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XView and X-Plane 9

Started by torque2, Sat, 21 Feb 2015 21:19


Hi all:

As a long ago user of PS1.3 I am intrigued by this new version PSX, so I am researching a possible purchase.  As the 'outside' view seems to have changed little in 15 years (still just dots on a screen?) I would need an external scenery generator.  I could never master manual landings with that tiny PS1 external window!

I have a copy of X-Plane 9 sitting on a shelf unused.  So I installed it and downloaded XView.  I have found many posts of folks using XView with X-Plane 10 quite successfully but not with X-Plane 9.  The docs say it should work with X-Plane 9 but I would like to hear first hand from someone who can confirm it does work.  I tried installing the PSX Plane that is supplied with XView but it does not work.  That plane seems to be based on the default 747-400 in X-Plane 10.  So I am skeptical XView will work.

Thanks in advance for any replies.




I have put a very old version of XView up on the ftp site.  This definately displays the view with XP 9.6.  I suspect the problem with the current version is that Laminar Research has changed this SDK.

This version does not have the settings window and probably doesn't support PSX Plane but it will at least give you an idea of what XView can do.  

I will have a look at what the problem might be over the next few days.



Thank you Mike for your prompt reply.  I downloaded the above-mentioned file and it seems to run in X-Plane 9.7 without issues.  Now all I need is PSX to try it out!
