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PSXAloft II : new upper wind and turbulence simulation for PSX

Started by JP59, Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:27

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: cavaricooper on Fri, 15 Jan 2016 15:14
FWIW, I remember reading that approach mode triggers a difference response curve in AT logic, with particular attention to low speed attenuation....however, John and our other gurus can no doubt shed more illuminating light...

Best- C

That's the feature I described in my previous post: "... A/T reacts faster upon a tailwind increase, and slower on a headwind increase ..." -- etc.



Sorry, my poor English: "... A/T reacts faster to a tailwind increase, and slower to a headwind increase ..."



My personal (and for many I'd hazard, OUR COLLECTIVE) Oracle at Delphi- NEVER apologize to us mere mortals.


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



I have been making PSXAloft II v2.02 part of each flight, and enjoying it immensely.  I have even put in the occasional route segment with turbulence, and have developed an even healthier respect for Peter et al...

Today however, I had ATC caution me that I was 300' above my cleared altitude.  I remember reading some discussion about others having this same issue with VATSIM controllers, and was hoping that you may have a thought about this matter...?  I did recheck to make sure STD was set x3.


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hello Carl,

PSXAloft do not send anything to PSX in relationship with QNH or aircraft altitude.

Some users like me reported sometimes client/server altitude synchronization issue. Below is the link to the related post. Is that your issue ?

One last question. Were you inside a turbulence area ? In case of severe turbulence aircraft altitude can change (not up to 300ft it's true). If your ATC is too "sensitive" it could advise you too quickly ? Just a though.




No, I was not in a turbulence area.  The issue in your link sounds exactly as I experienced.

I was however in the Netherlands with many, many reporting stations.... My PSX Wx (at FL310) was being fed by PSXAloft and the ASN Flight-Plan Wx.  Visual PSX is sending ASN Wx to the P3D visuals.  BOTH PSX and ASN get real time data.

I run vPilot Traffic on my PSX server, and vPilot client on a client machine.

I'm sure Hardy is investigating.... will standby for any developments, and report if there are any further altitude anomalies.

Ta- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Carl, I don't know which add-on injects what PSX data into your Internet ATC. It's always a function of true altitude and local QNH anyway.


Quote from: cavaricooper on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:51
I run vPilot Traffic on my PSX server, and vPilot client on a client machine.

Maybe you could test running all the vPilot stuff on the same computer. I do not see how PSXAloft could be the reason of a vPilot altitude issue. Again, there is nothing in my code which deals with QNH or altitude.

The issue linked is a server/client QNH synchronization problem when add-ons, like PSXAloft, use the WxSlowTransit feature of PSX under certain conditions. As you can see Hardy is aware and is investigating. It is a very specific issue which happens only under precise conditions. Did you clearly identified a PFD altitude offset between PSX server and PSX client ?




I assume (yes, I know, I know) that ASN is feeding PSX via PSXAloft (FL310).  vPilot is then reading FSX aircraft altitude and sending that to VATSIM ATC....

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 14:00
Carl, I don't know which add-on injects what PSX data into your Internet ATC. It's always a function of true altitude and local QNH anyway.


I will run both on the same machine the next time I fly, however, that may not be until Friday. 

There was no identified offset between client and server (PSX) as I do not look at the client PFD normally. I WILL check this as well, next flight.

Quote from: JP744 on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 14:22
Quote from: cavaricooper on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:51
I run vPilot Traffic on my PSX server, and vPilot client on a client machine.

Maybe you could test running all the vPilot stuff on the same computer. I do not see how PSXAloft could be the reason of a vPilot altitude issue. Again, there is nothing in my code which deals with QNH or altitude.

The issue linked is a server/client QNH synchronization problem when add-ons, like PSXAloft, use the WxSlowTransit feature of PSX under certain conditions. As you can see Hardy is aware and is investigating. It is a very specific issue which happens only under precise conditions. Did you clearly identified a PFD altitude offset between PSX server and PSX client ?


As always, most grateful- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: cavaricooper on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 16:54
I assume (yes, I know, I know) that ASN is feeding PSX via PSXAloft (FL310).  vPilot is then reading FSX aircraft altitude and sending that to VATSIM ATC....

PSXAloft is only feeding PSX winds and OAT. Not QNH.




Asked Ross to review and comment.....

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 14:00
Carl, I don't know which add-on injects what PSX data into your Internet ATC. It's always a function of true altitude and local QNH anyway.

I don't have that answer... But he will....

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hello Carl,

Excuse me but, as we are in the PSXAloft thread, I would like to understand what's exactly your issue with PSXAloft ? I would like to help but I get confused with VATSIM ATC QNH / altitude issue. Who warned you about altitude ? Virtual ATC ? Was the PSX altitude correct ? Did you clearly identified PSXAloft ? I really don't know how it could influence an ATC client altitude, but if you think so, I need more informations to investigate.




Apologies, this may very well be the wrong place to continue this issue. 

Initially I thought there may be interaction between the reported altitude to VATSIM and PSXAloft, but you have clearly stated that is not the case.

Hardy- can you separate the thread, or should I start a new one?

Sorry for the confusion!

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

When it happens again, start a new thread. -- Also, when it happens again, ask ATC what QNH they're using and compare this with the focussed QNH on PSX's Instructor.





Will do.

Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 15:38
When it happens again, start a new thread. -- Also, when it happens again, ask ATC what QNH they're using and compare this with the focussed QNH on PSX's Instructor.




Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



I (hesitantly) post here again after Ross' reply-

Hello Carl, vPilot reads both pressure altitude and true altitude from FSX/P3D via SimConnect, and sends that to the VATSIM server.

Note that the pressure setting you've dialed into your altimeter has no effect on the values read from SimConnect. SimConnect reports both the pressure altitude (calibrated for standard pressure, 29.92 inches) and the true altitude (based on the actual pressure loaded into the weather settings in your sim) ... so if ATC was saying you were off your altitude, my best guess is that you had the wrong pressure setting dialed into your altimeter. That would obviously make you fly the wrong altitude, just like how it works real world.

Does that help?

Ross Carlson - Developer

The Simconnect bit had me thinking.... this all occurred AFTER I set up Simconnect for PSXAloft.... I can DEFINITELY confirm that I had STD x 3 set.  I will test further, but since he brought up Simconnect... I thought that might at least be a corner you could poke around your code in....

If I am just confused (very likely), I will go crawl under the nearest rock and not bother you until I have flown this version a bit more.

Thanks for your indulgence, and your understanding....

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: cavaricooper on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:59
Does that help?

No :-)

Ask ATC what QNH they're using and compare this with the focussed QNH on PSX's Instructor. And check if the zone is focussed or in smooth transit.



Hello Carl,

This is how PSXAloft works in dynamic mode : it sends a request to SimConnect to send :

- Ambient wind direction
- Ambient wind velocity
- Ambient OAT

... to PSXAloft every 5 seconds. That's all. There is nothing in my code which write anything to SimConnect. I only read FSX/P3D data.

Quote from: cavaricooper on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:59
.... this all occurred AFTER I set up Simconnect for PSXAloft....

How did you conclude that ? Can you reproduce this issue every time you try ? Does the issue disappear when you erase the PSXAloft SimConnect entry, or disconnect PSXAloft ? If yes, please check you SimConnect.xml and cfg's (vPilot and PSXAloft ones). Look for any error, confict (versions of clients/server, ports, IP,...).

Quote from: cavaricooper on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:59
Thanks for your indulgence, and your understanding....

You're welcome. I would like to help but I don't know what I can do a the PSXAloft side, as there is nothing in my code which could lead to a QNH/altitude issue.




Plan on flighting today... Will report back.


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



On Beta 7 now... yesterday on Beta 6 I was not able to reproduce, however, in reading your troposphere post I am reminded about something I asked for earlier.... seems similar.... from a discussion about the earlier PSXWeather....

I keep wondering if we just injected ASN Wx for the full flight regime, would there be any of these interactions?  I appreciate Hardy's enormous efforts in simulating the Wx engine, but for those with ASN there is real time data always available.... is turning OFF all PSX Wx a possibility?

Obviously, when using PSX standalone, the PSX Wx engine remains a superb model.

Best- C

Quote from: cavaricooper on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 14:20

Would it be possible to turn OFF all PSX Wx and just send ASN/P3D Wx to PSX?  Whilst PSX Wx is superb in a stand alone application, there has been much success/progress with ASN in P3D combined with PFPX.  Together they make a more than adequate solution for long-haul simulation in P3D alone.  Should that not also be equally satisfactory for PSX?  After all PSX Wx (the HH version) is attempting to portray RW conditions, whilst ASN is purportedly "feeding" RW conditions to P3D and then through PSXWx (yours ;)) to PSX...

Best- C

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA