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FiFLi add-on - First officer and Flight attendant for PSX - beta 0.77

Started by vito, Sun, 4 Jan 2015 19:22


If only I can call it add-on  .... :-)))

First I want to say "Hi" to all of you within this wonderful community, years have passed from when I first heard of PS1 and now we are all enjoying PSX, almost unbelievable what progress Hardy have made in such short time :-) I was humbled with complexity and art of simulation we are enjoying now ... It wasn't my intention to ever (in my wildest dreams) start write programs in Java :-) like Hardy :twisted: Almost two months ago I didn't know what is streaming in Java, how to read inputs from PSX, how to write variable to PSX or how to even write simple "Hello World" method :-) This is friendly warning :-)

Now, soon I will hopefully offer early beta version of FiFli - add-on for PSX I hope will make our long flights more "interesting" in terms of simulation some of totally unnecessary distractions, sounds and actions  :mrgreen: These are: first officer actions or when I really catch some java magic :-) maybe more complex actions like complete famous preflight "SLUGOS" actions and who knows where this will end :-) That's not all :-) We have also flight attendant actions which are for now reduced to announcements or briefings for various phases of flight. My inspiration was famous PS1 Flight Crew and the sounds for now are the same as in this great add-on (thank you Rodney Redwin and Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers). Also thank you Hardy for such complete introduction to networking and some programing techniques for add-on for PSX for idiots like me  :mrgreen:

These actions - briefings add-on can play for now: flight crew briefings for doors closed and ready for pushback, taxi out, cruise, approach and taxi in. Also when at the gate add-on will randomize ext power supplies, so you will get random ext pwr 1 or ext pwr 2 electric connection supply.

That's all for now, I will upload "FiFli" as soon I get some confirmations from Hoppie (as soon he gets on reading mails  :mrgreen: )

best regards



Here is the download link to FiFLi complete package:

Here is the download link to FiFLi.jar file, latest version if you don't need complete package, just overwrite the old one:

Here is the link to PDF procedure guide for FiFLi:

Briefing and action triggers - you must setup some of the PSX switches, buttons or levers into certain position so FiFLi can play correct briefing:

Boarding simulation:
--> Rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. Doors must be open. This will initiate passenger boarding simulation - you will hear ambient noise of passengers boarding. Also boarding will take some time(cca 30+ minutes), first you will hear lovely voice announce boarding is starting and after the boarding is complete you will hear that boarding is now complete so you can continue with preparing for engine start ...
If you wish to end boarding early, just rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop.

Firs officer will do his preflight duties:
actions start automatically after you rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. Also when you do this boarding will start. You will hear First officer actions like:
   - announcing he is going to do a walk around (this will take cca 10+       minutes)
   - announcing he is back from walk around,
   - performing voice recorder test,
   - performing Fire Test,
   - testing the oxygen,
   - testing weather radar on his and Captain side,
   - announcing doors are closing (after the boarding is complete).
        - First Officer will setup radios according to the values found in "Instructor panel /           Situation / Human / Voice ATC" - this setup will happen after boarding is complete. It is important that you manually enter origin and destination into Instructor / Situation / Human / Voice - ATC fields before boarding is complete.  First Officer will then enter frequencies found in Instructor panel / Situation / Human / Voice ATC in next order (radio tuning panel left: RTPL, radio tuning panel right: RTPR):
   ground ---> RTPL Active
   tower ---> RTPL Standby
   departure ---> RTPR Active
   center ---> RTPR Standby

First officer will do "before start" actions after beacon is turned on, he will check if you forgot to do some of your "before start" items and he will do his (he assumes that you called for "Before start checklist")and after that he will be ready for your command to pull engine start switch after you move fuel control switch to run:
   - turns on APU and connects generators,
   - sets hydraulic system,
   - sets fuel system,
   - sets packs,
   - after you move fuel control switch to run he will pull  matching engine                start switch

First officer will execute runway entry procedure:
--> rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY and release it. This will signal that you are ready to enter the runway so you are calling First officer to execute runway entry procedure. In this case First officer will: call flight attendants to take seats for take off, turn on landing lights, turn off taxi lights, turn on strobe, put XPDR to RA/TA position.

FA briefing: doors closed, pushback and taxiout:
-> all doors must be closed,
-> autobrakes must be in RTO position
-> beacon must be on

FA briefing: cruise:
-> altitude must be higher than 20000 ft
-> autobrakes must be in OFF position

FA briefing: approach:
-> altitude must be between 3000 and 10000 ft
-> autobrakes must be in either 1, 2, 3, 4 or MAX position
-> speedbrakes must be armed (this is important just for taxi in briefing not for approach briefing to be played),

FA briefing: taxi in:
-> flaps and speed brakes must be deplopyed
-> autobrakes must be in DISARM position
-> when you retract the speedbrake (this is the signal that we are actually of the runway) first officer will:
---> start the APU
---> turn off the landing lights
---> turn of the strobes
---> retract flaps
---> put XPDR to STBY position
---> turn off weather radar on his side,
——-> reset stab trim to neutral
---> and you will hear taxi in briefing

and final actions(randomize external supplies connections) happen:
--> only if the taxi in briefing was played
--> after autobrakes are in off position
--> and doors are open

All of the above triggers are already included in standard checklists (that means they are part of the standard procedures), so if you use PSX first officer and go through them or you play from your memory you should :-) hear all of the briefings.

beta 0.1
initial release :-)
FiFLi will: play briefings from flight crew for: doors closed, pushback, taxi out, cruise, approach and taxi in.
When at the gate FiFLi will simulate random Ext pwr connection - when doors are open you can expect ext pwr 1 or ext pwr 2 lights to illuminate. 

beta 0.2
small bug corrected - taxi in briefing would play twice, now should play only once :-)

feature added : after landing, when off the runway (trigger for this is speed brakes retracted) flight officer should turn the strobes off, landing lights, retract flaps and start the apu.

beta 0.2 - 0.39
stutters fixed :-)

beta 0.40
- added option to disable First officer
- FiFLI will indicate if connection to PSX is successful

beta 0.42
- added selection of two additional set of voices: English, USA and Dutch - Netherlands which also includes english briefing, which all can be selected via buttons on the main FiFLi window. playback may sound little distorted if you have your system volume to high so please lower it to get more pleasing sound !
- fixed First Officer deactivation after landing - taxi in briefing should now be played
- Flight Officer will after you land: retract speed brakes (which is signal that you are leaving runway): turn the strobes and landing lights off, retract flaps, start the apu, turn on taxi lights, put XPDR to STBY position
- IMPORTANT - added function of PA volume selector on Captain's panel: if the PA volume selector is ON (green light) you will hear PA announcements (briefings) - so be sure that is selected - allow few seconds for sound to start playing after you press PA into ON position or PA into OFF position
- added function of volume adjustment via the PA volume selector on the Captain's panel: now you can adjust volume of Flight attendant's briefings - be sure that it is not muted (arrow all the way rotated to lower left) - change in volume is not instantly, it will take few seconds ...
- And last important note: directory structure must remain identical to  folders in compressed file: you must have three additional directories in your main FiFLIi folder: ENBR, ENUS and NLNL with wav files.

beta 0.46
- slightly modified NLNL set of sounds to play more clearly when adjusting sound volume, also should apply for other voice sets
- new feature added: rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. This will initiate passenger boarding simulation - you will hear ambient noise of passengers boarding. Also boarding will take some time, first you will hear lovely voice announce boarding is starting and after the boarding is complete you will hear that boarding is now complete so you can continue with preparing for engine start ...

beta 0.47
- you will now get "Cabin ready" when descending ...
- adjusted boarding simulation, now it takes at least 30+ minutes  :evil:  ...
also not to forget: If you wish to end boarding early, just rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop.
- also tweaked boarding noise to sound better :-)
- feature added : First officer will execute runway entry procedure:
--> when you are ready to enter runway: rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY and release it. This will signal that you are ready to enter the runway and you are telling your First officer to execute runway entry procedure. In this case First officer will: call flight attendants to take seats for take off, turn on landing lights, turn off taxi lights, turn on strobe, put XPDR to RA/TA position.

beta 0.48
- First officer now correctly turns off weather radar after leaving runway
- First officer now resets stab trim to 6.0 after landing and leaving runway

beta 0.49
- FiFLi will announce boarding time in its own window and also when boarding process is finished ...
- when you park at the gate FiFLi will randomize door opening side

beta 0.50
- randomize external supplies and open doors after landing when parked at the gate now should work more reliable :-)

beta 0.51
- boarding sounds now more loud (cca 20%)

beta 0.52
- FiFLi can be connected to various ports or host names - just enter your port or host name into respected fields
- added First officer cockpit preflight set-up actions - these actions start automatically after you rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. Also when you do this boarding will start. You will hear First officer actions like:
   - testing the oxygen,
   - testing various systems on his side (for now only weather radar),
   - announcing he is back from walk around and doors are closing (after the boarding is complete)
- added First officer call "speed brakes are up" - you will hear this call when you land and if you accidentally extend speed brakes on the ground ...

beta 0.53
- First Officer will now do complete after landing checklist as specified in Aerowinx Precision simulator manual (After Landing procedures) on page 574. This checklist will start after you retract the speed brakes.
- fixed few typos in this "readme"
- First Officer will setup radios according to the values found in "Instructor panel / Situation / Human / Voice ATC" - this setup will happen after boarding is complete. It is important that you manually enter origin and destination into Instructor / Situation / Human / Voice - ATC fields before boarding is complete.  First Officer will then enter frequencies found in Instructor panel / Situation / Human / Voice ATC in next order (radio tuning panel left: RTPL, radio tuning panel right: RTPR):
   ground ---> RTPL Active
   tower ---> RTPL Standby
   departure ---> RTPR Active
   center ---> RTPR Standby

beta 0.54
- added few more First officer cockpit preflight set-up actions - these actions start automatically after you rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD and release it. Also when you do this boarding will start. You will hear First officer actions like:
   - announcing he is going to do a walk around (this will take cca 10+       minutes)
   - announcing he is back from walk around,
   - performing voice recorder test,
   - performing Fire Test,
   - testing the oxygen,
   - testing weather radar on his and Captain side,
   - announcing doors are closing (after the boarding is complete).

- added replacement option for freighters who doesn't have the FLT DK DOOR selector ! Switches on the Center Audio panel are acting as the FLT DK DOOR selector switch:
   - Switch "INT" as FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD,
   - Switch "R/T" as FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY,

beta 0.55
First officer will do "before start" actions after beacon is turned on, he will check if you forgot to do some of your "before start" items and he will do his (he assumes that you called for "Before start checklist")and after that he will be ready for your command to pull engine start switch after you move fuel control switch to run:
   - turns on APU and connects generators,
   - sets hydraulic system,
   - sets fuel system,
   - sets packs,
   - after you move fuel control switch to run he will pull  matching engine       start switch

beta 0.56
- fixed bug: First officer didn't correctly "understand" in which flight phase we are, now it does :-)

beta 0.57
- fixed bug: First officer should now correctly setup his "Before start checklist" and pull engine start switches

beta 0.60
- few changes, internal code more optimized :-)

beta 0.60 - 0.62
- more optimizations :-)
- First officer will now recognize if you have Aux Pump in system 1 and accordingly he will in his before start procedures move Hyd Aux Pump 1 switch to Aux

beta 0.63
- again more optimizations :-) FiFli should now be more robust in detect in flight phase
new additional info on main FiFli window: now you get how many minutes until boarding is complete, FiFli shows which flight phase is active so you can check if FiFli is correctly anticipating flight phase
all voices are again redone - to be more neutral and clear (I hope)
FO acknowledges engine starting sequence by announcing number of respective engine
Fo announces when he is ready for engine start

beta 0.64
quite a few changes are made for this version so don't  be to hard if some bugs jump out ....
few new options added:
Failures randomizer - if you are on the ground and before start it will add some unpredictability into your flight with adding some random undemanding failures - don't check at the Instructor window and be prepared for surprise :-))) 
Move some switches - FiFLi will if you are at the ground and before start phase move some switches randomly - be aware, crew before you was a little sloppy at least :-)))
and Randomize ZFW - after all passengers been boarded you will get Final wight report

beta 0.65 —> beta 0.69
- FO option checked / unchecked now works - if somebody find it not working let me know
- Boarding simulation:
--> Rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD or DENY and release it. Doors must be open. This will initiate passenger boarding simulation - you will hear ambient noise of passengers boarding. Also boarding will take some time(cca 30+ minutes), first you will hear lovely voice announce boarding is starting and after the boarding is complete you will hear that boarding is now complete so you can continue with preparing for engine start ...
If you wish to end boarding early, just rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY or UNLKD and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop.Stopping boarding process is now more robust, you still must wait cca 30 secs to stop it.
—-> FO will do silent taskst after all four engines has been started (before you do after start checks):
- turn off APU
- set up Hyd pumps
- turn on window heat (if you forgot)
- turn on AFT cargo heat
- turn on the PACKS

beta 0.70
few new options added:
- Failures randomizer - if you are on the ground and before start it will add some unpredictability into your flight with adding some random undemanding failures - don't check at the Instructor window and be prepared for surprise :-))) 
- Move some switches - FiFLi will if you are at the ground and before start phase move some switches randomly - be aware, crew before you was a little sloppy at least :-)))
- and Randomize ZFW - after all passengers been boarded you will get Final weight report.
- added replacement option for freighters who doesn't have the FLT DK DOOR selector !
- switches on the Center Audio panel are acting as the FLT DK DOOR selector switch:
- switch "INT" or "R/T" act as FLT DK DOOR selector to UNLKD / DENY on passenger aircraft

beta 0.71
- simulation of boarding (when you rotate FLT DK DOOR selector)  now also reflects in ZFW value being changed (increased), ZFW will automatically increase towards inserted Planned ZFW value (you can check this on CDU by selecting PERF INIT page) , also value entered in - Planned fuel will automatically trigger fuel loading - if values in respective fields stays "0" ZFW and Fuel will not be automatically updated / loaded
- Climb and cruize Flight attendant message is now played only when you are higher than minimum altitude (cca 10000 ft) and seat belts switch is tuned to auto or off

beta 0.74
boarding simulation can be cancelled in case you don't want to wait for entire 30+ minutes ( rotate FLT DK DOOR selector to DENY or UNLKD and release it. You will hear flight attendant telling you that boarding is complete and sounds of boarding noise will stop), previously this function wasn't quitting correctly - stopping, now it does :-) FO will also stop his preflight  duties.
removed "Randomize switch" - randomising switch is available under Instructor —> Malfunctions —> General
added few optimisations / simplifications in code

-- end

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: vitoIt wasn't my intention to ever (in my wildest dreams) start write programs in Java :-) like Hardy :twisted: Almost two months ago I didn't know what is streaming in Java, how to read inputs from PSX, how to write variable to PSX or how to even write simple "Hello World" method :-)
Yehaa :-) Congrats, Vito!




Hi Vito,

Great job! I had been hoping for a port of Hoppie's Flightcrew to PSX from the beginning.
It definately adds to the immersion and the feeling of having 'someone' sitting in the back :)

Thanks for developping FiFli!


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

But there already ARE people in the back! Just call the crew rest!



Correct... I had forgotten about the grumpy dutch guy sleeping in the crew bunk ;)



Thanks Sylvain !

Hope it works as advertised :-)

best regards


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Vito,

I just started FiFli and I can hear the lady loud and clear. It obviously works! :-)

In your readme you say "start with boost server on". Are you sure the booster is needed?

My boost server is off and it works anyway.




Quote from: Hardy HeinlinMy boost server is off and it works anyway. Are you sure the booster is needed?

I was thinking about future when I might needed it (for copilot) but for now I will leave this at pilot's discretion :-)


best regards


Hardy Heinlin

Booster data are also provided by the main server. The booster is for motion sensitive add-ons only, e.g. scenery motion or platform motion at 48+ Hz. There's no point in using this high-speed service for a copilot add-on.




Quote from: Hardy HeinlinThe booster is for motion sensitive add-ons only, e.g. scenery motion or platform motion at 48+ Hz. There's no point in using this high-speed service for a copilot add-on.

Ok, suggestion removed from "readme" :-)

best regards



Hello Vito,

Congratulations. Unfortunately, my PSX server freezes just after enabling flight attendant checkbox in the addon. If I quit the addon, PSX comes back to life immediately.


Quote from: JP744Hello Vito,

Congratulations. Unfortunately, my PSX server freezes just after enabling flight attendant checkbox in the addon. If I quit the addon, PSX comes back to life immediately.

Sorry to hear that. Do you have any other add-on active beside FiFLi ? Does it freeze every time you try it ? The only thing I can think off is that at the start FiFLI requests refresh of all non - delta variables from PSX.

best regards


I tried only with PSX and FiFli and have the same problem. I tried to wait but PSX remains freeze after 1 minute +

Hardy Heinlin

I've done a complete flight without problems.

OS X 10.9.5
Java jdk1.7.0_45


Quote from: JP744I tried only with PSX and FiFli and have the same problem. I tried to wait but PSX remains freeze after 1 minute +

What are you specs ?

mine are:

OS X 10.10.1
Java jdk1.7.0_71


windows 8.1
Java jdk1.7.0_67


antivirus or firewall blocking TCP/IP ?


For some reason I can't get any sounds to play?

What are the triggers for the .wav files?

Thank you.


Quote from: OmniAtlasFor some reason I can't get any sounds to play?

What are the triggers for the .wav files?

Thank you.

First briefing should be played after: all doors are closed, auto brakes should be in RTO position and beacon should be on. After all these conditions are satisfied, flight attendant will wait a few seconds and start first briefing then will wait a few seconds and play a second briefing and after that you will get Cabin ready signal on the pilots's call panel.

best regards


Robert Staudinger

Hello Vito,

thanks for you work, sounds pretty good but I have the same problem as JP744.

Everything starts as planned but after the first announcement just the PSX-server freezes (not the PSX-client) and wondrously FiFli continues with the second announcement and "Cabin Ready" appears. I can't get a third annoncement because PSX Server is frozen. As soon FiFli is disabled PSX gets alive again.

There is no other addon running and it is WIN7-64bit with JRE 1.8.0_25 or JDK 1.8.0_05.

Thank you, Robert

Robert Staudinger

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Vito,

for a test, you could deactivate all write actions in your add-on. Just let it read from PSX, not write.

And if that works, one could check which write action freezes the server. Maybe EXT power or CABIN READY or ...

Are you using any country specific characters?

