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New add-on: Central Maintenance Computer for PSX (CMC-PSX) v1.12

Started by Avi, Tue, 20 Jan 2015 14:59

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Avi,

as far as I recall, your CMC confidence test plays EGPWS sound files directly, right? If you like, you can also play EGPWS sounds simply by a Qi network command. This also takes the PSX user's audio preferences settings into account.

In PSX 10.1.8 there will be an optional "5" call-out for CAL Cargo Airlines. There'll be no additional sound file; PSX will just play the first syllable of the existing "500" sound file :-)




Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 05:56
as far as I recall, your CMC confidence test plays EGPWS sound files directly, right? If you like, you can also play EGPWS sounds simply by a Qi network command.

Yes it does but the modification is very "big" for the little time I have now.
Anyway, I doubt if anyone uses it so it's not worth it.

Avi Adin



I read more than once that some guys want an option to Pause PSX at TOD.
Well, this feature is now part of CMC-PSX.

I modified the software frame and instead of "Turn on indication lights" (part of Hardy's add-on example that I left for unclear reason) now you can select to Pause PSX when VNAV DES becomes active (so it is not TOD function, it is VNAV function). If checked and starting early descent, PSX will pause).
Note that once PSX is paused, the check box is de-selected.

Another modification in this version is that PSX now plays the TCAS and EGPWS audio files during Ground Test instead of CMC-PSX so user audio preferences in PSX are now taken into account.

All you need (if you have CMC-PSX) is to download the latest jar file.

If you don't have it yet, first download the full package (you have a link in the first post), install it (instructions in the user guide) and then download the new version.

Have fun,
Avi Adin



This bit of kit is something I haven't quite wrapped my head around, but is something I have kept updated, and mean to devote sufficient time to in the near future.  Just understanding the systems behind PSX have been pre-occupying thus far.  Thanks for your continued efforts on this important facet of the total 744 experience.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hi Avi,

Thank you very much for your effort to develop this great add-on.
That gives us some deep details behind the scene of PSX !!

Keep up the good work !


Steve Bell
aka The CC



With the release of PSX 10.26 (I know, it is 10.28 by now) and its new malfunction (26.04 Aft Cargo Temp Overheat), I updated CMC-PSX as follow:

• CMC-PSX now generates a CMC fault message when EICAS message TEMP CARGO HEAT is displayed.
Cargo Heat Sytem Ground Test will now fail if the malfunction is active.

All you need is to download the updated jar file.

Have fun,
Avi Adin

Hardy Heinlin


Steve Bell
aka The CC



I'm releasing another update for CMC-PSX (V1.8).
In this version there are 6 new fault messages for the new 2 APU malfunctions in PSX (10.30).
Also in this version, the APU Ground Test will fail now if the APU N1/N2 malfunction is active (it already failed it the APU controller wasn't power ([P6 K18] circuit breaker was out).

Avi Adin


Steve Bell
aka The CC



Version 1.9 is up.

In this version CMC-PSX generates only the X Radio Control Panel Fail fault messages and not the VHF-X transceiver fail messages (X=Left / Center./ Right).
The VHF-X messages still exist in CMC-PSX since they may be displayed as history messages.

Avi Adin

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Avi,

thank you for the update. Just a little detail, if you don't mind: In the previous version, the note with the CB cycling was actually correct; it was just the word "transceiver" that was incorrect. It should read "RCP" instead. Cycling the CB will fix the RCP fault, not any transceiver fault (there is no transceiver fault, just an RCP fault).

Severe: RCP fault, replace the RCP
Non-severe: RCP fault, cycle the CB to reset the RCP

Old incorrect version:
Non-severe: Transceiver fault, cycle the CB to reset the transceiver

You see what I mean?




Yes, I see what you mean but there is another problem now.
I know that NOTES exist. I don't know what it says in general and in this failure in particular. All of the notes in CMC-PSX (maybe but very very few) are mine.

From CMC point of view I don't know when a RCP failure occurs, if it can tell to cycle the CB or the unit needs to be replaced.

Thinking... thinking... thinking...

I modified the notes so it says to cycle the CB and if it doesn't work to replace the unit.

V1.9a is up.

Avi Adin

Hardy Heinlin

That was fast! Thanks for the elegant solution :-)




Hello dear sir. I also failed when I installed it, prompting me to try again in five seconds. And my Cmc and psx are installed on the same computer. How should I install it? Thank you for your answer very much。


Did you start PSX server (page 77 in the PSX 10.1.7 manual)?
Avi Adin


Quote from: Avi on Tue,  6 Nov 2018 07:32
Did you start PSX server (page 77 in the PSX 10.1.7 manual)?
Ok, I have solved it. Thank you very much



I noticed I didn't upload an update for CMC-PSX for over 2 years even though I kept it up to date with PSX.

In this version (V1.10):
•   Equip Cooling system: Bypass, Exhaust and Supply valves (position can be monitored in the Input Monitoring function) now powered by AC2 and not AC1 as in PSX 10.43 item 10.
•   IRS excessive map drift & IRS NAV mode failure malfunctions messages modified to agree with PSX 10.80 items 5 and 6.
•   IRU Ground Tests modified to agree with PSX 10.80 items 5 and 6.
•   Fault History Report title: SYMMARY -> SUMMARY
•   TOGA switch Ground Test now has a 1 sec delay before throttles start moving.
•   Packs Hi Flow logic was modified to agree with PSX 10.89 item 7. Pack status can be checked in the ECS maintenance report or in the Input Monitoring function for the bleed air system (the effect in item 8 does not model in CMC-PSX).
•   4 new CMC messages were added for the next EICAS (old and new in PSX 10.80 item 2) advisory messages:

All you need to do (if you already have CMC-PSX) is to load the jar file and override the old one.
If you are new to CMC-PSX, download first the CMC-PSC package in the first post and then update the jar file.

Have fun.
Avi Adin