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FiFLi add-on - First officer and Flight attendant for PSX - beta 0.77

Started by vito, Sun, 4 Jan 2015 19:22


Hi Bernd,

nothing new happened, waiting for the inspiration and free time ! :-)
Next todo is revised user manual.

Thanks for your kind words,

Best regards



Hi Vito,

no problem at all. Take as much time as you need - and of course - relax!!

srdačan pozdrav za Zagreb



Do I need to run this on the PC with speakers, or can this run anywhere?


Sorry, didn't see new message. FiFLi is written in java, so the answer is "yes", "this" can be run anywhere ... ?

best regards


Hardy Heinlin

You need speakers (or headphones) if you want to hear the FiFLi sounds.
The sounds do not run through network wires, and they do not come from PSX.


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Thu, 16 Aug 2018 20:33
You need speakers (or headphones) if you want to hear the FiFLi sounds.
The sounds do not run through network wires, and they do not come from PSX.

Cool, that's what I needed to know  :D


Finally :-) I am able to say that you can download much simpler and updated tutorial for FiFLi. I tried to keep it simple and easy to follow. Of course, I invite you to comment if you find any questions or suggestions !

best regards


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Hi Vito,

When I click on the link on page 1 of this thread

Here is the download link to FiFLi complete package:

I get an error message '404' file does not exist?

Am I doing something wrong?




Hi Vito,

thanks for your reply and fix but still doesn't seem to work. When I click on the link I am directed to a bunch of folders, ENBR, ENUS, FIFLi.jar, MISC, NLNL, README.txt? If I lick on FiFLi.jar I get a message, .jar files can't be previewed?



Hi John,

when you click on the link your browser opens and shows Dropbox page. You can see bunch of folders in the main view but if you look to the upper right corner of page you can see two options: sign in and download. Click on the download option and then direct download. Now the ZIP file (complete package) should be saved to your folder.

best regards




Here it is, new beta 0.74 ! I have skipped few versions because of cosmetic changes ...

beta 0.72 - 0.73
- when selecting to stop boarding + ZFW and fuel was not correctly updated, now it is (still you have to wait for First FO to finish his walk-around and perform his other preflight duties ...

beta 0.74
- boarding simulation can be cancelled in case you don't want to wait for entire 30+ minutes ( rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY or UNLKD and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop), previously this function wasn't quitting correctly - stopping, now it does :-) FO will also stop his preflight  duties.
- removed "Randomize switch" - randomising switch is from start available in PSX under Instructor —> Malfunctions —> General, so this option is not really needed :-)
added few optimisations / simplifications in code

-- end

Complete package:

and just "jar" file:

FiFLi tutorial can be downloaded here:

If you don't have any problems let me know :-)

best regards




Excellent program Vito.

Is there any way to disable the co-pilot from changing radio frequencies?



Hi, Joe!

Thank you on your kind words.

FO can be disabled by checking / unchecking "FO active" option (main FiFLi screen) but  then FO will stop performing any of the checks and actions during flight.

best regards



Hi Vito,
I just tired using FiLi with the latest 10.68 and even though my situ has my airline designation Qantas and flight No. QF15 Fili seemed to change the flight number to 666 and ATC referred to my flight as Aeroflot 666...
Very confusing as when I load the situ without FiLi all is OK....

If I rename the flight and number then the ATC eventually uses the correct reference. Why does FiLi change the flight number and how can I stop it from doing so?

Alex B
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Thanks Alex, I was aware of the bug with transponder code number not being reset with new flight (ATC would refer to old one from last flight) but this is new. Anyway I think this bug has something with FiFLi reseting "Talk to us"  checkbox under "Instructor -> Situation --> Human -- > Voice ATC"  as I was trying to have correct "Responsible now" controller frequency active after boarding phase is finished (to relieve pilot from checking Voice-ATC frequencies if correct "responsible now" frequency is selected).

I will check on this but it may not be soon ...

Thanks !

best reagrds



Take your time... I am still building my cockpit but take short test flights to try my hardware out every so often.
On the last one I also checked that the door control hardware did interface with FiLi as well....

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia