above FL200).


PS- PSX Weather does not have the issue of preventing FORECAST wind population.  Flying with that ATM.
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: cavaricooper on Fri,  2 Sep 2016 16:38

That is what I have done and it works.  The only issue at the present is that FORECAST winds do not populate in the VNAV DES page.  For that I have to close PSXAloft and then once I SEND I can pull descent winds.  If it is a short sector I just get them before starting PSXAloft.  If a long-haul then I grab them before descent (there can be some interesting variation in winds aloft when stopping and starting PSXAloft above FL200).


PS- PSX Weather does not have the issue of preventing FORECAST wind population.  Flying with that ATM.


Thanks for your answer.

so, that is correctly to working way.  :)

"PSX Weather does not have the issue of preventing FORECAST wind population." is means, I don't need to the PSXAloft for necessary? and PSX is realized for upper winds and lower winds from the NOAA metars?

Also ATM is means abbreviation of atmosphere?

Best Regards,




PSX Wx allows descent forecast winds to populate on the FORECAST page... for some reason PSXAloft seems to interfere with that.

ATM is meant to represent "at the moment"... I was saying that at the moment I am using PSX Wx more than PSXAloft- but both have their merits.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: Markus Vitzethum on Fri, 12 Aug 2016 15:10
Right now, while I am typing this, I am cruising at FL350 at S50° E151° on flight from YSSY to SCEL. At that position, the magnetic variation is about 30° and I notice that active sky reports the upper wind vector as 211°True/77 kts (for FL340).
In P3D, the wind vector is given as 184° magnetic /77 kts, that's about correct.

Yet, in PSX I get the same wind data as 212° magnetic / 75 kts. When I move the heading reference switch to TRUE, I get a wind vector of 243° true / 74 kts.

So, it looks like I get the TRUE wind direction from P3D as a magnetic direction in PSX. I would appreciate if you can have a look into this.


P3D send magnetic wind and PSX uses true wind (or reverse I do not remember). PSXAloft takes magnetic declination from PSX and applies that declination to P3D received wind before injecting the corrected wind within PSX. I see in your report AS gives 211@77 and in PSX ND you can see 212@75. That's fine no ?

About the descent forecast winds, I'll have a look at this, but I'm too busy with my hardware at the moment.



Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  3 Sep 2016 15:42

PSX Wx allows descent forecast winds to populate on the FORECAST page... for some reason PSXAloft seems to interfere with that.

ATM is meant to represent "at the moment"... I was saying that at the moment I am using PSX Wx more than PSXAloft- but both have their merits.


is that why when running PSXAloft, the winds fail to populate on that page? i was wondering why that was happeneing!