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PSXAloft II : new upper wind and turbulence simulation for PSX

Started by JP59, Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:27


Thank you and congrats for your perfect French  ;)

I take the opportunity here to give you some news. PSXAloft 2.0 is in its final testing phase. As you probably already know, it is a major update, including SimConnect bridge and a new turbulence generation engine.

For all the future nostalgics of version 1.0, I am pleased to announce that PSXAloft 2.0 will have an option to disable SimConnect bridge, and run in "static / standalone" mode, without need to connect with FSX/P3D, like version 1.0.

I hope to release within the next days or weeks.

Best regards and merry Christmas to all !



JP, as one of the 1.0 nostalgics, I thank you for that option!.

Merry Christmas!
Enrique Vaamonde



I am very happy to announce the release of PSXAloft 2.0. You can download the new package with the link provided in the first page of this thread.

As some of you probably know, it is a major update, including SimConnect bridge to retrieve data directly from FSX/P3D, a new turbulence generation engine, new user interface,...

All the previous liked features of PSXAloft 1.0 were kept, including the "static" mode using ActiveSky Next flight plan file instead of FSX/P3D live data, for users who don't want to connect with FSX/P3D.

Everything is detailed in the new user manual included in the package. May I suggest everybody, new or previous v1.0 users, to have a deep look at this new manual, because it is a completely new program.

I hope you'll enjoy this new version. I wish you all a happy new year 2016 with PSXAloft  :)


Thank you JP! Happy new year to you as well. I look forward to testing this new version, thanks again for this great addon.

Enrique Vaamonde

Pierre Theillere

Hi JP!

Congrats for the update: bad weather seems to finally creep in... so that it's high time to resume longhaul OPS with real weather on cruise, thanks to your amazing tool!
Pierre, LFPG


I'm a bit late here and I did not have time to test it but really....BIG THANKS !
Very nice to share your hard work with us here .
Bonne année !!!



Quote from: tango4 on Fri,  8 Jan 2016 16:19
I'm a bit late here and I did not have time to test it but really....BIG THANKS !

I'm happy if you like v2.0  :)

Best regards,



First, a very big THANK-YOU!

When using v2.0 in DYNAMIC mode I noticed a continuous jerking of the TDZ bars on the Altimeter Tape (with current field QNH set).  Not wanting this to continue during flight, I edited the .cfg to turn the SimConnect Bridge to OFF (=0). That settled things down and the winds/fuel were fine using the former ASN FP (STATIC) method.  Has anyone else reported this jerking of the QNH?  It was about 1/sec NOT every 5 sec as I would have thought your program would produce. 

I would like to go back and try DYNAMIC mode again, but am waiting to see if there has been any feedback on this issue?

Again, we are collectively grateful- you provide the final necessary piece of the full-visual long-haul connundrum ;)


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin


normally, you can't see the TDZ in cruise. Did it jump up by 30000+ feet?

Or did you see this when you were on the ground?

What exactly was jerking? The TDZ only? Or the whole altimeter tape?

Did the QNH digits change?

And what is a "jerk"? 5 feet? 1000 feet? Half a second? Some milliseconds?

Just curious :-) Because your description sounds so bizarre ...




At least I am consistent in my bizzare descriptions ;)

Yes, on the ground in pre-flight, so I shut down PSXAloft and edited the .cfg file.
Restarting PSXAloft the jerking was gone, but now I was in STATIC mode.

The jerking/twitching did not result in altitude/QNH change.... However was a constant up down,
about 1 per second, showing about a 20' field altitude change for the TDZ.

HTH make things a little less bizzare

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Was there an FMC route data injection every 1 second?

The TDZ is determined by the origin and destination airport entries in the FMC, which are part of the route data.

If no airport entries exist, it may also use the current elevation. This may be influenced by your scenery generator add-on.




re. "Was there an FMC route data injection every 1 second?" I don't know... unless PSXAloft was doing something.... nothing new, VisualPSX & TrafficPSX were running on a second machine with ASN and PSXAloft, vPilot + 1 PSX client.  A second PSX Client was on another machine.  The server PSX machine also runs P3d v2.5, Bernd's PSXonMCP2 program and vPilot Traffic.

The ONLY change from before was PSXAloft v2 instead of v1- nothing other than that which is why I mentioned it here.  Also, changing from DYNAMIC to STATIC PSXAloft v2 eliminated the issue which is another reason I mention it in this thread.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  9 Jan 2016 19:06
The ONLY change from before was PSXAloft v2 instead of v1- nothing other than that which is why I mentioned it here.  Also, changing from DYNAMIC to STATIC PSXAloft v2 eliminated the issue which is another reason I mention it in this thread.

It must be a coincidence. There is no difference between DYNAMIC and STATIC mode below 20000ft because PSXAloft do not inject WX data below 20000ft. It is only "sleeping" monitoring altitude waiting for 20000ft to "wake up" and start WX injections. Also, PSXAloft has nothing to do with QNH, airport elevation,...

Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  9 Jan 2016 19:06

"Was there an FMC route data injection every 1 second?" I don't know... unless PSXAloft was doing something....

When PSXAloft is injecting FMC RTE wind/OAT data when requesting uplink, it is only done by a single injection, not every second.

The only PSXAloft feature available on the ground is RTE DATA uplink, so :

- Did you request an FMC RTE wind uplink before you see these jumps ?

- Was your FMC route loaded (origin and destination airports set and route EXEC) when you saw these jumps ?

- What were origin and destination airports ? Did you try starting from another airport ? Same issue ?

Please try again. If you get this issue again, may you send a SITU file ?



Hi Jean-phillipe,

I see in your manual that it doesn't work for a P3D version newer than 1.4.
Has anyone tested this, do you know? I have 3.1




I am using with P3d v2.5 FWIW.  PSXAloft I and II work....still investigating the one spurious incident, but will probably be able to attribute that to the ijut at the yoke ;).


Quote from: JP744 on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:52

Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  9 Jan 2016 19:06
The ONLY change from before was PSXAloft v2 instead of v1- nothing other than that which is why I mentioned it here.  Also, changing from DYNAMIC to STATIC PSXAloft v2 eliminated the issue which is another reason I mention it in this thread.

It must be a coincidence. There is no difference between DYNAMIC and STATIC mode below 20000ft because PSXAloft do not inject WX data below 20000ft. It is only "sleeping" monitoring altitude waiting for 20000ft to "wake up" and start WX injections. Also, PSXAloft has nothing to do with QNH, airport elevation,...

#### Quite possible, it may have been an issue with field elevation (RJCM)

Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  9 Jan 2016 19:06

"Was there an FMC route data injection every 1 second?" I don't know... unless PSXAloft was doing something....

When PSXAloft is injecting FMC RTE wind/OAT data when requesting uplink, it is only done by a single injection, not every second.

The only PSXAloft feature available on the ground is RTE DATA uplink, so :

- Did you request an FMC RTE wind uplink before you see these jumps ?

### No

- Was your FMC route loaded (origin and destination airports set and route EXEC) when you saw these jumps ?

### Yes

- What were origin and destination airports ? Did you try starting from another airport ? Same issue ?


Please try again. If you get this issue again, may you send a SITU file ?

### Wilco


Currently underway with SimConnect DYNAMIC enabled... EGSS-LGAV... no issues so far (see my reference to Peter).

Ta- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Quote from: Britjet on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 14:36
Hi Jean-phillipe,

I see in your manual that it doesn't work for a P3D version newer than 1.4.
Has anyone tested this, do you know? I have 3.1


Hello Peter,

Sorry it is an error in the manual. Thank you for pointing this. You need P3D 1.4 or later. So 3.1 is ok. I'll modify the manual ASAP.



Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat,  9 Jan 2016 19:06
Currently underway with SimConnect DYNAMIC enabled... EGSS-LGAV... no issues so far (see my reference to Peter).

Fingers crossed  :)

I see you didn't request datalink before these jumps. So PSXAloft didn't inject anything. Must be something else than PSXAloft which caused these jumps. But please report after your flight to feedback.


Hardy Heinlin

Carl, were you taxiing when the TDZ jumps occured? If so, did it jump along a "stairway" with a certain trend like 10 ft, 20 ft, 30, 40, 50 etc. -- or always back to the same level like 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0 etc.? And, had you entered a departure runway on the first RTE page?




On stand, on APU.

About a 20' jump and back to 0... Up and down, no total change in altitude or QNH.  No, I typically enter DEP and RWY on the DEPARR Page....


No issues on this flight.... Flawless. Don't dig too much, I'm sure it's operator error ;)

Ta- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA