
Precision Simulator update 10.181 (1 February 2025) is now available.
Navburo update 13 (23 November 2022) is now available.
NG FMC and More is released.

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Started by gavinprice02, Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:01


Hi all.

I'm slightly confused as to how the external views are created with PSX. I understand that you can run the sim using XPlane or FSX/P3d as the external visuals but what happens if you dont use these, does psx have it's own virtual external world? If so can I find any screenshots or videos of it.

BTW from the screens and videos I've seen already, it looks fantastic!




Hello Gavin,

PSX has a limited outside view. It doesn't contain a lot of details but allows you to acquire sufficient visual references to land the aircraft.

An example of EHAM here:


Edit: lots of screenshots can be found in following topic

John H Watson

External views are greatly simplified, Gavin. There are no mountains, oceans, roads, terminal buildings, etc. Runways and their approaches are depicted with generic light patterns. Gate positions are marked with single lights. To get an idea of the landscape around you, you need to refer to the 747-400's EGPWS Terrain contour maps on the Navigation Displays (NDs)

There are varying densities of cloud layers, but no specific cloud shapes.

Having said this, PSX provides a very artistic representation of the outside world, with its coloured sunsets/sunrises, rain streaks, lightning, volcanic ash effects, etc. It's very easy to get into the mood of flying :-)


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Also, although you probably know this, it is important to realize that big jets are rarely flown with visual references, except for takeoff and manual landing. So the runway environment is what you need, and PSX provides this, with all approach lights, runway lights, and visual landing aids that are required by the regulations. But PSX provides little more of the ground.

There are two direct consequences of this.

1. You won't have things to gaze at while cruising.
2. You have trouble taxiing.

You can solve 1. by reading manuals in flight  :-)  but for 2. you must either have a moving map (I believe somebody will come up with a link into JeppView or other EFB programs very soon) or one of the aforementioned scenery generators.

Google Earth is another good option for 1.



Thank you all very much for your replys.

From what I've seen from the demo video I think the outside visuals look fairly decent.
I will definitely be picking this up when I upgrade my FS computer so that I can have two computers and multiple monitors for PSX.



Count on two things for the outside visuals: the horizon, and runways. PSX does a good job modeling both of these, and the artistry that goes into things like the horizon based on time of day is really quite impressive. But that's basically all PSX does: horizons and runways.

If you want to see mountains and oceans while flying, there are add-ons that do that well.

The PSX philosophy is to be an excellent airplane simulator. Other products do a better job at being world simulators. PSX doesn't intend to be a world simulator.
Will /Chicago /USA