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X Plane or MS FSX scenery ???

Started by Horst, Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:59


It is time to ask you, which scenery is better to use with the aerowinx sim.?

I used before the FS X from Microsoft and was happy (terrain and clouds).  But the MS FSX is not up to date.

The X Plane sim. has better night optic effects (they said) and is up to date!

It looks, the x plane sim. is better, but is it true?

Please, tell me your opinion.

Thank you.

Tércio Sampaio


x-plane runs much more fluid, without stutters, and you can get many photo real sceneries for free here:
Also the default scenery without add-ons) are more rich in the x-plane

I have them running in the same pc (psx + xplane) without any problem at +60 fps




Thank you.

Can you explain to me  the installation steps?

First I have to install XView ?              Anything else?

My pc is very high performanced, so I will use also one maschine (psx + xplane).


Tércio Sampaio

Hi Horst,

first install the psx, then x-plane and later the xview provided plane with the plugin inside.

Run psx, choose your situation then press p to pause.
run x-plane and load the "psx plane", from xview. the place don't matter. After that, wait in x-plane until the the scenery is loaded and syncronized with the psx.

After all the sunc and scenery loaded, unpause the psx (with p key again) and enjoy the flight.

If you want try to find me in skype (Tércio Sampaio, Portugal) i show through shared desktop.




Hi Tércio,

thank you for your help.




A sincere Thank You for this step by step proc - these are much appreciated!

The same - of course - goes to Michael as well who has built the xView Add on!

You guys are top top notch!  :)  

Charles near LFSB (Basel Mulhouse).
Charles from Basel, Switzerland


new problem:

When I changed the PSX windows with Num Lock 2 and 3, also the sreen window in x-plane changed in a new position.

Playing the  other Num Locks 1, 4-9 in PSX, nothing happens with the outside look in x-plane.

need help


Hi Horst,

This was implemented to enable the pilot to look out of the side window if he/she wanted to for taxiing etc. The idea was that the user then set the first three PSX layouts identical. This was done as there is currently no way for an add-on to access button clicks etc on usb devices connected to PSX. It is explained more in the XView User Guide, Chapter 7.

However, you can turn this feature off. Go into the XView settings window in X-Plane and uncheck the button "side views".

I hope you are enjoying PSX and XView.



Hi Mike
thank you. Dit you know what I have to du to reset the view settings (because I deleted same view modulations).


... do you mean the PSX layouts?


Quote from: mikeindevon... do you mean the PSX layouts?

I mean the outside views of x-plane. I want to reset the views I delite before ...

News: I googeld and found the answer:

"To delete X-Plane's preferences:

1. Open the X-Plane 9 installation directory in My Computer, the Mac Finder, etc.

2. Go to the Output folder, then open the Preferences folder.

3. Delete the files within this folder (not the folder itself) to reset X-Plane's preferences. "

Thanks again
cheers Horst


Hello fellow 744 captains,
I am a Veteran from the days PS1.2 ran on my 80486 machine and after some years (and some dissatisfaction) with other sims I just received my copy of PSX. I have both FSX and XPlane 10 (64 bit) on two different HDs on my machine (ASUS P7P55D, 8 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 570 graphics, dual monitors, Win7 64 bit OS). I tend to use XPlane rather than FSX to provide an outside scenery view. Given the fact that there are two HDs -- should I install PSX on the same one as the sim providing scenery, or -- as I do suspect -- might it be beneficial to have it on the other one?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Always happy landings

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

It does not matter any bit, really. PSX is not heavy on disk once it has been started, it touches a file here and there once in a while but "most used partition on least used spindle" etc. is not applicable.

Moreover you can stupidly copy the complete Aerowinx branch elsewhere and run it again. It just works.

In general -- the FSX/X-Plane requirements rule. Do whatever it takes to keep these monsters happy. Then, install PSX where it is convenient and forget about it. PSX will behave.


Hardy Heinlin

I'd like to disagree here. PSX may access the hard disk (or hard disk cache) every few seconds, depending on how fast you fly. Several files are read, one after each other (not simultaneously):

The read actions are very short. But if the disk is busy with other things, the read actions will take more time.


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Compared to what disks can do, a short read action every few seconds really is negligible. There's even a good chance that the aggressive disk caching of today will pick it all up.

What PSX does is honestly so little that it will not matter much where you put it, though of course a completely overloaded disk will not help.



Thanks Hardy and Jeroen, that confirms my initial suspicion ... will have PSX on one HD and X-Plane on the other.
One more thing: In FSX.ini I used an affinity mask command to make sure that the workload was properly distributed among the 4 processor cores (# 1 was running the sim, # 2 was running the scenery, # 3 took care of the rest of the machine and # 0 was in overall command). Was suggested in several forums and was very helpful when running PMDG planes (i.e. the only ones which came anywhere near...  ;) ). Any need for any such thing with PSX, especially when running X-Plane for scenery?

Many thanks in advance


AffinityMask=240 or AffinityMask=252 work equally well here on my i7, the key is to leave the system / psx / etc to do their own thing and keep the scenery generator away from them.
