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VisualPSX Suite build 5427 uploaded

Started by Garry Richards, Mon, 10 Nov 2014 05:13

Garry Richards

This build includes bug fixes and additions to VisualPSX, TrafficPSX and the PilotClients.cfg file. Most changes are described in the Readme, History and manual documents.

I forgot to include mention of changes I made to traffic processing. I hope these may enable those users who cannot see FSX traffic in PSX to now do so. Please let me know.



Hi Gary,

Thanks for the update. I'm running PSX, Prepar3d V2.3 and Visual PSX on the same PC and there's been no change in the stuttering, jittering and sound issues. I've tried most things on the forum but nothing seems to work. I also tried out the new feature disabling all offsets but that too did not work.

Something I haven't seen mentioned on here but in my set up, from day one I've noticed a crabbing, even in 0 wind conditions. The runway always seems to be off to the right during the whole approach but at touch down it's on centre line.



Quote from: jlpilotI'm running PSX, Prepar3d V2.3 and Visual PSX on the same PC and there's been no change in the stuttering, jittering and sound issues.
I had that too but it  completey disappears when I run Prepar3D at one PC (my most powerful one) and PSX and Visual PSX at another (just a moderate PC). Now I have 50- 150 fps in Prepar3D and no stutters (in VC view).



Hi Garry,
Quote from: Garry RichardsThis build includes bug fixes and additions to VisualPSX, TrafficPSX and the PilotClients.cfg file.

I forgot to include mention of changes I made to traffic processing. I hope these may enable those users who cannot see FSX traffic in PSX to now do so. Please let me know.
No luck I'm afraid. I still have the Gear retrack problem in VisualPSX (with the default 747 in Prepar3D) and I still do not see any  traffic in the PSX ND ...



Hi Garry,

unfortunately still no traffic from FSX.



Quote from: kiekHi Garry,
Quote from: Garry RichardsThis build includes bug fixes and additions to VisualPSX, TrafficPSX and the PilotClients.cfg file.

I forgot to include mention of changes I made to traffic processing. I hope these may enable those users who cannot see FSX traffic in PSX to now do so. Please let me know.
No luck I'm afraid. I still have the Gear retrack problem in VisualPSX (with the default 747 in Prepar3D) and I still do not see any  traffic in the PSX ND ...


Still the same problems here


Hi Nico,

Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried your method and it's exactly the same results except the offset which was worse. PSX was positioned perfectly on 09L at Heathrow and Prepar3d was off the runway in the approach lights.

Quote from: kiekHi,

I had that too but it  completey disappears when I run Prepar3D at one PC (my most powerful one) and PSX and Visual PSX at another (just a moderate PC). Now I have 50- 150 fps in Prepar3D and no stutters (in VC view).



Hessel Oosten

Beacon light switched on and off on the runway ?

See thread:


Garry Richards

Thanks guys for testing and reporting.

If you are experiencing stuttering/jittering and have tried the various suggestions made on the forum without success then all I can suggest is that you find an expert, perhaps at your local computer service shop, who can delve deeply into your operating system and hardware and discover exactly how these apps are interacting with each other and the computer. That might cost $ of course.


If you cannot get FSX traffic to display on the PSX ND then please download and run a debug1 version of TrafficPSX.

For testing, position PSX on approach near an airport with motion frozen and with FSX traffic set to maximum. Run VisualPSX and the debug version of TrafficPSX, with the traffic direction set for FSX to PSX.

TrafficPSX will show the numbers 1 to 7 in the lower section of the status page. After a while you should see up to 7 AI aircraft listed by call sign and relative position. The display will update every few seconds. each listed aircraft should appear on PSX's ND at the same relative location.

Let me know the results.


If you can't get the FSX landing gear to follow PSX please try this:

Set up a similar scenario to the above with PSX motion frozen, flaps not greater than 20 and IAS suitable for extending and retracting the gear. Set FSX to an external view, locked spot and move the viewpoint so you can see the gear clearly. Then, on the FSX Views menu select Instrument Panel then Main Panel so you can see the FSX gear lever.

Run VisualPSX and you should see the gear lever change position if necessary to match the PSX gear position (not the lever position). The FSX gear position should then match PSX.

Next, try the opposite PSX gear setting (extended or retracted). After a few seconds the FSX gear lever should move to extend or retract to match PSX.

Let me know the results.



Garry Richards

Quote from: jlpilotPSX was positioned perfectly on 09L at Heathrow and Prepar3d was off the runway in the approach lights.
This suggests that you are using addon airport scenery at Heathrow, but are using an old version of the runways file. If so, please run the latest version of RunwaysPSX and replace your runways data file with the new one (it has the same name and number). When you next start VisualPSX the offsets should be correct.

Or, if you are departing you may need to manually specify the departure runway in VisualPSX. Refer to Hessel's post above.




Hi Garry,

some good news for you!!

Pleased to say that I am now able to see FSX traffic in PSX.  Well done!

However, it seems to work intermittently. Nothing will display for a while, then suddenly traffic will appear and then display perfectly for a few minutes before `vanishing again'. During this cycle traffic continues to be displayed in FSX (I.e. it is not the traffic itself disappearing in FSX that is causing this).

The timings of the dropouts/restores are not consistent but tend to be in the order of 3 to 5 minutes.

I cannot correlate these drop outs/restores with any noticeable event in FSX although I *think* I noticed that when an aircraft takes off it might trigger the PSX traffic display to be restored. May be coincidental - I will make further observations.

As far as my system config I have not changed anything other than copy in the new 5427 build of TrafficPSX.exe. Will download the debug version and see if I can provide any more information.

Really appreciate your work in getting this sorted.


Hardy Heinlin


"FSX traffic in PSX" -- is that PSX's ND or PSX's windshield? If it's PSX's windshield, the visibility depends on the weather context, i.e. on clouds and visual range currently applied in PSX. If this data disagrees with FSX weather, the traffic display on the windshield may disagree too.

(But the weather does not affect TCAS in PSX, of course.)

There are conditions in PSX that reposition an intruder aircraft; but such repositionings are executed only when "external control" is deselected on the Instructor. I just checked my code to confirm this.




Sorry Hardy - I meant PSX's ND display.

Btw, when the FSX traffic stream starts working, all the traffic becomes visible on the ND simultaneously. When it stops working, all traffic disappears from the ND simultaneously. Basically the same effect as selecting the TFC switch ON/OFF on the EFIS control panel.

I will do some more testing tonight with Garry's debug version.




some of listed aircraft in Debug-TrafficPSX are visible in FSX
but no one in ND of PSX. Instructor page had been set to "External traffic".

The strange thing was that most of the listed aircraft I could not
find in FSX at the time they where displayed. However could identify
Standard traffic aircraft as well as UT2 aircraft in the list.


Garry Richards

Hi Gerd,

The debug FSX list includes aircraft that are too far above or below PSX to be displayed on the ND. Check the PSX manual for the ranges. They vary with the above/below switch position.





I understand this and the switch was in the middle. However on ND in PSX nothing
at all was displayed and in FSX I just saw a few.



Hi Garry & Hessel,

Gary you're right, I am using add-on Heathrow scenery but I when I re-installed Visual PSX, I ran a fresh RunwaysPsx.exe with the add-on airports option already ticked. The next thing I'll try is the manual offset when I get some time to look at it.

Quote from: Hessel OostenBeacon light switched on and off on the runway ?

See thread:


Hessel, I also tried the beacon on and off but that didn't work either. What I did find was, if I use the PSX re-position tool for example, position me at the holding point for runway 09L, If I pressed the same re-position button a few times, it would sometimes alternate between two different positions. A bit strange...

I'll keep pluggin away to see if I can solve these issues but I'm probably going to go for a fresh install of everything and carefully go through Visual PSX Manual to make sure I haven't missed anything.

Thanks for the help guys  ;)


Markus Vitzethum

Hi Garry,

a quick report from my side...

> TrafficPSX will show the numbers 1 to 7 in the lower section of the status page.
> After a while you should see up to 7 AI aircraft listed by call sign and relative position.

I tested VATSIM traffic with vPilot. Yes, I do see the online aircraft in the vicinity in numbers 1-7. So - works!

> Each listed aircraft should appear on PSX's ND at the same relative location.

Nope, this is not the case in my setup. I have TCAS active and set to ABOVE, traffic is externally controlled, but I do not see the FSX traffic in PSX (on the ND).

Hope this helps,


Still the same problems here : no time synchronization PSX - FSX, no position synchronization at PSX position change, stutters, no traffic within PSX ND with "Send FSX traffic to PSX" checked within traffic PSX. From what I can remember, I still have these problems from the first release of Visual PSX, all the updates didn't change anything for me, unfortunately.

I really do not understand what's wrong with my setup. I tried to run Visual PSX with a fresh installation of ALL my FSX computer (From Windows 7 to FSX) with no add-ons at all, tried to run PSX, Visual PSX, Traffic PSX and FSX on the same computer, and I always have the same problems  :'(  :'(

Garry Richards

Quote from: jlpilotif I use the PSX re-position tool for example, position me at the holding point for runway 09L, If I pressed the same re-position button a few times, it would sometimes alternate between two different positions. A bit strange...
Probably due to rounding errors in the position computations.

Quote from: jlpilotI'll keep pluggin away to see if I can solve these issues but I'm probably going to go for a fresh install of everything and carefully go through Visual PSX Manual to make sure I haven't missed anything.
Don't do that. You have simply misunderstood how the departure offset facility works.

If you use the instructor to position PSX at a gate or holding point the FSX position provided by VisualPSX will probably not match because FSX scenery positions are not very accurate.

To overcome this you should taxi PSX to the gate or holding point using the FSX scenery as your reference. Then save the situation for future use. Whenever you load that situation the FSX visuals will show that you are at the correct location.

PSX will not be exactly at its gate or holding point position and when you subsequently taxi onto the runway using the FSX position there will be a slight misalignment seen in the PSX windscreen and ND.

This may not matter to you for a visual takeoff using the FSX runway as your reference but if it does then simply set the departure runway before you start to taxi to the runway.

To do this, look at the status page of VisualPSX for guidance. Turn the beacon off then use the PSX instructor to position PSX at the runway take-off position. The FSX aircraft won't move, but, if you can see the PSX instruments or windscreen, you will see that it moves to the runway and then moves back. VisualPSX will show that it has set the offset for that runway. Now you can turn the beacon back on and start taxying.

When you turn onto the runway FSX and PSX will be aligned.

A clever solution, even if I do say so myself.  ;)

