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VisualPSX and the PMDG aircraft "model" ? For Garry

Started by pbenoit, Thu, 21 Aug 2014 18:07


Hi Garry,

VisualPSX is working really well for me, THANKS!!!!!   I have found a couple of FSX repaints, not much really on AVSIM ... mostly for PMDG.  If I read your doc (nicely done, BTW) correctly, VisualPSX will work with the MSFS standard" model?  I take that to mean nor PMDG's model.  So I can't use any PMDG 744 aircraft?????

I did search the forum before asking!!!!! and I even read the manual!!!!!  :D

I don't have the PMDG 744x but would consider buying it for all the aircraft repaints, if VisualPSX supports it now or maybe in the future.  I don't understand the complexity obviously in using one Model vs another.

thanks and

Paul Benoit


I did not yet really consider using either FSx or XPlane for the visuals, but if I do, I will certainly try to find the simplest aircraft model I can, far from the complex models used by PMDG, which are great, but since I will be running FSx or XPlane on the same PC I use for PSX, I want the burden from the scenery generator to be the less possible.

Even the default 744 in XPlane is too sophisticated, with interior cabin graphics that go to the details of the toillets ( with Austin sitting inside one of them!!!! ).

I even thought about using fs9 instead,but I'm not sure if it'll be compatible with VisualPSX ?


Project Opensky, (now defunct) made many 747-400s of all different types and liveries available as freeware. They are still available here. The models may be easier than PMDG on frame rates, and are FS9 compatible.

John Golin

Quote from: jcommI even thought about using fs9 instead,but I'm not sure if it'll be compatible with VisualPSX ?

VisualPSX is FSX / Prepar3d only...

John Golin.


Google these two bundles of aircraft paints:

They seem to sit a bit too low at times on their gear, but apart from that work fine.

The other volumes are for non -400's, there are 8 to the set.

Garry Richards

Hi Paul,

The manual shows what FSX aircraft you can use, not which ones you can't. VisualPSX and TrafficPSX communicate with the FSX aircraft using standard SimConnect functions. If an addon aircraft uses non-standard methods for some functions then they may not work as expected with my software.




I was using an airbus model with P3D, downloading the posky 747 models now :)

I assume you all have turned down the volume of most of the sounds internally through P3D/FSX?

Does PSX simulate wheel ground sounds?




Quote from: stekellerProject Opensky, (now defunct) made many 747-400s of all different types and liveries available as freeware. They are still available here. The models may be easier than PMDG on frame rates, and are FS9 compatible.

It seems the FSX packages are offline :-\\ Does anyone have any alternative downloads? Cheers.


simply drop in p3d simobjects and your away


I am about to download a freeware (actually donation ware) replacement VC cockpit for the default FSX 747-400 created by Alejandro Rojas Lucena, available from

The download link is:

I was unaware of this VC replacement until recently, as I never had occasion to load the default B744 before the advent of VisualPSX, but Alejandro's creation appears to be well-respected in the FS freeware community as an upgrade to the default VC, which frankly, looks rather horrid! :x

In addition to having a much more accurate and visually pleasing look, apparently almost all of the cockpit switches are functional, including a working battery and avionics master switch, which should insure that the aircraft's radios will work properly when linked to a VATSIM client under the control of TrafficPSX.

I won't know for sure until I actually try the upgrade, but I would think that it SHOULD work with VisualPSX - offering an improved user experience, while not presenting the kind of heavy load on FSX, as might result from trying to link VisualPSX to a full-featured add-on like the PMDG 747.


Hi Ray,
Thanks so much for the links to the files.  I spent an hour or so trying out 10 different sites.  All had some mandatory scheme, pay this, download this downloader, give me your facebook info, ( CRIKEY) register, sign up for this that or the other thing.  Last time I tried something lkie any of those things, I was in virus and malware hell .... the more they say "protected by MacAfee or Norton, the more quickly "X" out.

I'll continue at AVSIM searching their file library.

Appreciate the info though!!!!!  Have a good evening.

Paul Benoit



Ray, Fast Download, No Crapola indeed!!!!!!

A treasure trove!!!!!    Thanks so very much for your help!!!

Paul Benoit



Thanks for your answer.  The doc says:  "VisualPSX animates some aspects of the FSX standard 747 aircraft. Some items have had to be simplified due to limitations of the standard FSX aircraft. Partial failures are not simulated."

You say "the manual says what aircraft you can use, not which ones you can't."  All I saw in the doc was the quote in the first paragraph above.  I looked carefully, but may have missed something specific.  What I was asking is what is a "FSX Standard Aircraft"?  I know the Microsoft supplied model works, as do the repaints.  Are PMDG and POSKY "FSX Standard Aircraft"?

Specifically, to the best of your knowledge and experience, do you know if the PMDG 744x a and POSKY ircraft work with VisualPSX?  If you don't know if the POSKY and/or PMDG aircraft work with VisualPSX, cool, I can choose to spend a few bucks and try PMDG, or download a raft of POSKY aircraft, or not.  I can also continue to search the AVSIM file library.

Thanks very much for your responses!!!!!  And, again thanks for VisualPSX, it too, just as PSX itself, is a masterpiece!!!!!

Paul Benoit


Quote from: dts

simply drop in p3d simobjects and your away

Thank you DTS. This is working fine. I will try and find some qantas liveries :)

If one uses TOPCAT to update fuel and zero fuel quantities is this reflected on PSX?




Quote from: pbenoitGarry,

Thanks for your answer.  The doc says:  "VisualPSX animates some aspects of the FSX standard 747 aircraft. Some items have had to be simplified due to limitations of the standard FSX aircraft. Partial failures are not simulated."

You say "the manual says what aircraft you can use, not which ones you can't."  All I saw in the doc was the quote in the first paragraph above.  I looked carefully, but may have missed something specific.  What I was asking is what is a "FSX Standard Aircraft"?  I know the Microsoft supplied model works, as do the repaints.  Are PMDG and POSKY "FSX Standard Aircraft"?

Specifically, to the best of your knowledge and experience, do you know if the PMDG 744x a and POSKY ircraft work with VisualPSX?  If you don't know if the POSKY and/or PMDG aircraft work with VisualPSX, cool, I can choose to spend a few bucks and try PMDG, or download a raft of POSKY aircraft, or not.  I can also continue to search the AVSIM file library.

Thanks very much for your responses!!!!!  And, again thanks for VisualPSX, it too, just as PSX itself, is a masterpiece!!!!!

Paul Benoit

I just tried a Posky-based aircraft, downloaded from simaviation, with the enhanced VC mentioned in my earlier post in this thread.

The VC really does not look all that different from the default, though it does have more functioning switches, including functioning battery and avionics master switches, which is a definite plus when using TrafficPSX.

The Posky model performance was not good however. It was a KLM model, coverted for FSX, and visually it looked fabulous in external views, compared to repaints based on the default FSX 747. But... when taxied, under PSX control, it stuttered badly, and as soon as the aircraft started moving, an enormous cloud of white smoke began billowing out from under the area of the nose gear - almost as if the nosewheels were locked, and the tires were being scrubbed away.

Control surface animations worked OK, but the external aircraft lights had problems. Turning on the beacons caused the wingtip strobe lights to flash, and the strobe light switch did nothing. Landing lights did not work. Turning on any landing light switch only illuminated the taxi light.

Perhaps other POSKY-based models will work well, but this particular one did not.

With the default 747, controlled by VisualPSX, all external lights do work properly, and the default aircraft has almost no stuttering while being taxied - just a small amount when making sharp turns.

I do own the PMDG 747-400, and will try it with VisualPSX, but I'm almost certain that it will not work properly when being externally driven. Plus, with all the custom systems code in the PMDG aircraft, I can't help but think that it would hog a lot of FSX resources that might interfere with smooth functioning of the combined PSX/FSX system.

It would be a shame though, if the PMDG aircraft is not compatible, as the external visual model is of high quality, and there are tons of repaints available for it.

Pierre Theillere

Hi guys!

For PSx external visuals by Prepar3D v1.4 (maybe it works for 2.3), I use the freeware iFly 747, as Prepr3D doesn't feature any Boeing 747. It's running fine: only thing is some external lights aren't "individualized". Apart that, when using fullscreen view from the flight deck (without any panel) it's very good for a flying camera, and get an accurate viewpoint height.
Pierre, LFPG

Garry Richards

Hi Paul,

You're quite right, I didn't explain the FSX aircraft requirements as clearly as I imagined I had.

By "standard" I meant those aircraft that were part of the original FSX package. VisualPSX was developed using only the original FSX 747 aircraft that came with FSX. That was a deliberate choice because all FSX users would have that aircraft.

VisualPSX and TrafficPSX use only the features that exist in that aircraft and that can be accessed programmatically through SimConnect. For instance I can't create partial landing light failures, but I was able to simulate runway turnoff lights by panning the landing light beams left or right.

I have no knowledge of how well any addon aircraft would work with either VisualPSX or TrafficPSX. If any other developer should program an interface to use another aircraft I would consider providing options to switch off particular animations provided by VisualPSX.



Michael Benson


Thanks very much for the upgrade, connecting to a remote session works seamlessly now.  Unfortunately it also means that I can't blame a scenery mismatch for my slightly right of centre line landings!

Garry Richards

Quote from: JRBarrettIn addition to having a much more accurate and visually pleasing look, apparently almost all of the cockpit switches are functional, including a working battery and avionics master switch, which should insure that the aircraft's radios will work properly when linked to a VATSIM client under the control of TrafficPSX.
Hi Jim,

I don't understand why there should be a problem with the standard/default/original FSX 747. TrafficPSX was developed and tested online with VATSIM using that aircraft. Nothing should need to be turned on as everything is controlled by PSX or forced on by TrafficPSX.

I haven't tested this recently myself but I think others have it working properly with both FSX and P3D.

A puzzle.

