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PSXWeather v1.6 Released

Started by craig1231, Sat, 22 Aug 2015 14:49


Quote from: craig1231 on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:59
Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 22:04
When the aircraft is below 20000 ft, your add-on should calculate the wind and OAT for 20000 ft, and inject accordingly ...

Hi Hardy,

This is the calculation I am struggling with...

Is there any interpolation between the focused station and the tropopause to work out the winds on the ND?

Would you be able to help with the calculation below 20000ft please?

Many Thanks


Why not simply injecting whatever ASN / P3Dv2 gives you for that level ? No calculations needed, I guess, because from station level to 20,000' PSX itself will take care of it, right ?



I just flew a short, light cargo flight to stress the vertical profile.  Version 1.6.1 did MUCH better than any previous version- THANK-YOU!  The winds did not freak out- and they were within a few degrees/kts of the ASN winds at all times.  You are on the right track!

Log at-

Best- C

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: craig1231 on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:59
Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 22:04
When the aircraft is below 20000 ft, your add-on should calculate the wind and OAT for 20000 ft, and inject accordingly ...

Hi Hardy,

This is the calculation I am struggling with...

Is there any interpolation between the focused station and the tropopause to work out the winds on the ND?

Would you be able to help with the calculation below 20000ft please?

Many Thanks

Hi Craig,

my suggestion is that you shouldn't do interpolations at all.

Your add-on knows, from an external source, the wind and OAT data at 20000 ft at the present position, right? Just inject this. So when the aircraft is below 20000 ft, inject:

Tropopause: 20000
Wind at 20000 at present position: As per your source
OAT at 20000 at present position: As per your source

When the aircraft is above 20000 ft, replace the value "20000" by the current aircraft altitude. Or even better: subtract a bit to stay on the safe side. E.g. when the aircraft is at 25000 ft, inject 25000 - 1000:

Tropopause: 24000
Wind at 24000 at present position: As per your source
OAT at 24000 at present position: As per your source



Ivo de Colfmaker

I do not know the scientific value of this, but did a little test.
since PSWx sends the weather that Active sky  injects to Prepar3d to PSX
I tried to compare the winds   between PSX  native, PSWx 1.1 and 1.6
only did it from 20000 feet to 200 feet with 2000  descent rate and 250 kts IAS.
took a measurement every  2000 feet.
to make it  consistent I imported historical weather from 20 July 2015  13:00 zulu in to active sky, and copied the Metar  from active sky to  the Metar text box in PSX.
so they should be the same.
I did not changed anything on the planet page in PSX.
again, maybe not useful, but who knows, and it was fun to do.
A day at this forum is a day learned!



thx for the data - very interesting!

It would be great to have also the pure ASN data ( winds and temp ), just to get an idea of how the injected data into PSX is getting massaged.



Should you run 1.6.1 and enable logging for PSX and P3D it will produce a log for you.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Ivo de Colfmaker

Hi Jose,
The numbers on the right in Red on 18000/12000/6000 are the values shown in the active sky  conditions page from EBBR , where I was going to. It does not show all altitudes.
One could ofcourse look up the values on the prepard screen  with shift z .
I found that between 8000 and 6000 feet in version 1.6 the wind direction and speed changed rapidly.
But it is written in the PSWx weather screen that internet weather  should be on to get  correct readings, and it was off  for I was using historical weather!

To do this test proper I should save the log file for both 1.1 and 1.6 version!
Anyway, thanks to Craig  for making this.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Ok, Ivo and Craig,

thx for your remarks. I didn't pay attention to those red lines being from ASN :-/

Overall the tests I performed with 1.6 ( didn't yet try 1.6.1 ) were very positive. I kept editing the weather in ASN, and checking how it reflected in PSX, and it was quite sound, and pretty much close to what I get in P3Dv2 ( SHIFT-Z'ing) :-)

Thx for all your efforts Craig!


1.6.1 worked very nicely on a KDEN-EGLL jaunt. The weather radar went completely clear a couple of times but I can live with that if the winds and pressure work as intended.

Simfest Team.

Simfest Drink Coordinator.



I have flown several flights with v1.6.1 and have been more than satisfied with the results.  The large swings I used to encounter in climb and descent with v1.6 and earlier are gone.  From my neophyte's perspective I am prompted to ask once more if there is a way to "shut off" the PSX weather engine altogether, and just inject ASN Weather (through your PSXWx) full time?  If so, I would think that would resolve any lingering issues....

BTW Hardy- would it then be possible for cruise and descent winds to be obtained from a "second source" i.e. a file generated by Craig's PSXWx that uses PFPX Wx data output instead of PSX computed Wx output? Could ND Wx be second sourced as well?

Forgive my oversimplifications.... please.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin


PSX has two target levels: Ground level and high altitude level (which may go down to 20000 ft).

PSX users can set and view these targets on Instructor > Situation > Weather > ...

These targets on Instructor > Situation > Weather > ... can also be set by PSX add-ons.

The data between these two targets are interpolated by PSX using special algorithms.

So much to the physical world.

Now to the FMC world:

Gary's add-ons can inject Gary's forecast data into PSX's FMC. So, when you request RTE DATA and DES FORECAST data uplinks in the FMC, your FMC will not load PSX's physical weather but Gary's external weather data.

Note: My comment above refers to wind and OAT data only, not to clouds. -- Clouds can always be directly set. Clouds are always set in the ground level data set. Clouds are not interpolated; clouds can be directly set by users and add-ons (on Instructor > Situation > Weather > ... as usual).
Every variable that the user can set under Instructor > Situation > ... can also be set by add-ons. Other variables cannot be set by add-ons, Carl.





First, I wish I were smarter....

Reading your post got me head scratching......

Garry's Richard's Manual says- "When PSX is set to download weather from the internet it also sets the current date and time. If PSX weather is being sent to FSX the time will be set as well. To use PSX weather from the
internet, but with a different date and time for the FSX view, uncheck the Send PSX date and time
to FSX check box. To send PSX weather reports (in METAR format) to FSX, tick the Send PSX weather to FSX
checkbox on the Weather tab. There is no facility to send FSX weather to PSX, which has a comprehensive weather generation facility of its own. Both FSX and PSX can be set to use real world weather which is used by online networks such as VATSIM."

At the moment my cruise winds and descent winds generated by "PSX request" are NOT the winds I actually see enroute or through descent forcast.... I enter them manually.  With a good fuel number this is not an issue as there is plenty of time enroute to do so.... however, reading your post suggests the possibility of this populating correctly.... ja?

Craig seems to be making progress as far as the enroute and descent winds accuracy go when using P3D/ASN with PSXWx v1.6.1.

BTW where does the ND Wx get its depiction from?  Can that be manipulated by VisualPSX/PSXWx?

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Gary Oliver is not Garry Richards :-)

Quote from: cavaricooper on Mon, 31 Aug 2015 00:49
BTW where does the ND Wx get its depiction from?  Can that be manipulated by VisualPSX/PSXWx?

ND WXR is based on the data entered on Instructor > Situation > Weather > ...

Every variable that the user can set under Instructor > Situation > ... can also be set by add-ons. Other variables cannot be set by add-ons.


Mea Culpa- are you suggesting PSXWx (I thought that was Craig's Wx injector)?  Time for more head scratching ;)

BTW- Craig- this evening with v1.6.1 I had some pretty severe (20kts) changes in winds on final- resulting in a fairly frenetic approach.... log attached.  Airport METAR was indicating calm conditions as was ASN.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

I've lost track of who in the SimfestUK team is currently working on which add-on. I think it was Gary O. who asked for a method to override FMC RTE DATA uplinks. That was some months ago and I think it's implemented now in the BACARS add-on package?



Ok- so ideally all addons point to NOAA Wx which is the same as PSX METAR Wx/ LOW LEVEL (?). Then BAACARS gets winds for FMC and PSXWx injects same (which also then matches PFPX output)......  Theoretically then allest gut?

Thank God for the big sims driven by the intelligencia! I shall continue to muddle through- it's grand fun and I am so very grateful for this unique community.

And so to bed- ta!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: cavaricooper on Mon, 31 Aug 2015 01:34
Ok- so ideally all addons point to NOAA Wx which is the same as PSX METAR Wx/ LOW LEVEL (?). Then BAACARS gets winds for FMC and PSXWx injects same (which also then matches PFPX output)......  Theoretically then allest gut?

Korrekt. Alles ist gut.

Re FMC RTE DATA injection:
Multiple names occur here: Gary, Triple7, Mark ...



I just flew another flight and again had some wind injection issues.  It seems like it spits the dummy when descending below FL150.  The climb is MUCH better with 1.6.1.

All your continued efforts are appreciated mate- ta!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



Into LTBA tonight.... this time FL250-FL160 was dicey.... then it all smoothed out.... log attached.

Best- C

PS- Here's a crazy thought... could it be possible that the VisualPSX runway alignment process is affecting the PSXWx location based Wx/wind feed... the dreaded swings occuer for a while, and then seem to get better.... just a thought....
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



What is the altitude that PSX switches from actual METAR Wx to computed assumptions based on internally modeled data?

I'm thinking of flying a few flights where I wait to start PSXWx until past that point and then close the program before descending through that altitude.... Any thoughts you could share on this....?


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA