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Started by Britjet, Tue, 3 Feb 2015 17:23

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: martinbakerThen when pushing FLCH it goes to full thrust again, even though it's less than 1,000ft to altitude capture.
You mean, FLCH should apply its 2-minute-rule when transitioning from the TO/GA pitch mode?

Should it do this? I don't know. But I can easily add this condition if someone confirms the real thing does it.

For the 2-minute-rule, the AFDS must record the current altitude in the moment when FLCH engages. This record is used to get the distance to the MCP altitude, and to calculate a suitable vertical speed (with 800 fpm being the minimum) for a 2-minute level change. It needs a starting point to get a steady reference until the MCP altitude is caputered.

In my current code, this rule is applied when transitioning from any of the following modes:
V/S (if current V/S is less than 300 fpm)
VNAV PTH (if current V/S is less than 300 fpm)

Intentionally not included on this list are VNAV SPD and TO/GA because they typically aren't tools to hold an altitude from which one would like to go away from. (And FLARE and G/S are irrelevant because only TO/GA can be engaged on them.)



Edit: I just tested the 2-minute-rule when transitioning from TO/GA to FLCH. 5000 was my MCP altitude. At 3000 I changed from TO/GA to FLCH, and the climb rate went down from 2000 fpm to 1000 fpm. That doesn't feel right. I'm on a go-around, I want to climb quickly; I'm not changing cruise levels. -- The nose will drop and the climb rate will decrease anyway when I increase my command speed for flap retraction.


I don't know Hardy - sorry. 1000fpm does seem a little low as you describe - is there actually a 2-minute rule as such? I don't remember seeing it anywhere..

martinbaker - well spotted on the TOGA thrust going to maximum. It will do this in certain circumstances and I will be covering this in detail in the next video..




Here is my poor runway attempt change (a couple mistakes), from San Fran LDA 28R (the situ that comes installed with PSX) after watching Captain BritJet's tutorial.

Martin Baker

Thanks for responses. I'm interested in getting a really smooth GA, the sort that you might want when deciding an approach is unstable at 1,000 AGL - no emergency, no panic, plenty of time and don't want to worry the pax. The smoothest method I can find is inspired by BritJet's runway change video:

Disconnect AP
FDs off
FDs on
AP on
Dial MCP VS up to 2000
Flaps 20, gear up.
Engage heading mode (SEL or LNAV)
Passing accel height, AT off, VS down to 1500 or less
Set new speed in MCP
Retract flaps on schedule
Approaching target speed:
(a) if near level off alt, engage AT and SPD mode
(b) if further off engage FLCH (AT still off - I find that engaging FLCH with AT on results in full thrust and high VS, even if only 1,500ft to go. Then AT on & select SPD as alt is captured.)

Fiddly but ultra smooth!

A question: During a GA in v10.0.0 if VS is engaged from TOGA, THR mode remains unaltered. In v.10.0.2 - beta 12, engaging VS from TOGA changes from THR to SPD. Is the newer version correct?




New video out - Cold Weather Operations - very appropriate for me right now!
The second GA video will follow shortly..

I would like to extend my thanks to Garry Richards, and VisualPSX, for making it possible to link the scenery. Thanks Garry! (I will put some proper credits in place soon).





That will also be in the GA2 video!
Basically you have 2 options - one is to press the (dreaded) THR button, which will reduce to CLB (or CON) thrust.

A more passenger-friendly option is, as soon as you press TOGA - immediately press FLCH.
Once the aircraft is going in the right direction you can refine this for an even gentler climb if you want to, by using V/S.

Nearly-empty fuel tanks like this method as well!



Martin Baker

Thanks Peter, I'll try those methods. Back in the 90s I was pax in a BA 747-100 which did a GA at KPHL - apparently ATC didn't give enough time to slow things down so the crew went around - but it was very smooth and comfortable: a steady increase in thrust and pitch and no roller-coaster feelings. Maybe in the -100s GAs were less aggressive. Thanks for help, Martin.

John H Watson

QuoteI don't know Hardy - sorry. 1000fpm does seem a little low as you describe - is there actually a 2-minute rule as such? I don't remember seeing it anywhere..

It may be written as 125 seconds in some manuals. If the altitude change can be achieved in 125 seconds without full climb thrust, then it will do so.

Sometimes referred to as "smart FLCH". I couldn't find a direct reference in the 747-400 manuals, but the 125 seconds target is mentioned in 767 and 777 manuals.


Martin Baker

I've had a play with a few GAs using beta 18 and really like the feel (for what it's worth from an amateur.) After a single push TOGA the pitch up and climb is very smooth, then a press on the THR button (thanks for the tip Peter) before engaging FLCH for acceleration keeps the whole process quite gentle by contrast to the double-push "get me out of here" technique. Looking forward to the next video!

Thanks to Peter and, of course, Hardy!


Martin Baker

PS - Question(s) for Peter: What's the reason BA uses Flaps 25 as standard for landings? Is it to make the transition to GA easier, i.e. approach speed closer to Flaps 20 ref speed? Are there any situations where BA would use Flaps 30?

Thanks, M.


Hi M,

25 flap - less thrust on approach = less noise.
Less flap = longer flap life between overhauls.

Flap 30 is used in BA for low viz autolands - to enable a better view over the nose with a slightly lower pitch angle, and for short runways or runways where you want to save on heating up the brakes (because you are flying a bit slower). Hot and/or high airfields would fit into this category.

GA2 video coming soon - just having a little battle with editing :-(



Second Go-Around video now uploaded.

I'm sorry that this is quite lengthy - 18 minutes. Much more than I had originally intended - - there were quite a few approaches to "shoot", as well as coverage of recent changes.
Feel free to fast-forward!

I will try to make future videos much "snappier"!



Martin Baker

Quote from: BritjetI'm sorry that this is quite lengthy - 18 minutes. Much more than I had originally intended - - there were quite a few approaches to "shoot", as well as coverage of recent changes.
Feel free to fast-forward!

The longer the better as far as I'm concerned! Heading over to YouTube now - thanks!



Hello Peter,

thanks again for doing so much with these training videos. I am always looking forward to learn something new.

Quote from: BritjetI will try to make future videos much "snappier"!

As far as I am concerned, even 18 minutes fly be rather quickly, there is just so much of valuable information! I had the pleasure to be in Level D simulator for few hours, and it all seemed as a few minutes passed.

I am sure that all of us are quite happy and learn something useful every time (well at least most of us :) ).

Again, let me thank you for your time, effort, and great learning tool!



Just finished watching your last one.
I am also really grateful for all those free lessons with a first class teacher !
Thanks indeed for all your efforts, they are very much appreciated !



Thanks, guys. It's nice to know they're appreciated.


Some time age I saw a video from (I think) an AAL training captain discussing the perils of the automated cockpits.  He gave as one example the actions of another captain on a check ride he was giving when they gave a TCAS warning.

I wonder what the opinion was/is at your old airline as to handle this.

(His approach was to click off everything and fly manually, which I happen to agree with, and which was NOT what the guy in question did).

I find your videos VERY interesting.  Keep up the good work.



Great informative vid Peter. I'm not forwarding it  I'm replaying it over and over so I can do it from memory. Thanks again buddy.


Hi jj,

All TCAS RAs have to be flown manually in any case - so your Check Captain was correct - to do it in auto would have been incorrect by any standards..



Martin Baker

At the risk of you thinking I have a one-track mind: in my quest to find the smoothest G/A, after single-push TOGA then engaging LNAV or H SEL, I find that pushing THR before selecting FLCH reduces the limit to Climb, so that the engines don't surge to max G/A thrust when accelerating under FLCH. Nice, smooth effect.

Which makes me wonder: in the real aircraft, when pressing FLCH from the TOGA mode, would you expect the thrust limit to change automatically from G/A to Climb, or should it remain on G/A as in 1.0.2?