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PSX, XView and X-Plane 10 with SkyMaxx Pro v2

Started by cagarini, Tue, 7 Oct 2014 09:52


For those of you using PSX and the XView plugin as a bridge to X-plane 10.30, stutters and freezes when cloudy skies are injected either by PSX or through X-Plane's own weather fetch are certainly a constant, can be a problem on low-end systems like mine.

This is not some effect introduced by XView itself, but a problem users with lower end machines have reported, when cloudy skies have to rendered in X-Plane 10.30 even standalone.

I have to say that using SkyMaxx v2 has brought my FPS from 12-15 to 50-60 !!! Makes a WHOLE LOT of a difference. But I should also point out that I miss some of the features ( namely the more stratified cloud types ) available when using X-plane's default clouds.

This is all with my older PC with a Nvidia Gtx 650 1GB graphics card!!!

P.S.: Please consider that my report refers to performance in a low end PC, which may significantly differ from machines with better specifications, as Mike has made clear in his post bellow. I also edited the first paragrah because indeed it suggested that this is a common situation no matter what hardware you're using - my fault!


Quote from: jcommFor those of you using PSX and the XView plugin as a bridge to X-plane 10.30, stutters and freezes when cloudy skies are injected either by PSX or through X-Plane's own weather fetch are certainly a constant.

I should like to make the following points clear to all who read the above:
- if you have adequate hardware to run X-Plane then there are no stutters and freezes
- system performance with clouds is entirely determined by X-Plane
- all XView does is set the weather menu items to values reflecting those in PSX: it does not draw clouds or process the weather in any way
- you would get identical performance if you set these parameters in X-Plane yourself
- much of XView's processing is done in threads outside the X-Plane simulation loop and therefore has little impact on frame-rate in a multi-processor machine.

I am glad that SkyMaxx improves the experience on your hardware, and it is good that folks have a choice for weather generation.  But please don't generalise and give the impression that everybody experiences stutters and freezes: it just isn't true.


While generalization was certainly not my point, I have to agree, now after reading it for the third time, that my initial post was indeed suggesting it was something affecting all systems, which is certainly not true, as Mike has made clear on his post. My fault :-/

Thanks for the points in your clarification Mike!


Just to add my particular experiences with XView and X-Plane 10.30.

Whilst I think this is a great combination to PSX, and I have flown literally dozens of flights using these, it is not without its issues at times.

I have what I believe to be "adequate hardware" (i7 4770; 16GB RAM, GTX 780Ti).  Take-offs and Landings are a wonderful experience with this combination.  Smooth and very immersive (especially at night).  I run all three apps on this single PC.

However, in the high altitude cruise, there are performance issues.  To say there are "no stutturs and freezes" is not my experience at all.  These occur frequently (I would say every 10 minutes).  Furthermore, I experience these both with and without SkyMaxx v2.

These look to me like either (a) delays while the next scenery file loads in X-Plane, or (b) attempts by PSX/XView and XPlane to "re-synchronise", as there are often what look like short but noticebale changes of heading on the X-Plane outside view, until it settles down again.  Nothing to spoil the overall experience, but present all the same.

This is not meant as a criticism of the XView/ X-Plane combo in any way.  These issues could be due to anything, as there are many variables at play.  I just thought it useful to share my experiences for any others interested in going dow this route.

Of course, if anyone has any suggestions to solve/ reduce these issues, they would be welcomed !  :D




thx for your post.

I have decided to switch ON XP10.30 for taxiing, taking off, and at the FAF, or just a bit before that. While in cruise I simply quit XP10.30.

This is not only because I do not find the need for the outside views while cruising, but also because my i5 2500 k get's really HOT sometimes when using XP10.30 and PSX at the same time, certainly a lot more because of XP10.30.

I have read at the AVSIM forums that stutters are apparently plaguing the current release of 10.30, so, maybe those get addressed for 10.35? 10.40?


Lots of stutters after takeoff into the clouds.

I heard deselecting the 'compressing textures' options may help with performance?

I'm flying CAVOK while cruising and that seems to help.


Apparently turning of 'Threaded Optimization in the Nvidia panel to 'off' has improved some of my stuttering (it has not completely eliminated it). I am not usign SkyMaxx Pro.


Quote from: MalcolmTHowever, in the high altitude cruise, there are performance issues.  To say there are "no stutturs and freezes" is not my experience at all.  These occur frequently (I would say every 10 minutes).  Furthermore, I experience these both with and without SkyMaxx v2.

These look to me like either (a) delays while the next scenery file loads in X-Plane, or (b) attempts by PSX/XView and XPlane to "re-synchronise", as there are often what look like short but noticebale changes of heading on the X-Plane outside view, until it settles down again.  Nothing to spoil the overall experience, but present all the same.

A crucial test would be to fly the same route with a stock plane from X-Plane without any PSX or XView.

There is no need for any additional synchronisation between PSX and X-Plane.  XView reads the aircraft position (lat lon and alt) and orientation from the Boost Server and immediately asks X-Plane to draw the view from this positon.

I suspect the issue is to do with flying out of one X-Plane tile into another and your option (a) seems right, ie scenery loading is going on.  The change in heading may be because X-Plane uses a cartesian grid, ie squares, which is overlaid on the Earth's spherical surface.  When you move from one tile to another the orientation of the tile may alter to follow the direction of true north.



For some reason using Real Terra Haze has eliminated my stuttering.

Does anyone have any clue how to disable the default 'gear up' 'gear down' sound for the PSX 747 plane in XP10?

I have removed the sounds directory, but for some reason the gears are still playing within XP10 and mixing in with PSX audio.



I believe you can do it under the Sounds Options in the XP10 menus.... Don't recall where exactly ...


Yes, I disabled the engine sounds and avionics in the past and that seemed to work, however I fly other aircraft with XP10 as well, and do not want to keep on fiddling with the audio settings.


Greg Hateley

Quote from: OmniAtlasFor some reason using Real Terra Haze has eliminated my stuttering.


Are you using SkyMaxx Pro V2 at all? As well?



Quote from: Greg Hateley
Quote from: OmniAtlasFor some reason using Real Terra Haze has eliminated my stuttering.


Are you using SkyMaxx Pro V2 at all? As well?


No. Still get a little bit of stuttering when there are rain clouds.


Well, I ended up buying SkyMaxx, clouds are awesomely beautiful and I have minimal stuttering on my Intel 2500k. So this software has saved me from building a new system!

Here is a short landing video I took. XP is awesome.

Greg Hateley

Very Nice!
Any chance I can call you and compare notes? I live in Perth.
Your system seems to be running rather very well with XP. The graphics look really good.
Or call me?.. my email is greg  at to send a pm.



Quote from: Greg HateleyVery Nice!
Any chance I can call you and compare notes? I live in Perth.
Your system seems to be running rather very well with XP. The graphics look really good.
Or call me?.. my email is greg  at to send a pm.


Hi Greg, I am still experimenting but it is best to keep DO_WEATHER to false in XVIEW. I find that when PSX injects weather into XP10, especially at the higher altitudes, this slows down and stutters the system.