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PSXAloft II : new upper wind and turbulence simulation for PSX

Started by JP59, Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:27

Hardy Heinlin


it is OFF when fixed data are injected by add-ons.

Off is off. I can't make it offer.




In that case can PSXAloft just inject data continuously?  Totally removing any interactions with stock PSX Weather?  Forget the FL200 and inject from parked to parked... or is my simpelton's brain imagining non-existent possibilities?

Best- C

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:20

it is OFF when fixed data are injected by add-ons.

Off is off. I can't make it offer.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Carl, what do you mean by "continuously"?

PSXAloft injects data continuously every few seconds.

Do you mean it should inject it at 70 Hz? That would be a ridiculous waste of network resources.

QuoteTotally removing any interactions with stock PSX Weather?

This advice is so absurd, I don't know where to begin with my explanation of why it is so absurd ... :-) especially in the context of what I was just telling you in the post before :-)

Do you know what an aerodynamics model is?

Do you know the function of IAS?




I am willing to stipulate I am not particularly bright.

That said, I was speculating about the possibility of direct injection of ASN data into PSX to avoid the interactions recently discussed.  From your response I realize that my speculation about that possibility was woefully incorrect- please forgive my absurdities.

I am now fully aware that I am attempting a discussion on matters I simply do not understand-  I shall refrain.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin


Hello Carl,

Quote from: cavaricooper on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:40
In that case can PSXAloft just inject data continuously?  Totally removing any interactions with stock PSX Weather?  Forget the FL200 and inject from parked to parked... or is my simpelton's brain imagining non-existent possibilities?

It is not possible. You cannot set PSX tropopause lower than 20000ft. And it is the only way to inject continuous wind and OAT "stream" to PSX. I think every 5 seconds is a good compromize to avoid network unnecessary overload.

The actual Hardy's system offers a very good PSX / PSXAloft interraction. Why would you like to change that ?

The only PSXAloft aspect I woud like to improve is the OAT smoothing when passing 20000ft, and also when user connects PSXAloft while in flight with default PSX weather enabled. The OAT change is still too strong, leading to important IAS changes at first PSXAloft injection.

I realize, despite his everlasting kindness and dedication, Hardy is maybe fed up with my newbie weather/tropopause hacker's endless requests :) Finally -Hardy, this is for you ;)- the last request I could have (one more ?##?!!#!?!#!?""!), would be to allow add-ons to inject directly wind direction/velocity and OAT to PSX, without need to go through tropopause data. Just a straight stream injection, which will override any previous WX settings (tropopause, METAR, jet streams,...). Add-ons will do their own smoothing process and background "business".  "OK. You're not happy with my professional standalone WX engine ? You want to play with weather ? Do your own business and inject here ! That's all. Do it at your own risk. No after market support provided" :) :). It will definitively solve any interraction issues between PSX WX engine and add-ons injections.

In fact Carl, your request is technically possible, if PSXAloft was doing its own METAR injections, and smoothing during climb/descent to transit to/from aloft WX. But as said before, PSX does it very well, and live fed from internet. We are very lucky.




None taken.  My eternal gratitude remains quite intact :-)

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 16:59
Thanks, Carl. No offense :-)



Thanks for continuing on your quest... 'tis vital to accurate long-haul online w/ RW Wx.

Quote from: JP744 on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:26

Finally -Hardy, this is for you ;)- the last request I could have (one more ?##?!!#!?!#!?""!), would be to allow add-ons to inject directly wind direction/velocity and OAT to PSX, without need to go through tropopause data. Just a straight stream injection, which will override any previous WX settings (tropopause, METAR, jet streams,...). Add-ons will do their own smoothing process and background "business".  "OK. You're not happy with my professional standalone WX engine ? You want to play with weather ? Do your own business and inject here ! That's all. Do it at your own risk. No after market support provided" :) :). It will definitively solve any interraction issues between PSX WX engine and add-ons injections.

In fact Carl, your request is technically possible, if PSXAloft was doing its own METAR injections, and smoothing during climb/descent to transit to/from aloft WX. But as said before, PSX does it very well, and live fed from internet. We are very lucky.


Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Jean-philippe,

your suggestion won't work. It won't work because the IAS is also aerodynamics driven, no matter whether you inject your data at 345 ft or at 20000 ft. It makes no difference.

The model runs at the sim's highest frame rate, up to 72 Hz. You can't run the aerodynamics at 0.2 Hz.

If you take over the entire model, you would have to inject a high speed stream like ...


And that would be nonsense. You would have to do the same smoothing tasks that PSX is already doing for you. And you would need a new, special network channel for this high speed stream. And you would have to study all the interdependencies within the model. And so on ...





It wasn't my idea to go so far. First because PSX model is excellent, second because I don't have 1% of the required programing knowledge.

I was just thinking : if we can inject tropopause wind and OAT data, why couldn't we inject global/instant wind and OAT data. It will only be ambient/current conditions, and PSX aerodynamic model will react according with these conditions, which is I think the way it already does.

Sorry, I used the term "stream" which is not appropriate. I was thinking about injections only when a parameter needs to be changed, not at 72Hz. Maybe 2Hz would be necessary to get a satisfactory smoothing effect.

But it was just an idea. I realize eveything is already here. I only need to be more creative.

Thanks again

Cheers !



PSXAloft version 2.1 is available for download. Here are the release notes :

- January 31, 2016 : PSXAloft v.2.1

- Magnetic declination now taken from PSX, not from FSX/P3D anymore
- Magnetic declination now taken into account also in static mode
- First WX injection now begin 5 seconds after connection
- Added "basic" OAT smoothing process. When target OAT is different by more than 1°C than actual PSX OAT, OAT will be increased or decreased by 1°C every 5 seconds until target OAT is reached. Requires PSX v.10.0.7 Beta 6 or later for better results
- Dynamic mode : "advanced" OAT smoothing process added during climb. When connecting PSXAloft below 20000ft, an interpolated OAT at 20000ft is injected. It makes the PSX/PSXAloft transition smoother when passing 20000ft. Please note, for better results in both modes, it is recommanded to connect PSXAloft with aircraft on the ground
- Turbulence zone edges random limit increased to 20% of theoric zone length

Download link is in the first post of this thread, as usual.

Cheers !



As ever, many thanks.  Looking forward to flying w/ v2.1 :).

Typically I start P3D, then PSX server, both with saved flights at my last stand.  Then 2 PSX clients, PSXonMCP2, VisualPSX & TrafficPSX.  After that I start ASN and load the PFPX FP.  After all this I start PSXAloft II and load the activewx file.  All this occurs before initial overhead flows.  Is this optimal?

The PSX ecosystem (for me at least) is hugely dependent on VisualPSX, PSXAloft and now BACARS for my long-haul simulation. That said, it remains brilliant in a standalone on a rMBP whilst traveling- 744 nirvana... If all this continues, self-actualization may be possible.


Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hello Carl,

Quote from: cavaricooper on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 13:46
Typically I start P3D, then PSX server, both with saved flights at my last stand.  Then 2 PSX clients, VisualPSX & TrafficPSX.  After that I start ASN and load the PFPX FP.  After all this I start PSXAloft II and load the activewx file.  All this occurs before initial overhead flows.  Is this optimal?

Yes. Whilst it is possible to connect/disconnect PSXAloft anytime you want during a flight, you'll get the best of the last update by connecting PSXAloft when aircraft is on the ground. It was designed to work that way.



If one day this could be made available for XPX as well, it would be great...

Presently there's the NOAA plugin, and two other weather injection programs that are able to inject winds, turbulence and temperatures aloft in XPX.


Hi all,

Thank you for developing this addon. My question is, is it possible for PSX to read addon (eg ASN/FSXWX) weather data instead of using VisualPSX to inject from PSX to P3D.


Quote from: GodAtum on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:44
Hi all,

Thank you for developing this addon. My question is, is it possible for PSX to read addon (eg ASN/FSXWX) weather data instead of using VisualPSX to inject from PSX to P3D.

PSXAloft already injects ASN data within PSX.


Hi Jean-philippe,    I would like to get your fine program working but my problem lies with simconnect!

My simconnect file the works with Visual PSX is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

The simconnect program trying to follow your manual is:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

However my response from loading PSXAloft  is:-

"unable to connect simconnect."

Your advice would be appreciated


Derek Adam


Hello Derek,

Replace "local" by "global" in the PSXAloft entry, like this :

Quote from: Derek Adam on Sat,  6 Feb 2016 01:30

The simconnect program trying to follow your manual is:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

I think the problem is here. If still not working, please ensure you have setup the IP adress to in the simconnect.cfg file (located in the PSXAloft folder).

It was an error within my "example" file. I corrected it. Thanks for reporting.

One question though. Why do you copy all the example file ? It is just an example. The entries in the example might not match with yours. Keep you existing file and just copy/past the PSXAloft entry like shown in the example and replace IP and port to match your config.



Hi JP,

Thank you for your reply.

Below is my new .xml file  and with it I get the message from loading FSX

Can't Init SimConnect error"

Then FSX loads!

Oh Dear!


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">



I am not a SimConnect expert. Just a question : why do you use 29730 port entry like in my example ? As I said before, you need to adapt your .xml according to your own configuration. The example sample provided is just an example, based on my own SimConnect.xml. In your SimConnect.xml, the last line...

</SimBase.Document> missing. That's why you get an error.

1- Take your "raw" SimConnect.xml (the one you used before PSXAloft)
2- Just add the following lines :


between the last...


...and last line which is...


I made a sample for you, based on your first SimConnect.xml. If you only use VisualPSX and PSXAloft, it will work without modification :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

I hope this helps


Hi Jean-philippe,

Eureka it works. A classic example of me not seeing the wood for the trees!

Thank you so much  for your help, and the production of this fine add on.

Kind regards
