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Started by xanix1, Sun, 5 Oct 2014 04:18


Hello everyone I want to install the XView in my PSX.I downloaded the files and all but I still don't understand where in x-plane I'm suppose to install them.i read the instructions but I gess I still don't understand into which folders in x-plane I should put them in and all an someone give me a hand please.😳
Thankyou in advance. 😀


What directory is your X-Plane.exe file in?
Are you using 64- or 32-bit X-Plane?


Hello mikeindevon,
My x-plane.exe resides in my D: drive partition on my win 7 64bit so I'm also using x-plane 64bit as well.
Thankyou for your reply.


I assume then that your X-Plane directory is


If this is correct then you need to rename XView64.xpl to win.xpl and put it in the directory:


that is



Alternatively, and if you keep using X-Plane standalone, it can also be a good choice to drop the plugin only on the PSX Plane folder ( the 744 customized for XView ):

D:\\X-Plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\PSX Plane\\plugins\\XView\\64\\

instead of at the global plugins folder.

This way XView will only become active when you load that airplane in X-Plane.


Hello everyone and Thankyou for your answers.But this is where I get confused I don't have a directory in my x-plane D:\\x-plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\PSX Plane\\plugins\\XView\\64\\
I only have D:\\X-Plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\
and this is where my planes reside so how or where do I get the rest of this directory
\\PSX Plane\\plugins\\XView\\64\\
I just don't have that there. :(
Thankyou all in advance for your help please.



when you unzip/unpack the XView distribution you can find a folder named

"PSX Plane".

Drag this folder into your "D:\\X-Plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\" folder, and inside of it look for the "plugins" subfolder and create there the "XView\\64\\" subfolder.

Place inside of this last folder the win.xpl you renamed from "XView64.xpl"

Make sure you also copy the "XView.cfg" file that comes in the XView distribution into your X-Plane 10 root, in your case - "D:\\X-Plane 10\\"


Thankyou jcomm I will try I'm just not that computer technical.Also I don't want to make any sudden changes to my x-plane 10 because I have other plane addons as well i im think I might stuff things up.😳
Thankyou for your help.


I still need help in installing the XView program can someone please give me a hand in how to install it.I have all the files except I don't know how to put it in x-plane 10 64bit.To my understanding you suppose to create a new sub directory in x-plane to put one of the files in there but I just don't know how to go about in doing this it's quite confusing because x-plane doesn't have this sub directory and I don't want to stuff up my x-plane files and start from scratch installing all over.So if someone can give me a step by step and pictures help greatly.
Thankyou in advance for any help  :(


In steps:

0) Downloading XView:

When you browse the FTP directory where XView is hosted you will find ( as of the present date, and this may change as further releases are made available! ) a folder with:

- Release 1.1 ( folder )
- a "docx" document with release notes
- the original XView Guide - a PDF
- XView.cfg ( this is not the one we will use for version 1.1 !!! )
- XView32.xpl ( this is not the one we will use for version 1.1 !!! )
- XView64.xpl ( this is not the one we will use for version 1.1 !!! )

1) Download "PSX" and unzip it. You will obtain a folder named "PSX Plane".

2) Enter the "Release 1.1" folder of the FTP directory and from there get the two following files:

- XView.cfg
- XView64.xpl

You can now close your FTP session and proceed to XView install :-)

3) Unzip the "PSX" file. You will get a folder named "PSX Plane".

- Open this folder and then the subfolder "plugins"

- inside of the "plugins" folder of the "PSX Plane" folder, create a new folder named "XView", and then, inside that one, a folder named "64".

Now you have "PSX Plane\\plugins\\XView\\64\\"

- Make a copy of the "XView64.xpl" file downloaded on Step 2) above and then name it "win.xpl".  Place this file in the folder you created above - "PSX Plane\\plugins\\XView\\64\\"

- Ok, now, pick the "PSX Plane" folder and copy or move it into your Heavy Metal subfolder of the X-plane 10 Aircraft folder, in your case "D:\\X-Plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\". You will now have

"D:\\X-Plane 10\\Aircraft\\Heavy Metal\\PSX Plane"

note: This has the advantage of activating XView *only* when the "PSX Plane" 744 is loaded, so, it will not "affect" your other aircraft add-ons.

4) Copy the "XView.cfg" file you downloaded on Step 2) above into the root folder of X-Plane 10, in your case ""D:\\X-Plane 10\\"

That's all!!! Now, start PSX and make sure you start the Main Server and the Boost Server. Choose a situation and a layout that will allow you to see both the PSX and the X-Plane 10 windows in your PC display setup. Start X-Plane 10, choose the "PSX X-Plane" aircraft from the Heavy Metal, and wait until you have X-Plane alive and showing the outside World :-)

NOTE: The "Eighty Knots" Syndrome....

Your co-pilot, in my case a sexy gal, will sometimes start saying "eighty Knots"... "eighty knots".... as the aircraft smashes into the ground before the X-plane 10 and PSX ground heights synchronize :-) - if this happens, keep Loading the same situation until the aircarft is stable in X-Plane 10 and not falling from the sky....


Thankyou so much jcomm I will do my best to follow your instructions and let you know how I go. My apology I'm just not that computer techinical old age I gess. :)


Hello Jcomm, I did it Hurrah  :D  finally Thankyou so much jcomm and everyone who helped me.Now I just have to figure out the proper layout and then because I'm running it on just one computer how or where to put the PSX screen and where to put the x-plane screen so far I have both screens overlapped.😃


I could send you the layout I am using, but it isn't perfect... far from that...

I am running in 1920x1080, and X-Plane10's window can't be made to occupy less than about 2/3 of the screen in height :-( so, both windows overlap.

I just have the first layout reduced to share the screen with X-Plane10, the other layouts using PSX full screen.

I just start X-Plane10 for taxi, takeoff and landing. The rest of the flight I shutoff XP10 and use only PSX. And if landing in good weather / visibility, or not having to circle to land, I also only switch XP on to taxi to the gate after landing.

Glad you made it !


Thanks jcomm,Iam actuly using the same resolution as you are on a 17 inch laptop but I think I can somehow use my other monitor to somehow run the x-plane scenery on there and the PSX on the laptop.if I can do that than the default 9 layout would be sufficient because the laptop is quite powerful it has I7 in it with 3 gig nvidia geforce and the whole system ram is 8 gig.
Cheers jcomm.