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PSXAloft II : new upper wind and turbulence simulation for PSX

Started by JP59, Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:27


Quote from: Hessel Oosten on Thu, 22 Oct 2015 18:14
But...., may I suggest... ;) to do it slow and take your time.

Coding C++ became a passion for me and it is not at all a constraint. If I do it "quick" as you feel, it is because I am the first user of PSXAloft and I want to use the datalink feature for my Saturday flight and will have a great moment of fun  :)

More seriously (and technically), I built some "raw" C++ classes some months ago so everything was 75% ready.

But you are free to wait before to download Beta 6 if you want  ;)

Kind regards,


Quote from: JP744 on Thu, 22 Oct 2015 13:10
Hello Carl,

Does PSXAloft hangs or crashes after the message is displayed ? I had a quick look at the code and I think I introduced a bug with this new function  :) . Send the file in question if possible.


And to answer - it doesn't really crash as such, but most of the option disappear. A restart though is the only thing that brings it back to life.




Thank you Jean-phillipe for all your help.

I have got everything working. ! was flight planning with PFPX before I was setting up the route in ASN. Wot a dope!

Next problem for me to solve is to stop PFPX printing the flight plan in garbage form, but that is not for you to help solve.

Thank you for  ongoing patience for a more mature man (stupid) who loves flight simulation with PSX with a passion.

With kindest regards,


Quote from: CarlBB on Thu, 22 Oct 2015 19:54

I've uploaded the file to here



Ok I understand now. There is no TOC and TOD in your ASN flight plan because you didn't tick the checkbox "Add TOC/TOD to the flight plan" within ASN flight plan page.

PSXAloft doesn't find the TOC data, that's why it is lost.

Need to warn PSXAloft users in the User Manual to tick this box.



Quote from: Derek Adam on Thu, 22 Oct 2015 20:14
Thank you Jean-phillipe for all your help.

I have got everything working. ! Thank you for  ongoing patience for a more mature man (stupid) who loves flight simulation with PSX with a passion.

You're welcome Derek. Glad to see it is ok now.



Beta 6 is available for download. It includes datalink feature.

As it is a major update, you can have a look at the User Manual Rev.2 included in the package, and the revision history at the first page of this thread.



Hi Jean Philippe, I will try your software later today, but I wanted to thank you for your efforts! Sounds like a great addition to PSX!

Enrique Vaamonde


Thanks for all your hard work. I was curious as to wether Active Sky is more accurate then the NOAA online sources I currently use in PFPX and PSX?


Quote from: JP744 on Sat, 24 Oct 2015 12:02
... I includes datalink feature...

Thank you for this add on and this new feature Jean-Phillipe. It's a great program based on a very interesting idea  :)




Hello Jean Philippe

Just wanted to tell you that I had a really enjoyable flight this afternoon using your great addon. Winds worked as expected and as reported by PFPX. I also tested the datalink feature and it worked perfectly as well.

Looks like you have a winner addon here! Congratulations and thanks for the contribution!

Enrique Vaamonde



Thanks for your kind words. I also made a flight last night. After 6 hours of cruise, get aloft winds a little bit slower than expected by PFPX. Retrieved datalink update, saw strong tail winds at 370, anticipated step climb to 370 and won back my 4 minutes lost before. Very immersive (I think) ! Great pleasure after so many months of hard coding  :) :)




Hi Jean-Phillipe,

I have just loaded a situation that I saved after landing where on the outbound leg, I was using PSXAloft. I now wish to pre-flight this for the return leg. Now, although I intend to use PSXAloft for the return, I noticed that on my Weather Page> Planet that Randomize jet streams is greyed out. I do appreciate that in cruise and whilst PSXAloft is in control that you'd need to do this, but do you need to consider this when PSXAloft disconnects?



Hardy Heinlin

Hi Carl,

if I understand your question correctly, it's rather a philosophical question: Should an add-on remember every variable set in PSX before the add-on starts to inject data, in order to reinject all these old variables before the add-on disconnects?

My personal opinion: If you start thinking in this direction, you will open a cup of worms and need to consider thousands of variables. The activation of the jetstream model is just one of them, it's a boolean variable. Before you connect the add-on, you, the user, may have deactivated the jetstream model already. If the add-on activates it before add-on disconnection, the add-on would not restore your previous setting. Hence it must remember all the variables. The only restoration an add-on should perform before disconnection is to remove its own subsystem prompt from the CDU menu; but this affects CDU subsystem add-ons only, like BACARS or CMC. PSXAloft has no prompt on the CDU menu.




Hello Carl,

I though long time ago about how to implement that but for the same reasons as Hardy explained I gave up. I see two options :

Option 1 :

When you are on the ground, reset manually the PSX jet-stream system while PSXAloft is disconnected, then reconnect PSXAloft. Jet-stream system will automatically be disactivated and overriden by PSXAloft passing 20000ft. I think it is not necessary (see option 2).

Option 2 :

Let PSXAloft connected and jet-stream system disactivated. During your initial climb and landing, local surface weather and wind conditions are managed by METAR system, not jet-stream system (Hardy will confirm or not if I am wrong but this is what I saw when testing PSXAloft). Thus, I do not see any problem to takeoff and land with jet-stream system disactivated.



Hi Hardy and Jean-Phillipe,

Thank you both for replies. What I am seeing is during pre-flight of the return where PSXAloft managed winds on the way out and will do on the way back, that even though PSX was disconnected and the situation saved, I now have no way to make the button available again. I do of course not need to as I will ensure dept weather is set in a zone. And then PSXAloft does the management above 20000 feet which is all fine.

So my question was a simple - perhaps naive - can you just send something on disconnect to re-enable the PSX internal weather model ? If there is more to it than this, then of course I understand.

Edit: I think I see what I need to do  :)

One more question - If I save a situ part way thru a flight and then come back the next day (using same activeflightplanwx.txt file) do you see any problems doing so ? I have already tried and it seems fine  :)

Thanks again




When PSXAloft is disconnected, you can reset tropopause altitude, tropopause temperature and tropopause winds to "Variable by latitude and season" and "Variable by jet stream constellation" and then re-randomize jet stream constellation. The button is back alive. I do not see any problem here (tested right now).

To answer your question, no problem about using any wx file you want, technically. But if you use the wx file of yesturday, and build your PFPX flight plan with actual snapshot, you'll probably have wrong winds aloft predictions within PFPX.




Thanks for answers and on the subject of flying over a few days this is ok as I ensure that I use the same static WX file in PFPX and all other programs.

Thanks again  :)


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Carl,

so the question was simply how to activate the jetstream model?

Well, yes, under "Tropopause winds" just click "Variable by jet stream constellation".

This activates the planetary jetstream model and enables all its associated controls which are:

• Wind speed control for each jet stream
• Mouse controlled jet stream path design
• Randomize button (according to current season)
• Clear air turbulence checkbox (jet stream related CAT)

