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Psx questions

Started by An226, Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:32


I am considering purchasing Psx and had some questions.
Will it function well on windows 8.1 I am getting a Lenovo gaming laptop for it.
12 gb ram i7 processor 2"5ghz

If I install fsx,can I run psx, fix for scenery without a big headache
Had a few questions on modeling
Are the eicas maintenance pages and tests through fmc modeled and properly functional
How about terrain radar
Can I customize options to different airlines like lcd instead of crt screens
Are all circuit breakers modeled
Finally I assume wx radar will work properly

Will product work on just 1 computer for both fsx, psx


Hello An226, I can answer some of your questions.

1. Here are the hardware requirements:

2. Radar is modeled. There is also EGPWS, which shows terrain on the ND.

3. Many different real-world aircraft models are included, but you can also pick and choose between airline specific features to create your own custom aircraft. Both LCD and CRT screens are available.

4. All cockpit circuit breakers are modeled and fully functional. Pulling any one of them does what it does when you pull it in the real aircraft.

5. WX radar works, and shows an accurate picture of in-world conditions.

Lastly, PSX hasn't been tested on every combination of hardware and software add-ons. Your scenery generator (FSX, for example) will be by far the largest consumer of computing resources. If your set-up allows you to run FSX with plenty of computing overhead to spare, then adding PSX on the same machine probably won't be a problem. There are add-ons needed to bridge PSX and scenery generators (e.g. FSX), and you can find those add-ons here:
Will /Chicago /USA


Thanks will
Are the maintenance pages modeled-the ones you can pull up under Cmc on the fms and are they functional. Like the electrical page will it show the generator loads as I load the electrical system

Finally there are different ground tests you can do are these modelled

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: An226Are the eicas maintenance pages and tests through fmc modeled and properly functional
On the real 744 and in PSX, the FMC does not provide EICAS maintenance pages. Maintenance pages require a CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). CMC and FMC are not the same. The brown box with the screen and keyboard is called "CDU". The CDU is a remote control to access the two FMCs, the ACARS, CMC, and other systems. These other systems are not in the CDU, they are installed outside the flight deck.

PSX itself does not come with a CMC. But Avi just released his CMC add-on today.
It's a huge add-on. (There are some restrictions, however, e.g. PSX still cannot provide EICAS maintenance pages.)

The development of a CMC model is not trivial; it takes several years. It's not just a button on the CDU. A complete CMC model would probably require 500 000 lines of code.

By the way, the EGPWS terrain map is not a radar function. It uses the same data bus as the radar does, and is drawn by "wiping sweeps" which looks like radar sweeps, but it does not show radar echoes. It uses a terrain database which is stored in the EGPWS.

Thank you for your interest!


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

EGPWS hint taken, but if you dip the nose, the weather radar most definitely will paint the terrain, and PSX models this in convincing detail. Another small effect that had pretty large code implications.


Hardy Heinlin

Or just dip the antenna :-)

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Or roll inverted and scan up   :-)

Hardy Heinlin

Let's not confuse the readers :-) The antenna tilt control is the normal control. The antenna is stabilized by IRS data. The aircraft attitude has an effect on the radar display only when the IRS is not aligned (or at excessive attitudes).



I had a few additional  questions on the 744.

My computer doesnt have a dvd-drive. Will the program function if i put the dvd in a computer and mount it to a external harddrive as a .iso file and then put the h arddrive to the new computer.

Finally, I tried fsx on my new computer and it was not functional. Then i tried the steam version and it did not work. Will this product function under windows 8.1 64 bit.

Will it make a difference the xplane is the steam verision for scenery?

Markus Vitzethum

Hi An226,

> My computer doesnt have a dvd-drive.

No problem at all. But also no need to create an .iso file (but surely you can do that): just copy the files from the DVD to any suitable place, e.g. an USB harddrive or USB stick. From there, you can move it to your main computer.

> Will this product function under windows 8.1 64 bit.

Probably. FSX requires DirectX9, but PSX is a java program. You need to have (typically the latest) Java Runtime (JRE) installed, e.g JRE8 (version 8.31) 64-bit. So yes, it should run on a 64-bit windows since Java is 64-bit capable.

(As for FSX not running ... I understand (not from own experience) that there are some challenges with running FSX on Win8 but many people have managed and I am sure there are plenty of forums (e.g. AVSIM) out there with details on getting this issue solved.)


Hardy Heinlin

Hi An226,

as Markus wrote, just copy the DVD to your external disk. Then connect that disk to your PSX computer. To install PSX, open that external disk and double-click on install.jar. Tell the installer to install PSX on your computer's desktop (or any other folder); do not install it on that external disk (use the external disk just as a backup). You should install PSX on your computer's in-built disk. After the installation you can disconnect the external drive.



Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

... although PSX will work 100% okay if you DO want to install it on an external disk and carry it around ... this program does not use any OS-specific features such as the registry. You can even unplug the disk from your Windows PC and plug it into a Mac or Linux box and take off (given Java availability).


Hardy Heinlin

External disks may slow down the performance of PSX, that puts it below "100%". If economy and smoothness is important to you, use the in-built disk.