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FiFLi add-on - First officer and Flight attendant for PSX - beta 0.77

Started by vito, Sun, 4 Jan 2015 19:22


Hello Vito,

I can only run FiFLi on the PSX Server computer. If I try to run it from another computer, FiFLi cannot connect to server. Is it possible for you to add the possibility to specify the PSX Server IP adress and port on a window or setup file in order to use FiFLi over a network ?



Quote from: JP744Hello Vito,

I can only run FiFLi on the PSX Server computer. If I try to run it from another computer, FiFLi cannot connect to server. Is it possible for you to add the possibility to specify the PSX Server IP adress and port on a window or setup file in order to use FiFLi over a network ?


I'd also make this request please.  I like having the sim machine unfettered, and with multiple networked machines, this makes sense.


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Peter Lang

Hi vito,

I would like to join the request to make FiFli work from a client computer.




Quote from: Peter LangHi vito,

I would like to join the request to make FiFli work from a client computer.



I will look at it and it should not be a problem  8) ,  in next version I will add  few more options / parameters for connection with PSX.

best regards



Here is FiFLi beta 0.52 :-)

changes include:

- FiFLi can be connected to various ports or host names - just enter your port or host name into respected fields
- added First officer cockpit preflight set-up actions - these actions start automatically after you rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to deny UNLKD and release it. Also when you do this boarding will start. You will hear First officer actions like:
   - testing the oxygen,
   - testing various systems on his side (for now only weather radar),
   - announcing he is back from walk around and doors are closing (after the boarding is complete)
- added First officer call "speed brakes are up" - you will hear this call when you land and if you accidentally extend speed brakes on the ground ...

complete package (recommended because some new sounds added)

and just "jar" file:

best regards



Thought for boarding is was unlock, not deny.....

Wouldn't it be better to start with Unlock? Boarding starts and the First Officer starts his check along with walk around?


Quote from: HercMightyThought for boarding is was unlock, not deny.....

Wouldn't it be better to start with Unlock? Boarding starts and the First Officer starts his check along with walk around?

my typo, sorry, :-)

Normal position for selector is "auto". when you move it to "UNLKD" position it will start boarding and FO actions ... don't know from where I get this "deny" :-)

best regards





Tried it for the first time- impressed. Thank-you for adding to the immersion factor when flying our beloved fat-girl.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


Thank you for trying FiFLi, and thank you all for your support :-)))

Best regards


Hi Vito,  Thank you for your addition to our PSX world.

I have tried to follow instructions as written in your read me but apart from descent instructions (clearly) from your lovely purser, I get no other sounds.

At what stage do you turn your FLT DK DOOR to open? Is immediately on entering the cockpit or when power is supplied to the aircraft?

It would seem my volumes are set correctly.

Your help would be appreciated.




Quote from: Derek AdamHi Vito,  Thank you for your addition to our PSX world.

I have tried to follow instructions as written in your read me but apart from descent instructions (clearly) from your lovely purser, I get no other sounds.

At what stage do you turn your FLT DK DOOR to open? Is immediately on entering the cockpit or when power is supplied to the aircraft?

Hi Derek,

Here is what to do:

Aircraft should be powered up and ready for boarding, doors must be opened!

Boarding simulation:
--> Rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. Doors must be open. This will initiate passenger boarding simulation - you will hear ambient noise of passengers boarding. Also boarding will take some time(cca 30+ minutes), first you will hear lovely voice announce boarding is starting and after the boarding is complete you will hear that boarding is now complete so you can continue with preparing for engine start ...
If you wish to end boarding early, just rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop. FiFLi will announce in its own window how long boarding will take in minutes.

Why you didn't hear all announcements is hard to tell but I suspect that you missed some of the steps / triggers which are necessary for certain phase to be activated. I suggest that you start with instructions folowed step by step. Waiting for your report :-)

Here are triggers for certain phase:

FA briefing: doors closed, pushback and taxiout:
-> all doors must be closed,
-> autobrakes must be in RTO position
-> beacon must be on

FA briefing: cruise:
-> altitude must be higher than 20000 ft
-> autobrakes must be in OFF position

FA briefing: approach:
-> altitude must be between 3000 and 10000 ft
-> autobrakes must be in either 1, 2, 3, 4 or MAX position
-> speedbrakes must be armed (this is important just for taxi in briefing not for approach briefing to be played),

FA briefing: taxi in:
-> flaps and speed brakes must be deplopyed
-> autobrakes must be in DISARM position
-> when you retract the speedbrake (this is the signal that we are actually of the runway) first officer will:
---> start the APU
---> turn off the landing lights
---> turn of the strobes
---> retract flaps
---> put XPDR to STBY position
---> turn off weather radar on his side,
——-> reset stab trim to neutral
---> and you will hear taxi in briefing

and final actions(randomize external supplies connections) happen:
--> only if the taxi in briefing was played
--> after autobrakes are in off position
--> and doors are open

Best regards


Hi Vito,
  Thank you for your prompt reply.  Felt I had done all the precursors for FIFI to work, but with a quick check today I was left in the same position of not hearing anything except descent announcement.
Please do not concern yourself with my problem over the next week as we are in the process of changing homes.  Could be up to that time before I am up and working again.



How do I proceed with the FLT DK DOOR procedures to trigger different things when I am flying cargo plane (no FLT DK CARGO DOOR switch)?


Quote from: matchballHow do I proceed with the FLT DK DOOR procedures to trigger different things when I am flying cargo plane (no FLT DK CARGO DOOR switch)?

I am afraid there is no alternative at the moment. In next update I will implement different assignement for FO actions, the one that is  present in both passenger and cargo versions ... Stay tuned :-)

Best regards



Good evening folks !

Here is FiFLi beta 0.53 with bunch of good stuff :-)

link to complete package:

link to JAR file:

changes include:

beta 0.53
- First Officer will now do complete after landing checklist as specified in Aerowinx Precision simulator manual (After Landing procedures) on page 574. This checklist will start after you retract the speed brakes.
- fixed few typos in "readme"
- First Officer will setup radios according to the values found in "Instructor panel / Situation / Human / Voice ATC" - this setup will happen after boarding is complete. It is important that you manually enter origin and destination into Instructor / Situation / Human / Voice - ATC fields BEFORE boarding is complete.  First Officer will then enter frequencies found in Instructor panel / Situation / Human / Voice ATC in next order (radio tuning panel left: RTPL, radio tuning panel right: RTPR):
   ground ---> RTPL Active
   tower ---> RTPL Standby
   departure ---> RTPR Active
   center ---> RTPR Standby

Since we have a more than few "freight dogs" :-) who use FiFLi, decission to assign new button to enable control of First Officer actions since freighters don't have FLT DK DOOR control. Any suggestions what button to use, mine is: radio tuning panel center, R/T - INT switch ?

best regards



Don't fly a freighter, but like the Door switch....can you make it an Or statement?


Quote from: HercMightyDon't fly a freighter, but like the Door switch....can you make it an Or statement?

you mean to give choice: if pax then DK DOOR, freighter: something else ?

not a bad idea :-) and I am thinking ... on freighters there is also no boarding sound but maybe something else can be heard ... Freight dogs, any suggestions, what buttons and sounds ? :-)))

best regards
